Thank you for restating that PJ. [:)]

Refuse, I, and almost everyone else proposed limiting the PB, not removing them. It's too hard for the new player to make money as it is, and the PB provide a fine service to them. We have all hashed this out before, but I will restate the issue one more time...

The unlimited funds from the PB, make the economy unworkable. We need some form of consumption to offset the unlimited wealth entering the ecomony through the PB.

Perhaps item decay won't every be implemented, but SOME form of consumption needs to be implemented to encourage player to player interaction, and make crafting and adventuring mean something. And since we really can't get the big events like before, then other things need to be tried.

Many of the complainers have actually left the game and no longer play, because of no economy, because of no reason to craft, because nothing to do but get one more level in something or other.

I fully believe that those in favor of change, want those problems reversed, and are willing to work with what TG does, in the hopes of seeing things improve. I mean, we are still playing no?