Hello, i just returned to this game after hearing good things about the progress of it, took awhile to get the settings right for the patcher etc, to make sure it wasnt an error on my end, anyways, i dont get any text in game, well very little the options menu doesnt have any listings just bars to adjust what i assume would be shadow etc, i dont have any chat text, or NPC text, in other words i cant play the game because thers no text!!!, i have installed and updated net framework 1.1, updated all drivers to see if that was the problem, and checked for the usual spyware etc, and still no text also did full scan, and still same result, i filled out a ticket with support and they are currently working on it, but i am hoping that someone here can help because i am paying and not playing, i also played this game last year before the change of owners, and i never had a problem with text only no mobs lol, i think id rather have text than mobs lol, anyone who knows what i should do please reply asap. good gaming all. peace