Found a lil insight on a way to reduce some lag with Pekka's Map Pack... It seems when Pekka made some of the maps they was saved and done in *.jpg format. If you convert these jpegs to *.png .. and change the Map_*_terrain.defs to load the pngs rather then the jpegs .. this will reduce alot of lag with the map. How ever after converting everything over etc.. I did manage to conduct a lil test with this info .. Lag does still exsists when you select Istaria. I believe thi is due to the amount of markers on the map. If you was to consolidate down some of the markers .. this would also probably reduce a good amount of lag.

Above method can also be used if you rather use the defualt map TG gives rather then the custom in Pekka Pack =)

I would make my changes avialable for thos that wish to use what i already changed .. But atm i dont have an installer rdy or a place to host the files.

Hope this helps the many that still use the Map Pack.. All credits to Pekka and team that created it =) G/j all =)