Hello, please let me start by saying there is no malice toward anyone intended by this post or the chat rooms mentioned and the purposes for these chat rooms.

Myself and others have been discussing many "problems" with Horizons (specifically on the Chaos shard in our case). An interesting thing about some of these problems is that they are brought on by the players themselves and not so much the game.

To address two types of issues, two new chat rooms have been created which we hope will be used by the populace of the Chaos shard.

"The New Economy"
This chat room is intended to break through an interesting phenomonon happening on the Chaos shard. When I joined the game initially, there were many guilds and their were many characters in these guilds. However, there were also *many* characters not in any guild. It was hard to distinguish if this was because many were never asked to be in a guild or if many did not want to be in a guild. I suspect (as is typical) it was a combination of both. As the populace of the Chaos shard has dwindled, so too has the desire to see characters/players leave the game and to have it dwindle faster. Many have decided to combat this you have to give characters a sense of community through guild membership. However, what I have seen is happening now is that guild allegiance outweighs overall game/community/economy health. If you are within a guild you know that there is a thriving bartering/trading/freebie/working together attitude toward obtaining crafted items or even distributing dropped loot. However, this has seemingly destroyed the economy of the game in terms of the consigners and the ability for those not in a guild to function. Of course people get around this by trading/bartering along friendship lines accross guild borders, but this is not structure to assist all (such as newer characters or simply someone looking for a basic non-teched T2 spell of some sort). Thus the new chat room "The New Economy" has been opened and the hope is that people who are interested in crafting or helping crafters by muling, hunting for comps/forms/techs, or whatever will hang out in this chat room so that they can work together to attempt to maintain a reasonable level of basic goods to super teched goods (if they wish) on all consigners (not just in New Brommel for the very new). A simple trip through the lands and browsing of the consigners everywhere (or seaching online) will always show, these days, how hard it is to find the most basic items one would expect to find. We are hopeful that crafters and those interested in helping crafters can revive the economy of this game by working together regardless of guild boundaries or what some could consider power/loot hording guild policies.

"Goon Squad"
This chat room is setup for these reasons:
1) To allow people to have a place to get community support when they believe they are being harrassed, having their nodes stolen, having their kills stolen, being effectively stalked by one or more other characters, etc.
2) To allow people to gather who are willing to go out to the site of a reported incident to provide for more effective logging/witnessing of such incidents and to provide support in numbers to the down trodden victim.

These chat rooms will only succeed if those who wish to support them, use them. Creating them alone is not enough. Please lend your support, for the good of the game and the characters in the game.