But here is the tale of why I didn't.

I tested the game a lot in beta - enjoying some aspects and disliking others. I heard about the 14 days trial recently and decided to try it again. Now, when you go to the download page, you are offered 2 options - a 1 GB file (0.98 to be exact) or a 34MB fast installer option. I naturally assumed that the "fast" option would indeed be fast. After 12 hours the patcher had gone to 50% and this is on a 4MB adsl line, so I decided to stop it.
I cant see the point in starting a trial when you cant even get the bloddy game up and running in a resonable time. If the trial is supposed to attract more customers (I would expect this is the goal - but thats an assumption on my part), I would have thought it wise to make a patched downloadable single file - perhaps via bittorrent.

To the community I would just like to say, I really do hope the game have improved - but I think I will give it a miss when its not possible to even streamline the install process for new potential customers.
