After patch i was checking if the quest was fixed, to my surprise it was and so i went to the kion camp to get the quest finally.

Tirral the scout was asking me to gather 50 funugs, well I'm a dragon.. so i tryed to gather the fungus with igunety skill,... doesnt worked, tryed all other dragon skills, doesnt worked.

Then i called a friend to gather for me 50 fungus. She gathered it for me and gave them to me, the bad was the quest had a counter (0/50) who doesnt updatet after the trade and so i cant finish the quest as a dragon. My biped friend has no problems with finishing the quest.

My question iswhy are dragons allowed to get thequest when they aren't able to finish the quest. It's sad for me because i love quests and its nasty when you cant finish a quest.. :(