The Ancient model was slightly reduced in size (15%) to aid with visibility and selection issues. It is still noticably larger than an Adult. You have to realize Azure was comparing himself, who is set to the smallest size possible, to an NPC Adult, which are set to the largest size possible.
Ok, here is my problem with that. First off, my dragon is at the larget possible. When I compare my self to an adult. The ONLY realy noticeable diffrence is the neck. If I stand side-by-side with an adult, there IS a somewhat noticeable change.

However! If I stand by my self, not near any other adult, I STILL look like an adult in comparison to Size!

This issue never came into my mind with the old models. In all honesty, I DONT CARE about theselection issue. An ancient dragon should tower, TOWER, over adults. They should see the noticable size diffrence, not a some what neglagable one.

And for the peds out there who will compain about the selection, or visablityissue, I say DEAL WITH IT! If you dont like the selection issue, then dont go near an Ancient dragon.