This post is going to be rather long, as a warning.

First, my perspective: I started playing this game quite a while ago. The oldest character on my account was created over 600 days ago. Shortly after that, I quit the game. I quit because the game was bug ridden and incomplete, and it basically sucked. When I quit, I told myself, "Self, you should come back in a year or two and see if it's better." So here it is, a year or two later, and I'm back seeing what it is like.

What I'm seeing: There is some good and some bad. The game still seems largely incomplete, bug ridden and laggy though. For nearly two years to change the game, it is pretty disappointing. When I go exploring, I can still walk for an hour and not see anything besides trees and grass, or volcanes and rocks, or ice and mountians. When I try to do quests, I still encounter bugs I'd expect to see in a beta test, not in a completed game. When I approach a town, I still lag despite it being completely empty, and despite having a superior computer than I did two years ago.

But my biggest dissappointment, I have to say, is dragons. This is the area I knew Tulga had been working on. This is the area I expected to be impressed with. Perhaps that is why I was so disappointed. I had heard they finally 'completed' dragons.

So, what are dragons?

Well, apparently they are a biped that can't multiclass, with far more quest content for that class than any other individual class. And they get bigger and fly. Whoopty F*in doo. Don't get me wrong, quest content is good, getting bigger and flying is good. But it hardly make them special. Take all the quests that bipeds can do and a dragon can't, from various classes and crafts, and I doubt the quests will even be even, bipeds still have more quest content. Get bigger? Yay, I get a new graphic for my character, if I were a biped, I could change my character graphics by buying a new set of clothes, and skip the whole quest line. Flying? Well, this is something unique to dragons in this game, but it being so doesn't really make sense. You have a class that "Only touches the ground at birth and death" (dryads) but can't fly. This makes no sense what so ever. It is still cool that dragons fly, but it isn't worth giving up everything that dragons give up, all the content for multiclassing, all the power lost from not being able to multiclass, just to fly.

So far, this has been more of a rant than a suggestion. I did put it in the suggestion forums for a reason, however.

So, what do I actually think dragons should be?


As originally stated by the game makers way back when, dragons should be the long, hard route to the most powerful class in the game. So, to that end, I present the following idea. (Also, I feel that dragons should offer something unique and different from biped play. I believe they were complete seperated from biped advancement for this reason, but failed to meet that goal.)

Dragon Hatchlingsare the weakest class in the game. They gain the following per level:

5 in all stats
5 points in all skills
6 Training Points
Current gain in abilities/spells/quests
Will not gain the following: Tooth and Claw training or master, Primal trianing or mastery, Healing mastery quests.

Remove Gold Rage.
Change Galewind to be a duplicate power of Silver Strike, however, Silver Strike will gain it's power from T&C and Stength, and be melee, and Galewind will gain it's power from Primal and Power, and be ranged.

Remove 2 of the 'breeze' spells. Replace it with Breeze and Improved Breeze.

Remove 3 of the AoEs. Leave the low damage fast cast fast timer one in. Make a 'Improved' version. Make it a 'Repeater'.

Hatchlings are slow and hard simply because they lack the skill gain of anormal character, they are vastly underpowered for there level.

At level 50, a hatchling will have reached the point they can complete the Adult RoP. Level 50 will be the requirement for becoming an adult. They may continue to level as a hatchling, however it will be at double the experience cost. When a hatchling becomes an adult, it will gain all previous benifits it would have gained from achieving adulthood at 50.

So, on to adults:

If the Lunus RoP is done, the Hatchling will lose all levels of Hatchling and gain an equal number of levels in the Thrasher class. Thrashers gain levels at double the experience cost of normal biped classes. All Training Points spent are removed and Thrashers and given unspent Training Points at Thrasher gain rate for current level.

Thrasher gains per levels:

11 Strength
10 Dexterity
11 Tooth and Claw
10 Dragons Breath
Equal to Warrior in Health and Armor
5 Primal
5 Power
5 Focus
5 Magic Evasion
12 Training points

Thrashers gain access to Gold Rage quests.
Thrashers gain access to Tooth and Claw quests.
Thrashers lose Galewind.

Thrashers gain Ability: Fearful Presence- PBAoE debuff, all creatures in melee range lose XX Armor and XX Evasion

Alternately, if a Hatchling does the Helian RoP, the Hatchling loses all levels of Hatchling and becomes a equal level Primalist. This is the same as Thrasher except gain per level changed to:

11 Power
10 Focus
11 Primal
10 Dragons Breath
10 Magic Evasion
Equal to Warrior in Health and Armor
5 Strength
5 Dexterity
5 Tooth and Claw
5 Evasion
12 Training Points

Gain Access to Primal/Power based ranged duplicate of Gold Rage.
Gain access to Primal quests.
Primalists lose ability Silver Strike.

Primalists gain Ability: Primalist- Targeted AoE debuff which lowers Magic Evasion and resistance to primal damage.

Anyway, I have more, dealing with Ancients, but I have to go. Essentially, Thrashers could Multiclass to Ancient Thrasher with Level 100 as a requirement. Ancient Thrashers would have Primalist gains in Power, Primal, etc, and gain 20 and 21 for the Thrasher skills and attributes. Would also gain 16 training points per level. Would have 8 times the experience cost of a normal biped class. Ok, gotta go.