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Thread: Text Commands?

  1. #1

    Default Text Commands?

    This there a text command for looting a corspe?(want to use in a macro key!)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Text Commands?

    No there isn't, for the simple reason of preventing afk macroers and ninja looters.
    Imayo, Preceptor of Obsidian Order on Order

  3. #3

    Default Re: Text Commands?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob19700
    This there a text command for looting a corspe?(want to use in a macro key!)
    There is a command now. Simply set "/loot" into the hotkey-bar.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Text Commands?

    Yeah a year after the question was asked there is. I use it all the time on my dragons now. I just wish I could figure out how to do a keybinding for it.
    Imayo, Preceptor of Obsidian Order on Order

  5. #5

    Default Re: Text Commands?

    You can add /loot to the hotkey bar by right clicking the hotkey, selecting "edit hotkey", selecting "text command" from the list of actions, typing /loot into the box to the right of the actions list, then adding the command to the list for that key. give it an icon and a tooltip if you want, then save.

    /loot only grabs coin though, there is no way to macro in"take all"

  6. #6

    Default Re: Text Commands?

    Oh I know it can be put on a hotkey button, but I wanted to do a keybinding for it (if I ever figure out how), so I can program my one of my gaming keyboard keys to act as a loot button.

    Even though it only automatically takes coins, it dies open up the loot window which is what I want.
    Imayo, Preceptor of Obsidian Order on Order

  7. #7

    Default Re: Text Commands?

    The def file you want to edit then is resources\BindableActions.def (put it in the resources_override folder when done)

    You can create a whole new subgroup if you want, or add it to an existing one...

    Example for /loot within it's own subgroup, whichwill be bound to Control+L by default

    Search the file for '//interface', and paste this block above it...

    //additional stuff
    string groupName = "My Custom Keybindings"
    TBindableAction list actions =
    string name = "Loot"
    string keyDownCommand = "/loot"
    bool defaultExist = true
    TBindableActionDefaults list defaults =
    string list bindings =
    //end additional stuff

    I SUPPOSE that if you want to be able to set the key ingame too, and not hack your custom controls def to include the new binding, you MIGHT want to edit your resources\interface\UIOptions.def and add:

    //-------- Custom Stuff ----------------------
    stringText = "My Custom Keybidings"

    UI_OPTION Loot
    stringText = "Loot target"
    stringTooltip = "Loots the targeted creature"
    intType = 1
    // -------- End Custom Stuff ------------------

    UI_OPTION <name> ... <name> here is the name given to the binding in the bindable actions list.

    Don't forget to move your altered copy to resoruces_override.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Text Commands?

    Another useful text command to put into your macro is /snc for select nearest corpse. This needs to come before the /loot command.

    I have set these text commands onto the #1 key on my main hotkey bar. This way I simply tap "1" and the loot window opens up. The only problem occurs when fighting a group and you have more than one corpse on the ground.

    I have also changed the binding on f1 to select nearest enemy. "f1" to select, "tab" to attack, "1" to loot and "f1" to hit the next one all with the left hand so it's quick. I also changed f2 to select self for those quick heals in the middle of battle.
    Hlano Nitro, Chaos

  9. #9

    Default There is a pretty easy way to do this

    The easy way to do this is with an alias the alias I use is /.(Decimal) not the one on numpad because they are next to each othe on keybd.

    to set it up type /alias . /loot [enter]

  10. #10


    add /sectsacle 0 to loot hotkey to "mark" target as looted
    add a 2nd hotkey with /closelastwindow to quickly close loot window if empty

    Thats how i do looting sicnce empty corpse stay for ages.

  11. #11



    Is there a /closeallwindows as well?

    The one thing that drives me round the bend is not being able to just hit esc a few times to close the open windows that pop up when sometimes your chat goes wild...
    /tell Fickle gone mad = Trade window, inventory, equipment window, character window, formula window.... usually in the middle of a fight lol

  12. #12


    unfortunatly, no there is not a close all windows command, in the sense your speaking of. There is a command to remove UI, wich is what a close all windows command would ultimately do in any case, as the game sees all objects in the ui as a window of somesort. Binding a hotkey to /closelastwindow and hitting it as many times as necessary is your only recourse.

  13. #13

    Default /closelastwindow

    This isn't working for it because I have it in the same hotkey as /loot?

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