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Thread: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

  1. #21

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    I coulda swore just the other day I had a road bonus running thru a plot in Summit.

    Maybe I was thinking of the ore refinery. my bad :)

  2. #22

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Fine Yew Staves still consume resources, without creating the items
    PersonalJustice the Demon Slayer - Chaos

    Master Crafter: 1900 Levels

    WTB Undead Legions. Paying $12.95/month

  3. #23

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Biped plots are much smaller then dragon lairs. Plus lairstend to bemazes on multiple levelsmaking the distances you may have to travel even more extreme. It'll be common to havego200-400metersinside a lair just to get from the storage to the workshop if they're on different levels. The distance from workshop to where it needs to be applied could easily be much worse (you can try to plan your lair so storage and workshops are close although that's easier said then done, but you'll eventually have to apply stuff throughout your lair). In short, in many cases a dragon may have to travel half a kilometer to a kilometer back and forth throughout his lair (storage to first workshop to storageto another workshop toyet another workshop to construction site)in the course of making and applying a load of resources to his lair. Especially as he digs his way down and isworking on lower levels fartherfrom storage and workshops. Plus all that stuff had to get lugged to storage to begin with. I very much doubt there's much call to travel anything like that muchon a biped plot in order to make and apply a load of resources.

    The road bonus will be nice and is much appreciated :)

    Oh, and it's all underground structures near as I can tell. Which is pretty much what they said.

    There will be many out there who just can't stand to see someone else get something. I'm sure we'll hear from them. Heh, it's already started. No surprise there.

    However, the road bonus will take a bit of the pain out of the later stages of building a lair and I'm very glad they did it.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    The road bonus underground has mainly been done so we can make more use of the underground area for all. If, everytime you drag a disk underground to mine, you slow down, it makes the cargo disks not useful in mining undergound (which we intend to increase greatly).

    David Bowman

  5. #25

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Amon Gwareth

    The following additions, changes and fixes are being applied to Chaos and Order on Tuesday, January 17, 2006:

    Lair and Lairshaping:[*]The Dragon Council and Relstaroth the Lairshaper have agreed to increase the capacity that can be stored in Lair Storage chambers. The new totals are:[*]Tier 1 ? 25000 bulk[*]Tier 2 ? 40000 bulk[*]Tier 3 ? 55000 bulk[*]Tier 4 ? 70000 bulk[*]Tier 5 ? 85000 bulk[*]Tier 6 ? 100000 bulk[/list][/list]

    Nice work overall and I can now work further on my lair now that the 180 degrees spirals are there.

    BUT... When are we going to see 'real' worthwhile Lair Storage chamber?
    +17000 is far from being equivalent to 6 time the requirement a T5 Lair Storage Chamber takes.
    Or are Tulga planning to convert all of the current plot silo into multi-silo structure?
    Dragon Lairs: Istaria's ghetto

  6. #26

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Not in the notes: The incredibly awesome makeover of Mia's Edge. It is a resort town now, with streams, waterfalls, bridges leading to plots ... unbelievable! There's also a lily pond south of Parsinia, with minnows, and one right next to Padishar's lair (on Order, dunno whose lair on Chaos), with trout, on the southern edge of Felathien Isle. Sorry, David, that's in Aiya only by courtesy *grin* but thank you so much for the personal tour of the new watery places.

    Spectacular does not begin to describe Mia's Edge.

    Very promising commentary from David in Market, along the lines of "we got water working right, so we put in the ponds. We're still working on player built ponds for plots but those are coming too." <-- not exact quote but I think I paraphrased it correctly. He gave no eta for player ponds.

    I hear that Brandon's Shelf has had a makeover as well, something about trees.

    This was a totally fun evening and never mind the meatier changes. Eye candy ftw!

    -Levity Merrel

  7. #27

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Goriax
    Biped plots are much smaller then dragon lairs. Plus lairstend to bemazes on multiple levelsmaking the distances you may have to travel even more extreme. It'll be common to havego200-400metersinside a lair just to get from the storage to the workshop if they're on different levels. The distance from workshop to where it needs to be applied could easily be much worse (you can try to plan your lair so storage and workshops are close although that's easier said then done, but you'll eventually have to apply stuff throughout your lair). In short, in many cases a dragon may have to travel half a kilometer to a kilometer back and forth throughout his lair (storage to first workshop to storageto another workshop toyet another workshop to construction site)in the course of making and applying a load of resources to his lair. Especially as he digs his way down and isworking on lower levels fartherfrom storage and workshops. Plus all that stuff had to get lugged to storage to begin with. I very much doubt there's much call to travel anything like that muchon a biped plot in order to make and apply a load of resources.

    The road bonus will be nice and is much appreciated [img]/Web/emoticons/emotion-1.gif[/img]

    Oh, and it's all underground structures near as I can tell. Which is pretty much what they said.

    There will be many out there who just can't stand to see someone else get something. I'm sure we'll hear from them. Heh, it's already started. No surprise there.

    However, the road bonus will take a bit of the pain out of the later stages of building a lair and I'm very glad they did it.

    I am very happy that the dragons got road bonus in their lairs. Your right, they are huge for traveling around in. Mind you, I was simply stating , to another poster , who said we had road travel on our plots, which was wrong.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Amon Gwareth

    The following additions, changes and fixes are being applied to Chaos and Order on Tuesday, January 17, 2006:

    Lair and Lairshaping: [*]Crystalline Lattice Forms will now require the Lairshaping Ability and the Crystalshaping Machine.[/list]
    could i please get some insight into why this was done? it was discussed quite a bit when it first appeared in the blight patch notes.
    it worked fine as it was before and was relatively easy to make lattices in the field. now it's immensely inconvenient.
    considering that you need to gather 36 bulk to make one tri-cut vs. 16 bulk to make one focused crystal, it's fairly easy to see that you need a cargo disk far more at gems than at crystals when making lattices.
    so it would seem the best way to make lattices in the field is to make the tri-cuts.. then drag your disk to the crystal shaper and start getting crystals.
    the only problem is.. where can that be done?

    tier 1:
    gems on lesser aradoth are in the kion mine and the sslanis mine (which is, on order, as yet incomplete). there are crystals in the kion volcano nearby, but no crystal shaper, nor are there any lairs in walking distance (please keep in mind that there are many hatchling lairshapers, so even if there was a crystalshaper in kion or in one of the kion lairs, a hatchling would have to drop down with cargo disk in tow, refine .. then run all the way back up to the volcano several times to get enough unfocused crystals)

    there was a new world lair project added by the deadlands at 19740 23240.
    this lair is only accessible by flight.
    which means the crystal shaper we begged for on lesser aradoth to help us make lattices cannot be used if you're dragging your cargo disk with tri-cut gems.
    nor can it be used by hatchlings.

    gems on new trismus in the mine, crystals in the mine, above and in the reset lair project there.
    no crystal shaper as yet.

    tier 2:
    again.. no place where all 3 gems AND crystals AND a gemcutter and crystal shaper can be found within a fair distance from each other

    tier... *sigh* .. and on and on.

    i realise that silos are the key element here that makes a difference.. but at lower tiers, should that really be a requirement to make lattices in any sort of remotely efficient manner?
    is there a reason to make crafting t1 lattices in the field such an inconvenience?

  9. #29

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Levity
    Not in the notes: The incredibly awesome makeover of Mia's Edge. It is a resort town now, with streams, waterfalls, bridges leading to plots ... unbelievable! There's also a lily pond south of Parsinia, with minnows, and one right next to Padishar's lair (on Order, dunno whose lair on Chaos), with trout, on the southern edge of Felathien Isle. Sorry, David, that's in Aiya only by courtesy *grin* but thank you so much for the personal tour of the new watery places.

    Spectacular does not begin to describe Mia's Edge.
    I couldn't agree more with your statements Levity. I'm thinking that it should be in the notes though....

    In fact this change is so nice that I will even refrain from complaining about the changes for Lattices.....for now.

  10. #30
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    A couple of things to also be thankful for. This will apply to all tier 2 crafters, I'm sure.

    Elmnic and Scorpion's Claw are proud recipients of portals that are linked to all the Scorpion Island pads as well as Bristugo. Slate Hills is currently only to Bristugo, but that may change?

    Going back to the post about crystals, gems, and crystalshapers. For tier 1, one of the best places to work is Garnet Bay on Genevia Island. The south has turquoise, central has garnet and viridian azulyte, and the north has malachite. On Order shard, we have at least two crystalshapers under construction. One is on the west wall of Genevia, the other is north and slightly west of the Garnet Bay pad. For tier 2, the gemfield west of Darvus at the base of Scorpion Island mountain and the top of the mountain. Near the gemfield are also a couple lairs with plans on crystalshapers. Tier 3, well, the crystalshaper is in the Tazoon mine. I've not gone around the Aughundell/Last Stand region to see about lairs with crystalshapers, but I'm betting our dragons are being resourceful in that as well. Please check with your local representative of the dragon lairowners association in the regions for tiers 4 and 5. They may know members who are also building crystalshapers in the areas.

    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  11. #31

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    First off I'd like to express my wonder and enjoyment as to how the lair chambers look once completed. Everytime I complete a chamber and activate it I run inside to see what wonders await me. Also the corner spirals and reverse spirals are a welcome addition. Good job Tulga and the devs.

    But now in true Tulga style, that was the carrot and now the stick.....

    I have to agree with Dorrin. What are you guys thinking? I lucked out and made my layer 0 dedicated to crystal process. I have a T4 crystalshaping chamber and a T4 essense chamber and only a T2 gemworking chamber. So this change doesn't inconvenience me past the no processing equipment in the field. With the exception of Shining ess and ironsilk every ore/stone/gem/essense has a processing station nearby. Whyare crystals placed in the most inconvenient places with no assistance nearby?

    As I get deeper and deeper into lairshaping it seems like you are purposefully making it the ultimate grind in processing and time. I can see the multiple resource requirements in place because we only have one school to level and not 4 to power level. But after that you are making this about as enjoyable as hoard leak was. The only reason I keep going is because I want to see what the next room looks like, but even then I'm logging in anddreading the grind I have to go through.
    100 Adventure/Crafter following the path of Helian

    Expert Lairshaper
    Grand hall complete.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by dorrin
    there was a new world lair project added by the deadlands at 19740 23240.
    this lair is only accessible by flight.
    which means the crystal shaper we begged for on lesser aradoth to help us make lattices cannot be used if you're dragging your cargo disk with tri-cut gems.
    nor can it be used by hatchlings.
    Not so. On Chaos it waslocated and explored by Khaleph and Ancaladar, who are both hatchies.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  13. #33

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    oh? from the way it looked, if is possible to walk there you'd have to walk up the side, go through the deadlands then fall down along the very very steep cliff face to land on the entrance.

  14. #34
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    how long took this patch on the NA shards?

    18 hours+ ?

  15. #35

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Vlisson
    how long took this patch on the NA shards?

    18 hours+ ?
    Depends, this last one was 3 deltas simo. Can't tell you how long it took, but I think it was over 12 hours.
    100 Adventure/Crafter following the path of Helian

    Expert Lairshaper
    Grand hall complete.

  16. #36

    Default Re: Release Notes - Live Update - January 17, 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by dorrin
    oh? from the way it looked, if is possible to walk there you'd have to walk up the side, go through the deadlands then fall down along the very very steep cliff face to land on the entrance.
    I am the one who found the new crystalshaper cavern on Lesser Aradoth on Chaos, and I did so by going up the back end of Nuthala toward the essence shaper. I noticed green patches that weren't there before, so I followed them and climbable ridges and came in the side of the lair.

    Ancaladar was also looking for it, and when grouped she came in over the lip from the deadlands, which I hadn't found. There is a brown patch on the ridge that marks the place you should fall down to get to it.

    Either path is definiately accessible to hatchlings, as Ancaladar and I are both hatchlings still..
    Exploring is a necessary skill, and its not like death is fatal. At least, not for the gifted.

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