Community building doesn't appeal to me much personally. I helped out with the first Satyr mine and that is about it. I'm not much of a people person and don't really enjoy working in huge chattering groups. If you approach an obscure community project solo the requirements are so great you don't feel you can do any meaningful work.

It's undeniable that if you have a particular skill goal to reach to fastest way to level is to do tools and not actual construction work. There's is a definite argument to not speeding through the game just to reach 100, one should stop and enjoy yourself. But I just can't help myself, I seem to keep collecting craft 100's.

However, I did take time out of my leveling to help out with a guild plot the other night. The 9,000 obsidian bricks I mentioned were for that. I gained no experience from making them and they were handed over to another guild mason to apply that could still use the experience. Now I don't have to feel I'm completely self centered.