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Thread: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

  1. #21

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Quote Originally Posted by Seranthor
    Hardly Fratricide, I encountered blighted ents in the taz crater at 3am ET one morning... hmmm... might be just a matter of exploring.
    Surely you jest... 3AM is not the time a responsible parent is playing HZ, while sometimes I am able to play at that time, usually by then I am either off or wrapping things up.. not going out looking for Blighted treants for a quest that are spawned in some places where some never travel. I havn't gone to the Taz crater for nearly 6 months, why... Perhaps because I am not a dragon and do not need the crystals found there... perhaps because I don't need Essence of Blight... I do spend quite a few hours a day logged in, but I don't have the time nor desire to spend all my time online trying to find something that might not even be spawned... just like Lt Khar when that quest first started. The only difference is Lt Khar at least spawned automatcally and not when someone found the time to say Oh.. perhaps they would like it if I spawned a few more quest mobs.

    Elated that HZ is no longer in the hands of the Infidels.

    Now.. I may have to split my time between 2 games... CS:S and HZ...

  2. #22

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    So Kumu... my question is... why are you killing all the tiered treants when you know that you had a hard time finding any that were spawned... The least you could do is leave those you dont "need" for those who do need them. Just going out and killing all of them just so "you" can have all the pieces doesn't help any of the lower lvl players, nor the players that cannot necessarily get on when they happen to be WM spawned.

    Elated that HZ is no longer in the hands of the Infidels.

    Now.. I may have to split my time between 2 games... CS:S and HZ...

  3. #23

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Fratricide is one of our Guildmasters and has been an active player since beta. Rest assured, lack of work ethic is not the issue here. [:)]

    Having a WM spawn them all over is fine - having them not spawn in any other way is not. It is not only a disservice to those who can only play on 'off hours', but in this case, it most likely means that Unity will not get to partake in the event at all. I know it'snot 100% guarenteed that GN will continue its policy of reckless and wanton disregard for customer service and satisfaction, but their track record to date is nothing short of pathetic.

    At the very least, there should be a small, regular spawn of blighted festival treants mixed in with the regular treants of that tier. The system will despawn the WM-generated ones if it needs the 'mob headcount' in another area, which only makes matters worse.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  4. #24

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    The reasoning behind not having them a spawn for people to camp is that these shoulder buddies wouldn't be special if it was like that. You have to actively travel to seek out the treants now. They could be anywhere at this point. Remember, even though they have stats on them they are just a fun little item. They arn't meant to replace any gear.
    I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class, especially since I rule.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    soo can we now look forward to having all shoulder buddies be dragon equippable??!!


    And can we also fix all "old" shoulder buddies to be the same :).

    And I agree, I wouldn't get these things to replace eqipment, I'm surprised you put any stats on them at all. Like the costumes and candies, they are merely "neato" things to play with, to be different with, to shock new players with, and for roleplay (heck I'd be bringing them out every chance possible if ...I had any...).

    [Y][Y] for shoulder buddies starting to be dragon relevant - that for all of them *begs* [^]

  6. #26

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Quote Originally Posted by Amadan-TG
    The reasoning behind not having them a spawn for people to camp is that these shoulder buddies wouldn't be special if it was like that.
    Understood, but that goal could still be accomplished with having them on an automatic respawn timer in various areas. The issue is simply that they cannot spawn without direct human intervention.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  7. #27

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Then you get people camping those areas. This is random, and the world master can spawn them any where they please. They have been very random about it.
    I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class, especially since I rule.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Quote Originally Posted by Amadan-TG
    Then you get people camping those areas. This is random, and the world master can spawn them any where they please. They have been very random about it.
    Amadan, this event is a complete disappointment to those who play on Unity.

    Tell me, what's wrong with mixing a few spawns in with the regular yew treants ? They spawn over a very large area. What's wrong with adding a couple of long timer spawns in the middle of nowhere, make the spawn field cover a substantial area so that players can't sit in one spot.

    The problem here is that yourselves at Tulga have introduced content that we who play on Unity cannot enjoy. Instead we can only get frustrated at our lack of ability to participate. What are you (as a representative of Tulga and someone who is in a position to decide what happens) going to do about this ?

  9. #29

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Adding those spawns are easy to put in, harder to take out.

    As for Unity not having any treants. I am pretty sure there are some on Unity right now.
    I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class, especially since I rule.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Quote Originally Posted by Amadan-TG
    Adding those spawns are easy to put in, harder to take out.

    As for Unity not having any treants. I am pretty sure there are some on Unity right now.
    Thanks for the info, I hope that you're right although admittedly I haven't been looking for them since Unity came back online an hour or so ago.

    I daresay all this can be classed as experience for how to implement future events, it really is worth bearing in mind that the only way to get Game Network to do anything is by putting pressure on them. Whether that pressure is in the form of public outcry at their lack of effort, or contractual obligations behind the scenes, pressure is required for them to take any action regardless ofthe game in question that they host.

    Time to go wandering around Istaria looking for these treants...

  11. #31

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Two small spawns, one outside Mahagra and the other outside Aughundell. Both wiped out in 15 minutes each, and occured within 5 minutes of each other. Players searching far and wide across Istaria, no sign of anything else. Players even more frustrated now than they were before any of the blighted treants were spawned.

    I'm passing on what I've been told by those who were lucky enough to be in Aughundell or Mahagra, since I wasn't there at the time. I sure hope that was simply a taster to whet our appetites !

  12. #32

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    I spent pretty much all weekend searching for blighted treants. after about 12-14 hours in game, I found exacty one. While I enjoyed getting out and exploring, it was maddening not being able to find them. And the people that claimed to know where they were said they weren't going to tell because it would spoil their own fun. [img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-6.gif[/img]

  13. #33

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    My biggest issue with this quest isn't the fact that the spawns are in places so remote the only peeps able to find it are the Flying Dragons that have nothing better to do then to fly around looking for them... Nor the fact that the quest is absolutely WM only spawned... Wait... those are the main reasons... I regularly spend between 5-8 hours per day in game. Much of that time is either helping young players progress, or working on my personal schools/quests.

    The problem that was supposed to be solved by not spawning the quest mobs automatically is actually what is causing players to become disgruntled because the spawns are killed by those who are of a High enough lvl to get to the places in a relatively short period of time and those that just happen to have guildies that spread the word about where they just happen to find them...

    Then they go out and have a nice fun Guild hunt while the rest of us are left out in the dark, because of what was mentioned by Alladania. The udder selfishness of a few of the players that want all their alts to have a shoulder buddy is quite udder nonsense. I actually Deleted the quest earlier today and am no longer planning on hunting any of the quest mobs because for me there is no point hunting something that may have, or may not have been spawned and then totally wiped out.

    The thing that is probably not realized is, I play this game for Fun.... not to lvl, not to see what "cool" things I can obtain, but to have fun. I thought the quest was going to be fun, but since it has completely lost that aspect for me, I am no longer working toward that end as there are other endevors that I can strive for and enjoy while accomplishing it.
    Elated that HZ is no longer in the hands of the Infidels.

    Now.. I may have to split my time between 2 games... CS:S and HZ...

  14. #34

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Really confused right now, been getting mixed info. I have a quest to "get a piece of a yew treant". I have heard that they wander, I have heard they spawn here or there. And I did see and kill some when marketplace said something about them spawning on the isle of winds. When I got there, PJ was the only person there, mass killing them all. I managed to get two, one dropped a leg, another dropped some blighted ornaments. Might be better to mix them in with their acutal treant selves?

    On the shoulder buddy--looks like another dragon thing only a few will have [:@]
    Nisse 100 Helian/Nissei 100 Lunus/SShiak biped (All on Chaos)

  15. #35
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    are you sure that the treants you found and thought they spawned by themselves have not been originally been spawned by a WM?

  16. #36

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    I think what happens, is the spawns are "placed" by the WM. unless someone gets close enough to "pop" the spawn, they never actually spawn. They are triggered to go off like proximity mines. So they could sit undiscovered for days theoretically. When one is popped, they all spawn in one spot, but begin walking outward.

  17. #37

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    I've only seen already spawned mobs, but have heard of others who say they've triggered spawns.
    PersonalJustice the Demon Slayer - Chaos

    Master Crafter: 1900 Levels

    WTB Undead Legions. Paying $12.95/month

  18. #38

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Ok, folks...

    I too was very disgruntled over this event. I figured like most, that I would never see any after that very unpleasent day at aug, with again, PJ slaughtering them. The lag was sooo bad I died and crashed out. Needless to say I was upset. I decided that this was just another example of town raid lah hell, and was NOT going to take part.

    However, I kept hearing about folks finding them all over, and in some very weird spots. This lead me to think that perhaps, the dev's got the message, and were now making this much more like a quest was supposed to be. NOW, you have to search for them. Now, you have equal opportunity to find and kill them, all you need do is search. I don't begrudge PJ for finding some, shoot, the guy plays like 18 hours a day. But with random spawns all over, I had an equal chance!

    So, lastnight Trust and I went searching. He found one over by Lerena, then a couple more, on those little islands to the north. Well, this seemed a good sign. I decided to run all over looking in odd spots, and hidden areas. As I was searching, a fellow ranger sent me a tell about some he had found that were a bit too big for him... would I be interested? Long story short, the spot was in the middle of nowhere, and had 10-15 lvl 120's. Four of us took about and hour and killed them all. We just got enough parts for ONE buddy.

    Now from all this you should understand a few things.

    1. They can be ANYWHERE... so search everywhere. Hidden valleys, desert canyons, un-populated areas without mobs, places you DON'T expect to find them.

    2. They don't seem to pop huge numbers, so you may have to collect parts from multiple spawns.

    3. Because of the numbers that spawn, you won't generally be able to get all the parts for multiple buddies at a single spawn, probably not even enough for 1, so don't think folks are just being selfish. There may not be enough in a spawn to tell anyone about.

    4. After reading Amadan's comments, it seems obvious these guys are temporary, so I can understand now, why they are WM spawned. If however, this frustrates you too much, send me a tell if you're on chaos and I'll run around searching with you. If we find any, contact your guild or friends and have fun.
    As a new dawn rises over Istaria, may we all band together to meet the challenges!

    Continuing Development of Horizons... SWEET!

  19. #39

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    I think I told you that last night G??? Yes I believe they are planted. This personally happened to me last night. I was in an aera and there was nothing around but the mobs that were supposed to be. When I got in proper distance to set the trents spawn off they all of a sudden spawned and started in a tight circle and all started walking outward. I killed some and while killing them noticed they turn around and walk back to the spot only to keep going straight from there, I am assuming. I had already killed them all before the left the area.


  20. #40

    Default Re: Yew Dragon Shoulder Treant

    Quote Originally Posted by Amadan-TG
    Adding those spawns are easy to put in, harder to take out.

    As for Unity not having any treants. I am pretty sure there are some on Unity right now.
    bored now. we got our two token spawns ofa dozen high level treants in Mahagra and Augh on Unity, absolutely nothing since. no-one's found any blighted festival treants anywhere since then. Game Network are still in complete silence, the taster of treants on Unity has been enough to upset a lot of people more than if they didn't have the treants at all.

    I strongly encourage yourselves at Tulga to reconsider this event, by doing nothing about the Unity situationTulga are further alienating Horizons players moreso than Game Network is already doing for Tulga.

    The comment about wanting to avoid camping is a legitimate one, but Tulga have to balance player enjoyment against frustration. Right now on Unity frustration is winning in a big way. There are very few players on Unity who are actually enjoying logging into Horizons right now. Go read the Game Network forums for a small taster of opinions or log into Unity with a trial account if you want to witness the damage to the playerbase for yourselves first-hand.

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