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Thread: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

  1. #1

    Default Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    Per the schedule -Olvander is due to moderate I believe

    FYI the current list for moderators is:



    Call to Order (explanations of conduct)

    Announcements of Events (shard wide)

    WorldProjects Team
    New Player Support Team
    Secretary (if needed)

    Current Agenda Topics:

    Results of Dissolution of Charter Voting

    **FINALL TALLY **Results Totaled from Last Meeting + Forum Thread Vote:

    Aye to Dissolve the Charter = 44
    Nay to Keep = 7
    Abstain = 13

    total votes: 64

    Final results: Charter is Dissolved

    Begin Discussion of Results - discussion of further options - directions - Discussion of "Charter: Yes or No" started in the following thread:

    (possible call to begin vote re: Do you want a Charter at all? Yae or Nae)

    New Business:

    Request for Moderator Volunteers to be added to current list

    Date of Next Community Meeting: Wednesday, March 8, 8 EST


    (and to keep my notes straight and everyone on the same page)
    TABELED BUSINESS:::: (awaiting word on Charter, though these people can be as active and helpful and wonderful as they wish to be while they wait...:))

    Taregan/Emmera had volunteered themselves to be a co-leader of the New Player Team - voting tabeled.

    Heather had volunteered themselves to be a co-leader of World Projects Team - voting tabeled.

    (let me know if I missed anything to be put up here)
    If anyone has any further agenda items to add, please list below and they will be added! Thank you!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    (now posting as not secretary...)

    Not for sure knowing how this will turn out (though having my suspects...)

    If it is the case that the charter is dissolved, I would probably suggest that before the nitty gritty of discussing "what comes next" for a charter itself - the next order of business would probably be to then call a vote (after discussion) on wether the Community wants a charter or not - period.

    That way before we get bogged down and confuse ourselves and the issue at hand with "what do we want the charter to change to.." we need to make sure we're goign to have a Charter - period.

    So I would suggest/call/add to the agenda (should the charter be dissolved) that discussion on NOT having a charter at all vs. having a charter take place, and then a vote called on just exactly that. (you know, "Yae if you want a charter, nae if you don't").

    Then discussion can continue after that should it be decided that the community in fact wants one.

    (keeping in mind that if we have no charter at all, then notification on the forums stop, voting stops, moderating stops, and hell meeting schedules stop if noone takes it on themselves).

  3. #3

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    Lets just make someone only mildly evil emperor

  4. #4

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    So, basically......if the charter is dissolved, we will continue with ridiculous, useless voting? *sighs* I don't know why I even bothered.[8o|]
    "Sarcasm! Just one more of the FREE services I offer."

  5. #5

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    "Hell meetings ?"

    Bit of a fruedian slip ? [6]

  6. #6

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    Just as a Note, Taregan and Emera are the same person. She just uses Taregan as her forum account name :)
    -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=-
    100/100 Dragon
    Following the Path of Lunus
    Journeyman Lairshaper
    -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=-

  7. #7

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Illi
    So, basically......if the charter is dissolved, we will continue with ridiculous, useless voting? *sighs* I don't know why I even bothered.[img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-39.gif[/img]
    would you suggest some other way to determine wethe rthe community WANTS a charter or not....


    seriously - its dissolved and so you expect those of us who want a charter to just sit on our hands and give it up? I mean without some type of voting to decide what the COMMUNITY as a whole wants, some of us would start working on another charter and the other half would be saying what they've been saying which is "we dont want one"...

    Would it be MUCH easier just to have everyone vote, and if people who don't want a charter "win" then well..that's charter, no voting, no whatever unless someone just comes here and says "hey I want your opinon vote please" :).

    Good lord..this isnt rocket science but if you just want to gripe for griping...keep going...

    edit: ooh thanks Asteral!! I didn't realize that. I guess when everyone "INSISTED" that "NOONE HAD NOTICED" she volunteered not a single one of them, including her, thought maybe to check the AGENDA on the FOURMS to tell them she was already noninated...*smacks her head*

    do we detect some fedupness...ooh maybe..that was just dumb...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    Go back and re-read Tantalyr and Menkures posts. As for "sitting on your hands", yeah, when I voted for it to be dissolved, I meant permanently. It's ridiculous. Want a charter? Make one for your guild. Problem solved. Seems to me that alot of people want to see this issue DIE quickly.

    Edit: I thought of a good idea for "those who want a charter". The Charter channel. Save those of us who want to attend community meetings for information the pain and boredom of politics.
    "Sarcasm! Just one more of the FREE services I offer."

  9. #9

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    im voting for myself as most annoying dragon on the order shard. [:O]

  10. #10

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    >>Go back and re-read Tantalyr and Menkures posts. As for "sitting on your hands", yeah, when I voted for it to be dissolved, I meant permanently. It's ridiculous. <<

    Well then you didn't read what hte vote was about, that wasn't what the vote meant. I'm sorry you thought otherwise.

    I've read Tant and Menkures posts, I read them months ago when they basically said hte same thing. I've responded to their posts, months ago (and others), with my thoughts on it. I would not agree to decide issues that do effect the community based on a few forum posts, or a few discussions in game. If you look at the meeting votes, there were a number of peole who wanted to KEEP the current charter AS IS. So we've got two posts, a handful of votes - both going oposite ways. Its not fair to one side or the other to just go "ok we're rewriting and putting up a new charter" OR to go "ok we're throwing out any possibily to of a charter sorry".

    I dont see what's so wrong or unfair to have a vote that will decide wether or not the community itself wants a charter - period. Why do you have a problem with this? Seems to me the most fair way to settle it.

    edit: yes your Charter Channel - can we try and keep this nice and constructive and not so sarcastic. I realize YOU think everyone wants to throw this all out, but there ARE people on this shard who want this charter in place, and people who want *A* charter (if not this one) in place.

    Once again, what's so unfair of having a final vote on the issue? Why does this upset you. I've tried very hard to see your side of things, and I do, and to an extent I absolutely agree with them. But here it seems you refuse to extend the same to the rest of us, who maybe want some type of charter to keep things a bit more organized (not dictatorship, or limiting, but just organized).

    The only way to settle it one way or the other, it so have a vote "Charter or not" Vote. How is this offensive?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    Do as you wish, I won't be a part of anything that stupid. Sorry but it's just me feeling about it, it's completely ruined the entire community channel, which is why I've left it and after all this.......stuff......won't return to it, ever. You want to take yourselves seriously to the point of going overboard, force a charter where none was ever needed, your call.

    BTW, this is what is called forcing your style of "RP" on others. My stance is too. It's a shame we've gotten this far, this is what happens when you try to do something that not everyone wants. I don't subscribe to your silly charter, and will not recognize it, in any fashion. I remember way back when there were a couple of people forcing their style of RP on others at a bardic gathering....remember how annoying that was? Sad isn't it? This idea should never have been taken this far, as it is. I was in NO WAY, being sarcastic about the "Charter Channel", I'm 100% deadly serious, You want to have your charter? Keep it out of the community as a whole, do it on your own time. No one should be made to feel as if we've got to listen to voting(which is now annoying because it's gone on WAY too long), charter discussions, and other nonsense in a channel where we've held perfectly nice meetings, and heard all about community projects. We don't need to be made to feel as if we are to follow the dictation of some leader, for something THAT DIDN"T NEED A LEADER. I know you've said we shouldn't, and don't have to feel this way, but guess what? Some people WILL, which is why this isn't a good idea, never was, never will be. I won't be the last person to snub their nose at this type of RP forcing, and I'll bet you dollars to donuts I wasn't the first either.

    There hasn't been any organization to this charter, that is why it's in the state it's in right now. Have you not seen the posts from people who DO NOT WANT to have anything to do with politics in this GAME? If you want this sort of thing, it is best left OUT of a channel that will be visited by people who do not want it!

    Now that this is all out on the table, I am finally finished with this issue, and these posts. I will not read them.

    Good Day.
    "Sarcasm! Just one more of the FREE services I offer."

  12. #12

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    Do as you wish, I won't be a part of anything that stupid. Sorry but it's just me feeling about it, it's completely ruined the entire community channel, which is why I've left it and after all this.......stuff......won't return to it, ever. You want to take yourselves seriously to the point of going overboard, force a charter where none was ever needed, your call.
    FOr ************'s sake - ITS A VOTE!! that's how you do NOT FORCE ANYTHING ON ANYONE!!

    What part of that don't you get? If we did not have a vote, that WOULD BE FORCING one thing on everyone.

    And NOONE EVER SAID YOU HAD TO FOLLOW THE CHARTER!! Don't you get it? You can do whatever you want, there's noone who wants to stop you or change how you do it. Dont want to vot e- great don't. Dont want to come to hte meetings - find. And guess what you can still do whatever the hec it is you want to do regardless?

    How does that offend or bother or force anyone into anything?

    The whole point of a vote is to not force one thing on another group of people (that was never FORCED on anyone who didn't choose to parcipate in the first place)

    0 Vote = Dictatorship/Monarchy

    And yea, nope, no organization was ever needed that's why the last try succeeded so well...and the try before was great. Worked so well everyone stopped showing.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    I did check the agenda... And, it was also stated, the meeting before last, that it would have been in the most recent agenda to be covered.

    So, perhaps I DID read, that SOMEONE noticed, and it was STATED.

    Anyone can play the caps game.

  14. #14
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    Ummm, ok, this is supposed to be a listing of things to bring up at the next community meeting. I think for all our sakes, this discussion is absolutely NECESSARY both here and in-game. People have differing reasons and differing expectations of what they were voting for or against with the charter. So, please, let's move this discussion to another thread and continue there while allowing others to put up agenda items here.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  15. #15

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    first off thank you C'gan, I was struggling with following "order" :) and wether to have the discusion before or after the vote on the issue in the first this solves that ;). As yes, it wasn't suppose to be here, and I didnt intend for it to turn into a discussion..honest!!

    Agenda items only swear!

    And Taragan, my apologies for coming off like a snot - I figured if you had seen that you were on the agenda then the issue shouldn't have been raised in the meeting - as I perceived it as someone telling me that noone noticed, or I didn't do my job. When in factI had done my job (I didnt know Emera=you though, maybe others didn't either). This whole thing has turned irksome so sometimes my patience wears thin..I apologize. I get especially prickly if someone seens to be saying I'm slacking off on my responsiblities ;).

  16. #16

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    The large blue dragon fumbles around mostly looking at his own feet...

    "Um... I, uh..." he makes a few scuff marks in the grass. "I'd like some time at the beginning of the meeting if that's possible. I have a community issue I'd like to have discussed."

    He then quickly flys away, too shy to stick around...

  17. #17

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    ok, its done, but remember - the discussion on charter stuff doesn't occur until AFTER the reports.

    If you want me to move where you're place to fit in with the themes, then let me know.

    No need to open the can of worms early before we cover regular business :).

    And dont make me need to find you and beat you....*grins innocently*

  18. #18

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    So many assumptions. :p

    That is perfect timing thanks. Discourse is a good way to put it. If you want to move it down one slot, since that is only the result of something already done, that is fine.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Community Meeting Agenda for Feb. 23, Thursday, 9 EST!!

    As Tokoz will not be able to make the meeting tonight *see other thread* due to his account running out...his comments have been removed.

    Reminder - MEETING TONIGHT!!! 8 CST/9 EST!

    Votes tallied and posted in Agenda

    And yes I realize that with the charter dissolved people could in effect end the meeting at that point and never vote on anything ever again. But I Feel to solve the ongoing issue of wether or not others may or may not start up another charter, one final vote should be included just so everyone knows where the "community" stands on this.

    Then if the majority decide they want some type of charter type thing to help organize stuff, work can begin on that - and if they don't well, then whomever can continue to do whatever ;).

    I will probably *not* be able to make the meeting tonight. I have to go to court today and be expert witness in a rather nasty custody disupte and I"m not goign to want to get home and go to a meeting where what little good mood I have left may be ruined by getting into another "dispute" ;). I've posted my thoughts, I've voted, and as always I leave the decision in the hands of the community.

    Have fun tonight guys!! And remember, we're all apart of one big family so try not to get too worked up over really what is very simple and small and in the grand scheme of things - not a huge deal :).

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