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Thread: Horizons is causing an error in libIGCore.dll

  1. #1

    Default Horizons is causing an error in libIGCore.dll

    This is only happening during the shutdown clean up of the game. From what I've been able to google it has something to do with OpenGL. Anyone know anything about this?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Horizons is causing an error in libIGCore.dll

    Something similar to this maybe ?

    LibIGCore contains the main DirectX functions used in the Intrinsic Alchemy game development platform. LibIGGfx is the renderer which comes in two flavours, DirectX or OpenGL (the latter only being available for Alchemy 2.5 Linux, or Alchemy 3 Windows and Linux).

    I can't help you solve the problem, but if it's related to the link I've offered then rest assured that it's being resolved.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Horizons is causing an error in libIGCore.dll

    Darn not related, actually I haven't seen that error in a while..

    I think this has to do with the video card drivers and Intrinsic Alchemy.
    Direct X is updated.

    The computer thats burping this error every time clean up finishes is an older computer with win ME on it. I set it up to try and run some of my old favorite dos games. It runs HZ pretty well 800X600 and makes muling a breeze

    It's not a crisis or anything, more of a things that make yago Hrmmmmmmmmmm.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply, now I have more info regarding what software is involved..

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