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Thread: Staying Power in Combat

  1. #1

    Default Staying Power in Combat

    Staying power in battle is really subject to 3 criteria; defense, health and damage output. While all three have their own special conditions and usefulness, one of the three can almost compensate for the other two. That one is Defense.

    Health can be considered to be Hit Points and healing ability. While lots of Hit Points are a nice commodity, indeed the more the merrier, they might as well be a lesser number if your defense allows for massive damage. Additionally, all the healing ability in the world is not going to be worth the bother if you are taking more damage than you can heal. Without good Defense, your staying power is directly proportional to numbers of heals and how fast they recycle. When damage taken overtakes this, you lose.

    Damage output is another form of staying power. If you can dish out more than you take, under most conditions you would win....until you miss and your target doesn't. Sure, you can boost your To Hit ability to almost never missing but the fact remains that you WILL miss and your target may not. Without good defense, the time will come when the sun shines on the other dog's backside more than yours, you lose.

    Defense in Istaria is best described as a Layered Defense. The first Layer is your ability to avoid being hit at all. This comes from Evasion, Magic Evasion, Dodge, Wards (both techs and spells) and from various abilities like Foresight or Spirit Walk. The second Layer is ability to deflect all damage even though you were technically hit. Block and Parry fit in here. The attack hits but, you Block all damage with your shield or Parry all damage with your weapon. The third Layer is damage mitigation or reduction. This comes from armor and resistance(both tech and spell). Admittedly I do not know exactly the order the engine uses to determines hits and damage, all I know is that all are considered and logically it should in the order I presented. Additionally with a good Layered Defense and the correct set of Wards and Resistances one can stay in the fight for quite a while. With over 1000 Evasion, 2000 armor, block and parry in the +30-50 range or more and the correct wards and resistances in the 200/400 range respectively plus a decent set of heals (I have Instant Heal V, Group Instant Heal II, Improved Revit V and Revit V both teched), 2500+ HP and decent, not spectular, godly, uber or any of the other popular adjectives, but just plain old decent damage output your staying power becomes almost indefinte against all but the most powerful event creatures or very large numbers.

    So here you are in a Layered Defense. Good evasion, some dodge, block and parry hopefully and decent armor. The key to pushing the Layers to utmost effeciency lies in Wards and Resistances. The foes one faces in Istaria do a variety of different types of damage to include in no specific order: crush, slash, pierce, primal, nature, spirit, blight, life, flame, energy, ice and mind. Knowing the damage types of the foes BEFORE you get into battle with them can go a long way to optimizing your Layered Defense.

    With that in mind I'd like to present a list of all Tier 5 mobs with their damage types. I don't know for sure if damage types run true throughout the tiers, i.e. all Gem Golems do Slash Damage, all undead warriors do Slash damage etc. If someone knows of marked differences in tiers please post them. Perhaps we can get a Compendium of damage types put together.

    Gem Golems...Peridot, Emerald, Fire Opal Slash damage with a Bleed ability that does Bleed Damage
    Giant Ice Beetles...Ice Damage with abilities that slow your movement plus Harden Shell
    Icy Dire Wolves...Slash with Frenzied Attack, Bleed and a Weakness debuff like to run in packs
    Fiery Dire Wolves...Slash with Frenzied Attack, Bleed and a Weakness debuff like to run in packs
    Giant Flame Beetles...Slash with Immolate and Harden Shell
    Giant Fire Beetles...Slash with Immolate and Harden Shell
    Mithril and Mithril Boulder Golems...Crush with Overburden
    Marble and Marble Boulder Golems...Crush with Overburden
    Tempest, Thunder, Lightning and Storm Ogres...Energy and Mind damage with Energy and Mind Based Ogre Cry Stuns
    Wind Golems..Primal and they can and do heal themselves
    Sapling, Yew and Massive Yew Treants...Crush with Root and they also can heal sometimes found in small groups
    Forest Oastic...Pierce with Regrowth
    Bloodskulk Spearman...Pierce with several defense debuffs and Bind Weapon Stun
    Bloodskulk Bloodmage...Spirit with Life Taps will heal itself and others
    Bloodskulk Soothsayer...Nature and Blight with a variety of spells and abilities. Especially fond of Thunder Cloud and Expulse will heal itself and others
    Purple Spiders...Slash with a weakening type venom like to run in packs
    Bloodshout Gruoks...Pierce with Boar's Rage and Bleed. Boar's Rage can be especially nasty like to run in packs
    Dire Wolves...Slash with Frenzied Attack, Bleed and a Weakness debuff like to run in packs

    That's the mundane creatures. I only bumped into 2 named creatures compiling this list Ravager and Lorgus. Ravager is the named Fiery Dire Wolf with all the same attacks as a normal one, only a lot nastier. He usually runs with a crew of 2-4 normal Fiery Dire Wolves. Lorgus is the named Giant Fire Beetle. The only damage type I saw was Flame damage, and lots of it. He caught me prepped for Slash damage and gave me all I wanted before he went down. I've only ever seen Lorgus run alone. Must be anti-social.

    Now, on the Satyr Islands of Alged, Corvus, Dahibi and Elnath. I did my research on Corvus...

    Warning: most, if not all, Satyr Island creatures have Bleed and Seeping Blight(Blight based damage) Damage over Time, not a lot, easily disspellable or detoxed, they stack (I've had 3 Seeping Blights and a Bleed on me at one time). While any 1 or 2 won't be that bad, the damage adds up...Watch your HP

    Palsy..The named green wisp look-a-like. Crush damage with a whole host of DoTs, debuffs and roots. Can only be damaged by using a Dance Talisman in a weapon socket
    Grey Necroflies...Pierce with some blight based debuffs Pierce is Primary Evolved Flies are lvl 100 nastier versions, faster, more damage output etc
    Enduring Fyakki... Crush with Harden Shell Evolved Fyakki are lvl 100 nastier versions basically souped up lesser enduring fyakki
    Purple Tarantula...Crush with a weakness venom sometimes found in small packs
    Energized Kwellan...Crush primary, energy secondary with a repeating stun often found with blights in tow I've seen up to 8
    Veteren Blights(all types)...Energy with stuns and they can heal a little like run in packs
    Red and Blue Vexators...Energy with Bleed, Chain Lightning Stun, Synaptic Spasm Stun that really does some damage sometimes found in packs of 3 occassionally more than 3
    Veteren Abominations(All types)...Slash with Bleed
    Veteren Aegror... Slash and Blight both are used about equally usually in packs of 2 or 3

    The Undead... 4 types Mummy, Skeleton, Ghost and Zombie(including Ogre Zombie) in at least 20 different schools. I'm pretty sure I got all of them.

    Elf Strider...Nature with a lightning arrow stun
    Fiend Sorcerer...Energy, flame, ice and mind in order of frequency of use watch out for Stuns, Daunting Mist and Stinging Cold Seldom uses Fiendish Channeling
    Satyr Oracle...Nature think undead druid with this one can heal itself and others and it will
    Half-Giant Reaver...Slash, blight maybe some Spirit
    Dryad Mage...Flame and energy with mezzes
    Satyr Mercenary...Nature plus Satyr Charge Stun
    Gnome Wizard...Energy, liberal use of Stuns
    Human Zealot...Slash with a Trepidation Mezz
    Dwarf Warrior...Slash, hard hitting, typical Warrior debuffs and abilities
    Sslik Bloodmage...Spirit if it decides to cast, crush if it decides to melee. Spirit damage is by far of more concern than any crush damage it may inflict. It can heal itself, rarely others
    Dryad Conjurers...Crush, flame and ice usually hits with Immolate or Engulf, Binding Crystals closes to melee Thinks its Kwai Chang Cain or somebody, can't hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle in melee yet it will invariably close to melee.
    Half Giant Warrior...Slash, usual Warrior abilities, not as bad as Dwarf Warriors
    Human Marauder...Slash
    Fiend Spiritist...Spirit This one loves Fiendish Channeling
    Elf Spearman...Pierce Bind Weapon Stun, some defense debuffs can be very hard to it
    Saris Knight of Destruction...Slash, Banish Armor good block 2nd only to Spearman IMO
    Dwarf Crossbowman...Pierce Cannon fodder
    Gnome Battlemage...Flame, energy and slash may not close to melee IMO 3rd smartest of the undead good tactics
    Sslik Shaman...Nature, blight and pierce lots of debuffs, can heal itself, will heal others often heals and aggros IMO 2nd smartest of the undead. Can turn an easy fight into a nightmare in very short order
    Saris Diviner...Crush and life heals, heals, heals Think undead healer with this one. Heals itself, heals others, will aggro just from healing others. Will pursue a long way to continue fight or heal others. IMO the smartest of all the undead closest thing to a Captain they have
    Wraiths... unsure I think blight and slash but not really sure. I tried going back through my logs to find something but had no luck. Suffice it to say, if you take on a wraith group, the wraith is the least of your concerns. If you can take down all his friends, the wraith is a pushover.
    Ogre Zombies...Crush, blight and mind(Ogre Cry) not tough alone, can be a real nuisance in a Wraith Group Considered undead for spawning and respawning purposes, i.e. you kill enough undead out of a spawn and hold you face right(Piethon hasn't figured this part out yet ), you will see Ogre Zombies spawn. Not in great numbers mind you but, generally consistant.

    In closing I will say again, staying power in battle requires a good Layered Defense, Hit Points and Healing and decent damage output. All of these combined are essential and a weakness in any one will eventually leave you lying on your back while the creature that killed you stands there and gloats or if we are in a group I finish off the creature and sadly inform you that I cannot ressurect you. It requires only an investment of time, some little study of what gear you want to tech and how and possibly bumming a few buffs from some friends. Or you can do like I did and go hawg wild...I had a pair of mithril health rings, earrings and bracelets made with Armor V and a t5 ward and resist. 10 sets, 6 pieces per set to cover all damage types except pierce and life. Each set gives 96 total ward and 240 total resistance. With abilities and spell buffs I can achieve the 200/400 numbers I spoke of earlier and it does make a difference, a big difference. These numbers I just mentioned here and above reduce damage I take to 50 or less per hit even from named creatures. While my defense numbers may not be within reach of all, the closer you get the greater the protection. I'd even venture to say a Dragon with several sets of scales would approach my numbers although that doesn't take into consideration the storage problems associated with the bulk off all those scales vs the bulk of 60 pieces of jewelry. However, any protection is far better than none.
    Mortal Danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas... Erwin Rommel

    Dulce Bellum Inexpertis

    Dog: The other white meat

    Order Server

    Heavily multiclassed Human Hunter, 'overpowered' to the nth degree of beejeezusness and damned proud of it. Nerf me, go ahead make my day

  2. #2
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria


    nice post and you invested a great amount of time for your research

    good work

  3. #3
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Northern California


    A very nice companion to your excellent hunting research and post.

  4. #4


    mods, this needs to be copied and stickied in the player guides forums!
    excellent write up kwinn
    Last edited by tjl; April 19th, 2006 at 08:01 PM.
    torvos: shadow to chaos shard

  5. #5


    Really an excellent post - was long overdue!

    I may add that Block & Parry are somewhat underestimated nowadays. Players focus too much on additional damage, maybe because of the lower numbers of the techs "Block" and "Parry".

    Little story from my fights in the arena will help considering a change here:
    Fought an Ancient this week. A formidable player that was victorious in many fights in the arena already, be it biped or other drags. I faced him with Evasion around 1350 and my special equipment, consisting of:
    - Blighted Shield, Block +35
    - 2 (Very Old) Gold Dex-Bracelets, Block&Parry +20
    - Fine Mithril Maul, Parry +16

    Here is a little excerpt of the logfile:
    [04/19/06 15:55:11] you blocked Mephiblo's Tail Whip.
    [04/19/06 15:55:15] Mephiblo missed you with Gold Rage VII.
    [04/19/06 15:55:15] you blocked Mephiblo's Gold Rage VII.
    [04/19/06 15:55:15] Mephiblo hit you with Gold Rage VII for 138 slash damage.
    [04/19/06 15:55:16] Mephiblo missed you with Silver Strike X.
    [04/19/06 15:55:16] Mephiblo hit you with Silver Strike X for 267 slash damage.
    [04/19/06 15:55:20] Mephiblo missed you with Breath of Lightning.
    [04/19/06 15:55:34] you parried Mephiblo's Ravage.
    [04/19/06 15:55:34] you blocked Mephiblo's Ravage.
    [04/19/06 15:55:34] you blocked Mephiblo's Ravage.
    [04/19/06 15:55:34] Mephiblo missed you with Ravage.
    [04/19/06 15:55:34] you parried Mephiblo's Ravage.
    [04/19/06 15:55:37] you blocked Mephiblo's Bite.
    [04/19/06 15:55:58] you blocked Mephiblo's Dragon Fear.

    I don't need to say that blocking Tail-whip or Dragon Fear alon safed my life and turned the tides in this fight. And i will NEVER give away those old pieces of jewelry, teched with Block III and Parry III.

  6. #6



    My Parry is only +20 but my block is +60. My evasion is about the same and I can get it to 1600 and change for short duration. My logs usually read around 60-70% miss, 20% or so block and the odd hit for from 0-30 damage, occassionally running up to 50ish.

    You are quite correct in that a lot of folks want the big 2 handed weapon for the big damage. Backing off to a 1 hander and picking up a shield drops damage some to be sure but, that block is hard to argue with. But, to each their own
    Mortal Danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas... Erwin Rommel

    Dulce Bellum Inexpertis

    Dog: The other white meat

    Order Server

    Heavily multiclassed Human Hunter, 'overpowered' to the nth degree of beejeezusness and damned proud of it. Nerf me, go ahead make my day

  7. #7


    As always, my compliments (this time on a well-researched and documented guide) Master Kwinn.

    I would ask, that as the Layers seem to be just as you deduced, that then those who spend Training Points on Health are only helping themselves *only* if they are fighting foes that they are never going to be able to Evade damage from... that in most any reasonable battle situation, would one be better served to put any quantity (up to the 50% max) of TP's in EVA than into Health?

    I understand that most TPs may be spoken for in offensive or arcane needs, but still, presume for this question that some large portion of ones TP's *are* in Health or EVA.

    my thanks, again.
    I am called Yuusuke...

    Akiyama Yuusuke yonsei
    The Annatar, on Order

  8. #8


    hehe, some of us do need that health, as we have no block or parry, nor any decent chance to avoid a flurry of damage.
    I do wish for parry on a bow, but it won't happen.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Yuusuke Akiyama IV
    As always, my compliments (this time on a well-researched and documented guide) Master Kwinn.

    I would ask, that as the Layers seem to be just as you deduced, that then those who spend Training Points on Health are only helping themselves *only* if they are fighting foes that they are never going to be able to Evade damage from... that in most any reasonable battle situation, would one be better served to put any quantity (up to the 50% max) of TP's in EVA than into Health?

    I understand that most TPs may be spoken for in offensive or arcane needs, but still, presume for this question that some large portion of ones TP's *are* in Health or EVA.

    my thanks, again.
    My health is from 100 lvls of warrior, a few T5 health techs on armor, mithril health jewelry and 4 socketed +100 health crystals; 1 in necklace, 1 in helmet, 1 in shield and 1 in sword.

    TP I put into my arcane skills to enable casting of any Tier 5 spell with up to 3 Tier 5 techs. The rest I split between Power and Evasion. I have 100 lvls of Monk giving me 1k Dex and 1k Evasion plus the TP in Evasion, a T5 Dex potion and Evasive Style II WHammo! 1600+ Evasion for a short duration dropping off to a little under 1400 when Evasive Style fades. I have NO TP in Health.
    Mortal Danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas... Erwin Rommel

    Dulce Bellum Inexpertis

    Dog: The other white meat

    Order Server

    Heavily multiclassed Human Hunter, 'overpowered' to the nth degree of beejeezusness and damned proud of it. Nerf me, go ahead make my day

  10. #10


    Great post! Here is some schools to get for multiclassing to improve defense:

    Spearman - Block Bonus (44)
    Sorcerer - Blur (40)
    Battle Mage - Shimmer Field I (40), Melee Ward II (64), & Shimmer Field II (88)
    Monk (100) - Max Dex., Max Evasion, Dodge (2), Evasion Boost I (6), Foresight (10), Dex Boost (14), Evasive Style II (56)
    Druid - Forest Mist (60)
    Cleric (100) - Employ Shield (40), Gleaming Shield I (60), Gleaming Shield II (80), & Gleaming Shield III (100)
    Guardian - Morning Dew I (48), Vigor (68), Morning Dew II (88)
    Conjurer - Ice Barrier I (52), Ice Barrier II (92)
    Berserker - Battle Hardened (44)
    Spiritist - Ethereal Armor I (36), Spirit Walk (72), & Ethereal Armor II (76)
    Last edited by IvyMindFlayer; April 20th, 2006 at 10:34 PM.

  11. #11


    As a single classed Paladin (Or for this discussion as good as single classed, as Druid added negligable defenses), the primary form of damage mitigation is healing, armor and HP...Combining those two in high quantities (Training points and techs) and adding in Sslik regen for emergencies can actually make the class extrememly survivable...For the class at least, I found that relying on them and using a two handed sword for doing lots of damage fast ended up being a better combo than a longsword and shield...Could also just be from my playing style...

    Anyways, the point I am trying to make is...

    For those not very multiclassed, there are still options available if you can play up your advantages and go after mobs that will have problem with your particular form of damage mitigation...
    Ssilmath Torshak, Paladin of the Lost, Shaman of the Damned, Master Armorsmith

    My other "crack would be cheaper" hobby

  12. #12


    Good info Kwinn! I tried some of it last night and well it's interesting but really is not in my playing style. I am full on damage dealer so a shield is not in my creed. I am very interested in you and I hitting the Satyr's together. If I could get a new copy to blight and you did also, I would love to hunt with you sometime. We are opposites in our aproach yet, I am so curious how we would compliment eachother


  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Jayne
    Good info Kwinn! I tried some of it last night and well it's interesting but really is not in my playing style. I am full on damage dealer so a shield is not in my creed. I am very interested in you and I hitting the Satyr's together. If I could get a new copy to blight and you did also, I would love to hunt with you sometime. We are opposites in our aproach yet, I am so curious how we would compliment eachother


    I think our 2 styles would spell R U I N for anything we bumped into. You do mass damage and my 'specialty' is crowd control. I keep em mezzed, rooted, stunned and/or slowed and you weave a dance of destruction. Then we have a beer and do it again

    One of these days I really need to delete my old blight copy and get the completed build copied over. It would also be nice if we were allowed to copy to Order/Chaos in same fashion we get copied to Blight.

    BTW, I was appoarched on Order a couple of weeks back by someone claiming to be you. Was it really you? The person was somewhat....evasive. I don't recall the name.
    Mortal Danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas... Erwin Rommel

    Dulce Bellum Inexpertis

    Dog: The other white meat

    Order Server

    Heavily multiclassed Human Hunter, 'overpowered' to the nth degree of beejeezusness and damned proud of it. Nerf me, go ahead make my day

  14. #14
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria


    Quote Originally Posted by Kwinn
    It would also be nice if we were allowed to copy to Order/Chaos in same fashion we get copied to Blight.
    what use would this have? you meant a permanent transfer or only a free copy of a high lvl char (maybe with a lot of money)?

    deal more damage or get less hit? this relys on how you hunt (alone or in a group)

    TP´s? can you use them to improve your evasion at all? or is it better to invest the TP´s in more health?

    i fear that you put 600 TP´s in evasion you wont see much differtent? any experiences with this?

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Vlisson
    deal more damage or get less hit? this relys on how you hunt (alone or in a group)
    This depends very much on your class(es), skills and playstyle.

    I'm pretty much certain it is best to specialize in whatever you do. Means: if you wanna play a caster - put all you have in your casting-skills and try to kill the mobs as fast as possible. Then you don't need armor or Health.

    Practiced this with my little storage-char i leveled recently. Mage with only 10 levels of cleric for some basic gifts + heals. Was able to kill named mobs +5 levels of me. Had all TPs into flame + focus, so my spells and mezzes landed.

    Same approach can be for Two-Hand-Classes. Why putting TPs into health or Evasion if you can kill the mobs with 2 or 3 hits (Cleave, Multi, ...)? TPs in 2HS and str may be much better in that case.

    TP´s? can you use them to improve your evasion at all? or is it better to invest the TP´s in more health?

    i fear that you put 600 TP´s in evasion you wont see much differtent? any experiences with this?
    Putting TPs into evasion only helps when you have a base-skill according to the mobs you want to fight. For t5-enemies this means you should have (mastered) a class with +9 or +10 evasion/level. As you are dragon - with only 8 evasion - i'm convinced you can spend TPs better than in evasion.

    As lvl 100 monk with 1000 base skill and maxed dex it surely makes sense. You can even go AFK in an area with mobs up to lvl 60+ - they won't hit you once ...

  16. #16


    LOL, Evasive is the name of the game Kwinn, oh and damage too

    Yes I have mentioned being copied several times.


  17. #17


    My build:

    Mage 100 lvls 2 words flame and power
    Wizard, Conjurer and Sorcerer 100 lvls each Maximum Energy, Ice and Mind before adding TP
    Monk 100 lvls Max Dex, 1k base evasion
    Healer 100 lvls Best possible t5 teched heals, buffs and also for shield use and the nice Focus numbers
    Warrior 100 lvls Hit points primarily, also good for general melee weapons skills
    Battlemage 100 lvls My main school
    Shaman 96 lvls Blight Ward V, Expulse, Ruin, Decay, Steal Dex to name but a few
    Spiritist 88 Nicely teched t4 imporoved spirit bolt, some life taps, Spirit Resistance V
    Druid 85 lvls, Forest Mist, Nature Ward and Resist V
    Berserker 44 lvls Battle Hardened I
    Spearman 44 lvls Block Bonus +20
    CLeric 30 lvls dunno why, it's there, too lazy to dump it

    Of course, there are many abilities that I didn't mention among them are Stunner, Dynamic Pulse and Spellbind. I also keep Binding Crystals 4 and 5 hotkeyed, Numbing Haze 5, Daunting Mist 5, Debase 5. Furthermore, I have Ice Snare 5 tech on Stinging Cold, Freeze and Improved Ice Bolt. All of my spells except the bolts are range teched. I can touch em from 45 to 55 meters.

    Solo hunting or in a group, my style never varies. Pull, stun, root, mezz, or slow then back off and kill. If I get adds, no problem I have stuns, mezzes, roots and slows aplenty, everybody can have some. I like stuns and mezzes as first option. Mezz one, keep other stunned with energy bolt. If it gets really weird, I'll root 2 with binding crystals, draw the rest away, slow em with Daunting Mist and hit em bombs ffrom max range.

    Damage vs most powerful attack is Multicast Fiery Strike V for about 2100 damage on average every five minutes. After that, my evasion, block, dodge and parry; wards and resistances and armor stop the bulk of any incoming attacks and/or damage.

    I guess you could say I get in a 'zone' when I get to huntin. Auto-pilot stuns, mezzes, roots, Dot's on this guy, energy bolt on that guy, some more DoTs on something else. Finish off one, move to the next. Doesn't matter what type mob, mixed damage types are no real problem, and it generally doesn't matter how many...within reason of course.

    Can anyone do what I do? Maybe...I've been playing over 2 years and I do have some small measure of skill as a player.

    The bottom line is this...I am not a purist. I beleive in survival. My build is geared toward survival. When the crap hits the air circulating device, 9 times out of 10 Kwinn is still standing when the crisis is over.

    Grouping, yes I group sometimes, yes I get heals from group members sometimes, yes I get a few buffs. Often I get no heals, don't need em or have my own needs covered and I get by on my raises instead of asking for Enhances.

    Am I arrogant? Yep, Card Carrying Arrogant SOB. The world aint beatin a path to my door to clang my bell so I havent the slightest problem with clanging it myself. And that's one o dem Nature of the Beast type things. Know what I mean?
    Mortal Danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas... Erwin Rommel

    Dulce Bellum Inexpertis

    Dog: The other white meat

    Order Server

    Heavily multiclassed Human Hunter, 'overpowered' to the nth degree of beejeezusness and damned proud of it. Nerf me, go ahead make my day

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Kwinn
    CLeric 30 lvls dunno why, it's there, too lazy to dump it
    dispirt foe? unless healer gets it as well, its not a waste.
    torvos: shadow to chaos shard

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by tjl
    dispirt foe? unless healer gets it as well, its not a waste.
    Nope, healer does not get that ability. That is an cleric only ability.
    GhostRdr - Formerly GM of the guild previously known as The Dark Council

    Adv. - 100 Reaver, Healer, Shaman, Conjurer, Spiritist, Guardian, Sorcerer, Wizard, Mage

    Craft - 100 Blacksmith, Mason, Weaponsmith, Fitter, Spellcrafter

    Moved on from the realm of Istaria since August 2006

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by GhostRdr
    Nope, healer does not get that ability. That is an cleric only ability.

    Yup, Disspirit foe. Great ability very handy against high speed healers and archer types...Diviners and Striders. Non- lethal but, it sure sets the target up for all kinds of lethal goodies.
    Mortal Danger is an effective antidote for fixed ideas... Erwin Rommel

    Dulce Bellum Inexpertis

    Dog: The other white meat

    Order Server

    Heavily multiclassed Human Hunter, 'overpowered' to the nth degree of beejeezusness and damned proud of it. Nerf me, go ahead make my day

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