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Thread: Who's Your Favorite Missing "Person"?

  1. #1

    Default Who's Your Favorite Missing "Person"?

    After reminiscing quite a bit the past couple of days while out harvesting shining wisps for radiant essence bonus drops, I've made up a list of beasties and NPC's that left our fair realm when the worlds merged. Who was your favorite and why? Or is there someone/something else you miss more?

    The Avatar of Pain
    Nothing got your adrenaline pumping faster than porting into Harro or Morning Light only to find yourself staring this Bad Boy in the face . . .

    Animated Marrows
    Did these level 80 denizens of the Eastern Deadlands look like Michael Jackson or what?

    Dark Stalkers
    Ah, the joy of playing Dodge-the-Wolf while chopping oak just to run into him and his Cursed Wolf entourage . . .

    I stopped counting the times I wreaked vengeance on this puppy after 100 . . .

    Agonized Scouts
    I think Archebold hit it on the head yesterday--what agonized them so was the fact that they had no legs.

    The Spider Huntress
    Not the current incarnation, but the one that would pounce on you out of the blue while you were mining iron and silver below Mt. Kion . . .

    Pale Shamblers
    Undoubtedly the grossest critters to ever see light in any MMORPG, these fat, diaper-wearing, inappropriate scratching, belching, farting beasties made the current Agregors look cuddly by comparison.

    Enraged Wisps
    So there you were, placidly harvesting glowing essence, when along came a level 52 Enraged Wisp that quickly handed you your arse on a platter . . .

    Imperial Taskmasters
    There just wasn't any better way to raise low level mining than to make their kits all day long . . .

    Dust Elementals
    The whirling dervishes of Istaria, you could barely see them in the dust storm before they bit you.
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mia's Edge - Chaos


    For me, I would honestly have to say it would be a toss up between Animated Marrows, Pale Shamblers and of course the Avatar of Pain.
    Segorian_Bounty - Elder Adult Dragon - Chaos
    Mearis - Saris - All around biped crafter - Chaos
    ....Toooo many alts to list them all

  3. #3


    The strawblights just out of Sslanis up the hill. It was the first time I really got owned in this game.

  4. #4


    Without a doubt, Avatar of Pain and his scout posse. His badassery is still without peer, camping portal pads, shrines, and creeping behind you when you least expected it.

    Cursed Wolves (lvl 50-55) and their Dark Stalker boss type on the other hand I never, ever want to see again. I did ~40 adventure level grind on them back in the old days, due to lack of higher level mobs to hunt. Well, there were marrows, but dragons got no flame/ice/energy attack spell to get past their 1200 armor value resists.

    Marrows are sort of back, they just don't apepar to have their massive physical attack resists anymore, just an upped armor value and level.

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  5. #5


    Aaah... the days "When Wisps Attack!" and they actually had health!

    Avatar of pain, my vote for most memorable, followed closely by Dark Stalker (Yes... I was one of those "chop oak" "tap nearest monster key" "chop oak" repeat)

    Even though they are bringing them back on New Trismus, the "re-animated <fill in the race>" characters which were removed from the game.

    The funny thing about the Pale Shamblers, was the sore on their left chest. when you viewed them from a distance and the Polygon rendering was reduced, they looked like saggy bewbed fat women and the sore became the .... well you know...

    Last but not least, Steel Golems... they disappeared when the game system started allowing you to harvest dead mobs for resources.... oh how I would have loved just killing them and harvesting steel without needing to make it out of an alloy.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  6. #6


    The avatar of pain is one for me was fun one day out near harro to see him with 3 marrows, 2 cursed wolves, 3 renaimted mobs and 1 bronze golem.

    Also golem keepers up near kion made u aware of danger when crafting. The weird named undead mobs like Crackenspank or how eva u spell it. I miss the old days and im prolly the minority here but i miss the blighted resources in the field i also miss the way that the tiers were mixed up so you could craft round ur favorite city mine was kion you had iron in the forest and gems etc up the hill was so much fun bring back the old days i say lol but keep T5 stuff ingame

  7. #7


    Pale Shamblers are definitely my favorite... I got so many adventure levels kiting them as an archer. Slow, stupid, ugly, and the funniest animations out there.

    Exterminating enraged wisps was also a blast... but the one enemy I never did manage to get enough revenge on was that Saris Ghost that frequented the upper Kion iron. He probably had twice as many kills on me as I did on him before that field disappeared...
    kitty: 48 Mage 22 Healer + others
    80 MIN 65 GTH 69 TNK 70 MSN 55 SPL
    41 BLK 41 SCH 47 CRP 38 JWL + others
    dragon: 91 adv, 100 craft, 22 lair
    elf: 49 ELAR, 31 Healer, 51 Fitter + others

  8. #8


    I miss the mylocs
    torvos: shadow to chaos shard

  9. #9


    Re-animated. Dwarves.
    You're looking at now. Everything that happens now is happening now.

    Incessantly prodding Gezsera while getting rid of hibernation hangover.

  10. #10


    Definitely don't miss the Avatar of Pain and his gang of goons. Can't count the number of times I went running through Harro, on my dwarf, only to have them load all around, then chase me halfway to Aughundell (if I managed to survive long enough to get dwarven toughness and sprint off). They did keep things exciting though.

    I don't miss the reanimated dwarves either, simply for the kill 100 for the dragon healer quest.

    Pale shamblers were fun, if rather disgusting.

    I also spent my fare share of running away from the Dark Stalker and his pack while grinding 60-70 in Wolf's Paw.

    I've been back going on 2 months now, after being gone since about a month before the merger. I'm still learning that things (mobs and resources) aren't where they used to be (or, in the case of mobs, what they used to be).
    I never met a gnome I didn't like. For tender morsels they are!

  11. #11


    Reanimated dwarf healers, kill 100. AAAAIEEEE!!! I still remember that quest, it was nigh-undoable as solo on the level you could receive it. The dwarvews were full-fledged healers, and they had shields and clubs. The combat would often flow like:

    reanimated dwarf blocks
    reanimated dwarf blocks
    you damage reanimated dwarf for X
    reanimated dwarf blocks
    reanimated dwarf heals itself for X*2
    reanimated dwarf hits you for so little damage your breeze HoT covers it in two pulses

    And when you got another dorf healer add, it was more or less guaranteed
    you couldn't bring one down. Repeat one hundred times.

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Tantalyr
    The Spider Huntress
    Not the current incarnation, but the one that would pounce on you out of the blue while you were mining iron and silver below Mt. Kion . . .
    When she was reintroduced, Amon indicated that the current Huntress has the same AI and aggro as the original. Her profile didn't look right at first, though, but Amon adjusted her to match the original Huntress there as well. I think she's as close to the original as possible.

    Who do I miss?

    Withered Scale
    And, yes, the AoP.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Peter1968
    The strawblights just out of Sslanis up the hill. It was the first time I really got owned in this game.

    Wow... I thought I was the only one who missed those. Level 13-18 I think. My favourite memory was being assigned a level 13 Sslik warrior body guard while I worked the Elms for a construction project. I was a level 21 Ice Disciple and regularly got killed by them fully buffed and armoured.

    Eventually I switched to a Spirit Disciple and spent a week solid just walking around collecting them and the named up the hill to the NW.

    I DO miss AoP and the old marrows wandering around though. By the time I had gotten powerful enough to even TRY to take one of them on they were gone.

    Enraged wisps need to come back for some patches though hehe.... I used to pride myself in staying alert and fleet footed enough to harvest any patch even as an Ice Disciple.


  14. #14
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Northern California


    I was just thinking about some of those the other day; nice choices above, covered almost all my favorites.

    I would add the large blight, name forgotten, that used to hang around the section of road between the werewolves and Aughundell battlefield. Usually had a gang with him. Early it was "can I pull them to the guards?" and later, sweet revenge.

    And the fyakki at the Lower Kion Ironworks and Melting Pot. Part of the area's charm.

    Edit after reading some reminders; yes the original spiral was wonderful, just right. And how could I have forgotten the golems in the desert outside Tazoon, and the golem keepers? And the wandering golems and their keepers in the Upper Kion IronWorks and Melting Pot. And the little colony of skeletons by the Lower Ironworks. The Black Birds of Doom in Parsinia, and later the Lower Ironworks.
    Last edited by Kulamata; May 16th, 2006 at 08:48 PM.
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
    None Genuine without this Pawprint `',''

    Achiever 86%, Explorer 60%, Socializer 46%, Killer 6%.

  15. #15


    Persons I miss

    The NPC who gave the Blade of Rending quest

    The AOP I loved to Solo him when I was an 80 Paladin use the Harro guards to keep him and his team busy while I crushed the team one at a time then jumped on him.

    Barkgrinder I loved him almost like a pet that could crush me if I tried to pet him. I soloed Abbortus alot growing up as a Paladin and had tons of encounters with him.

    The True Spiral and everyone that was in it. What an Awesome adventure it was to fight your way down or just go in for the hopes of finding the Misty Topaz

    Mylocks and the Booger quest always made me laugh and yes booger in my eyes any NPC that would go out into the eastern deadlands and get eatten for fun is a booger.

    Frons I know hes not an NPC but I rather enjoyed his company was the only person for a long time that could convince me Mages were total wusses oh and dont get me wrong thier wusses just not total ones. Right ELF

    Arremuss I know hes not an NPC either but he would buy comps from me when I was 1st through 40th even though he really had no use for them

    Cat and Allaan Two Rangers who were not NPCs but I really enjoyed hunting with them although they did get me killed quite a few times.

    Marrows of course loved those guys rather fun just to hack them to pieces with the Energy Attack going.

    Those Pygmy Skeletons outside Aug in the cavern area alot of fun trying to go through there.

    Upir I know he not an NPC either but who can leave out the King of the Death Penaltys He was a fun guy to have around always kept the fighting interesting

    This should be enough for now however if anyone would like a full list please send a PM with your email address and I shall provide a full acount (Warnning do not print said list will contain alot of pages)

    Don't cry because its over,Smile because it happend

  16. #16
    Member Joaqim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Unity and sometimes germany


    For me the most missed are:

    Avatar of Pain & his gang

    Myloc Lifetaker with their swarm of Necrotic Feeder

    Joaqim - Multiclassed God on Unity
    "I'm Immortal, I'm Glorious, I'm Supreme, I'm My Saviour"

    Beleenda - Goddess of Melee
    "Kill 'em all, let God sort them out"

  17. #17


    ah. lest we forget the denison of the swamp and her cold heart, Scabria was quite the challenge in the day when bright wisps inhabited the swamp. where o where is ranger ashmore, i miss the long night discussions with him on how to acquire some of the rarest of prizes.

    shopping in a small cramped consignment shop in Harro, poking thru some items that others had placed there for sale, only to look up and standing beside me was the avatar of pain. now thats a rush for the door only to find his gang waiting outside.

    last but not least the ancient mummies that inhabited the desert while we were constructing the novo machine, to escape from the destruction of our realms of old.

    Frons is still one of my neighbors, but has not been around for a spell.

    Cataranoel and Allaan became an item, one was U.S. the other Ausie, they ended up teaming up in real life and moved on to other realms.

    Arremus of Evermore moved on as well , he was a fine example of a battlemage , i do miss his antics.
    Last edited by Archebold; May 16th, 2006 at 06:41 PM.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Archebold
    ah. lest we forget the denison of the swamp and her cold heart, Scabria was quite the challenge in the day when bright wisps inhabited the swamp. where o where is ranger ashmore, i miss the long night discussions with him on how to acquire some of the rarest of prizes.

    shopping in a small cramped consignment shop in Harro, poking thru some items that others had placed there for sale, only to look up and standing beside me was the avatar of pain. now thats a rush for the door only to find his gang waiting outside.

    last but not least the ancient mummies that inhabited the desert while we were constructing the novo machine, to escape from the destruction of our realms of old.

    Frons is still one of my neighbors, but has not been around for a spell.

    Cataranoel and Allaan became an item, one was U.S. the other Ausie, they ended up teaming up in real life and moved on to other realms.

    Arremus of Evermore moved on as well , he was a fine example of a battlemage , i do miss his antics.
    I thought I saw Arremus make an appearance the other day (night?). Then again, it may have been the blight causing hallucenations.

    For me, the old spider huntress was always a treat...especially when she was hauling around marrows and other likewise dreadful nasties.
    Landowyn of Order
    The Steelworks
    Specializing in a little bit of everything

  19. #19


    What about the mummies just outside of Tazoon where you could do the quest for the Gnerph Bat? Then further down the road was the Golems.. dont remember the level but spend many a days haveing fun in that area. There was also a named Ghost Reaver that ran thru there every now and then

  20. #20


    Crankenspank at his tomb outside Dalimond. From the very first introduction (Oooh! Silver nodes. I can mine and haul this over to....GONG...why is everything spinning slowly?) to my level 35 solo revenge tour.
    Ingo Nosdracir - Chaos - Human Paladin ++
    Nimah Nosdracir - Chaos - Human Warrior/Cleric
    Ogni Nosdracir - Chaos - Dragon Hatchling

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