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Thread: What happened to the dynamic world?

  1. #1
    Zymosis Morbidae

    Default What happened to the dynamic world?

    The one thing that attracted me to this game was it was dynamic. The actions of the players determined the course of the world.
    Over last fe months players have had no control whatsoever. Theres been nothing for the players to do to change the direction of the war, no building etc.
    Nothing to do but level...which you can do in any game.
    Ok the game has gone through some big changes. (Though it should not have had to in the first place if it was a complete product).

    Now after various polls on questions such as plots building, and server mergers, things seem to have even gone in a worse direction. Im not saying the game has gotton worse, its actually got better. But what was a dynamic world where players had the control, it seems that after poll after poll, debate etc, that regardless of feelings on mergers or plot development, that decisions didnt reflect the players majority, and even then changed after decisions have been made.

    So I feel the players have been ignored. How much control do the players have anymore? Beginning of the end? In Future events in game involving withered aegis battles etc do they players actually affect the outcome? Or is it a forgone conclusion that regardless of success or failure by the people on the world, the arc will continue according to Ae or Gn planning (who have both shown that regardless of players thoughts go ahead and do something anyway). My confidence in Horizons has dropped through the floor, and in my eyes after recent decisions, is that Horizons is not dynamic, and is 'just another mmorpg.'

    I dont know what others feelings are regarding all this, but I felt I just needed to voice my concerns on what I see is the most importan aspect of Horizons that keeps me here.

    Zymosis Morbidae

    100 Reaver/100 Shaman/58 Mage/20 Cleric/10 Monk/20 Warrior/15 Spiritist
    66 Weaver/20 Enchanter/30 Mason/11 Weaponsmith blah blah

  2. #2

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    Im sure that it takes time to plann a good event really. Im also sure that the devs have their behinds full of work to get our world to work in a proper way after the last patch. Im sure we will see cool events as soon as this aution bit is solved and the players got setled a bit at their new hometowns. We must stay patient I think.
    The RP guild Kushan Sogd at Harro, Unity Shard
    Download and install Pekkas Map Pack v2.9 today and HCC 0.26 Beta is there too

  3. #3

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?


    It seems to me that you are mixing up two different things here.

    1. Dynamic world. This is a plot/event concept, the idea is (was) that the action of the players affect the world. We have for example freed two more races (the satyr and dryads) by participating and succeeding in events. This has nothing to do with polls in forums... The dynamic world has lately become all but dynamic and this is of course because AE have been hard pressed to fix more urgent things, like surviving as a company and improve the stability of the game.

    2. AE making some players unhappy because of decisions regarding plot auctions, the merge and such.Many of these decisionsthey have been pressed economicaly to make.They sure have made many business mistakes and loads of priority mistakesalong the road though.

    So Zymosis I partly agree with what you are saying, just felt like your arguing was a bit confused.Zymosis,

  4. #4

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    What Vanaondo and Pops said [;)] [Y]
    Orophin Eluch - Elf

    Disappeared without a trace....

  5. #5

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    hey Cylian!....

    agree they need to put in a good adventurer event.

    The Iron Watch
    Ice Server

  6. #6

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    DB has added 6 blight gates with are 'Destroyable' when one is destroyed the blight in that area will reseed, that will makethe world a bit moredynamic.

    The reason why this hasn't happened sooner is due mainly to what was happening with the Chapter 11 filings andthe NA mergers. AE have been concentrating on keeping the game affloat and now that Tulga has stepped in it will cut them a little slack.

    Please be patient, Good things come to those who wait...... can ya tell im a guinness drinker [;)]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    The Main Hall of Khazad-dum, fighting for freedom

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    I too have been missing the dynamic blight and world and was under the impressure that after the merge they would start using that ingame. If so then im very excited about it[:D]
    "Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!!"

    Fhrain Fireheart
    Dwarven Berserker at Night, Paladin in the Day
    --Pain is Temporary, Glory is Eternal--

  8. #8

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindi
    DB has added 6 blight gates with are 'Destroyable' when one is destroyed the blight in that area will reseed, that will makethe world a bit moredynamic.
    sounds good Vindi....lets see how fast we can make those portals go byebye again[:P][;)]
    hope the community will Unite in this fight..(funny name *starts to understand why shard could be called Unity[:D]*)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    The Main Hall of Khazad-dum, fighting for freedom

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    Quote Originally Posted by elevan
    [img]/Web/Themes/default/images/icon-quote.gif[/img]Vindi wrote: DB has added 6 blight gates with are 'Destroyable' when one is destroyed the blight in that area will reseed, that will makethe world a bit moredynamic.

    sounds good Vindi....lets see how fast we can make those portals go byebye again[img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img][img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]
    hope the community will Unite in this fight..(funny name *starts to understand why shard could be called Unity[img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img]*)
    OOO a challenge...someone bring a stopwatch so we can send the time to AE[:P]
    "Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!!"

    Fhrain Fireheart
    Dwarven Berserker at Night, Paladin in the Day
    --Pain is Temporary, Glory is Eternal--

  10. #10

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    Oh dear......

    I feel funny......

    WAR! [8o|]

  11. #11

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    spot on zymo....i too feel their is no the first 4 months i felt i was in a dynamic world...but now its either adv levl,craft level or build level
    All alone in the dark

    Unity..Brainbasher(MorrBasher on Chaos)

  12. #12

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    That David Bowman, character, mentioned in some IRC thingy, that they would be adding Blight Markers. Forces would advance to these markers if not stopped. This was also going to be added within the next month or so...I read this in some other thread in here.

    Sounds a positve step in the right direction, for a bit of dynamics.

    Shaw el Shadai Moking
    'Coming at a spring!'

  13. #13

    Default Re: What happened to the dynamic world?

    IF they ever add it and not 'AE soon' ... which for me now means somethign like "we may add this at some point, but we are not sure if or when"

    I agree with Zymosis though. Even if they have the chapter 11 sh1t, how long can it take to make something minor as have the AOP run around some town...anything more than NOTHING...cant possibly take months...I think one man should be able to do that in a week or two...but that time is without seeing all whats behind the screens. it doesnt need to be very big, but something...

    also, the ignoring of what players want, do polls and IGNORE the outcome completely makes one feel screwed no poll at all or act on them...
    Myca Ghimerov, Fiendish Wizard, Sorcerer, Enchanter, Mason. Retired.

    Proud Member of the Steel Phoenix

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