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Thread: Does a dragon crafting guide exist (to level faster)?

  1. #1

    Default Does a dragon crafting guide exist (to level faster)?

    Title says it all.

    My dragon adv 21 and crafting at a pathetic 12.

    Are there any decent guides to help raise crafting quickly? Or even just advice for what to make and where the 'best' place to get resources is (with the least amount of travel between resources/crafting equipment, etc)


  2. #2


    I'm not sure, but I can pass on the advice I was given. Try and craft scales for which you are at optimum (or near) in skill. That way you can make most of them with the resources you have. Then Deconstuct them and repeat, untill your out of resources. It also helps to get the biggest cargodisk you can, so you have a lot of room.

  3. #3


    T1 do spells as they all only require 1 resource. There are spells all the way up to 270 Opt skill. Also as above use the autodeconstruct option in the craft window. Do the craft quest as soon as you can as they increase your current skill and xp is based off of Base skill so you effectively get a XP bost off of them. Also craft scales help a lot also as they get you to opt sooner on crafting items.

  4. #4


    I'm not sure if there is a current guide available at the moment or where to get one. It has been over 2 years since I've run a hatchling through your crafting levels. But I can give you some tips to get you going.

    First, you have 3 scale slots open, get some teched scales made. Don't forget to buff when you are crafting, often it can make the difference between being at max efficency or not. Potions help too. Anything to get your gathering rate and skills up help.

    Second, get a cargo disk. A Tarbash disk when you can use one otherwise get a deluxe. Make sure you have the best scale pack you can wear too. A standard disk is acceptable until you can do better.

    Third, make sure you have done all of your L10 crafting quests. Make sure you have them all because of the the trainers are a bit scattered. Look for two near the craft cave up the path in Chiconis and two when you run up the hill from Dralk making the first left then next right you come to.

    Fourth, there has always been some debate as to what is faster, scales or spells. I don't have an opinion either way because, again, my experience is out of date so make your own decision on this. The one thing that I can suggest is to make whatever item that you just meet the requirements of for max efficency. Each time you level, check to see if there is a new item you can make at max. They will give the most xp for the resources used. Don't forget to salvage what you just made and repeat until you run out of resouces. And get a couple of scales with the salvaging tech on them and keep them with you, they will be worth the space they will take up in your inventory. Use auto deconstruct only if your salvaging skill is at max efficency otherwise you will lose resources you could have gotten back if you changed your scales before deconing the items you just made.

    Fifth, automate. Make hotkeys for every part of the crafting you do from equipping the ability and opening up the creation window to swapping out your scales. And get in the habit of double checking when you have the creation window open that you are at max efficency. It is a bad feeling when you just created a bunch of bricks/bars at 4:1 because you forgot to buff or swap scales.

    Sixth, location. To the south east of Parsinia is a large copper/tin field patrolled by golems. If you follow the path south from town, make the first left then the first right you come to, you will find a smelter and anvil with ore that is unguarded aside from the occasional passing of the named bronze golem. There is always a motherlode and many rich nodes. You can sit in that area and make scales to your happy delight all day long because the anvil acts as a scaleforge. I'm not sure about the best place to make spell shards if you try making spells, maybe New Trismus though some really favor New Brommel. Ask around and try those or maybe the sandstone field south of Parsinia.

    I'm sure that I've forgotten something or someone is going to argue this point or that. It would be a good thing if we could get some opinions/experiences up in a thread and sticky it in the craft part of this forum. Hope what I said helps and good luck.
    Last edited by Solitaire; June 1st, 2006 at 05:23 PM.

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