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Thread: Introduce NEED into the economy

  1. #141


    Quote Originally Posted by Frith-Rae
    Introducing things like taxes, armor or weapon decay, or requiring anything players *have* to do or pay for in order to "have fun" (though yes I understand plots are voluntary but at this point its moot for the current player base), means more "pain".
    To clarify, the idea for me behind item decay isn't to make players have to spend money repairing their armor. It is to damage the armor at such a rate that it doesn't serve infinite lives when that player is done with it. Because you can pass your old gear on to someone, who passes it on, who passes it on, etc without end. You never need a crafter again if you keep the gear in circulation.

    I don't want to cause grief for older players, but as a newer player myself I can see that this "free ride" I'm capable of getting isn't good for the game.

    Making things difficult for the sake of making things difficult through (not current implementations, but proposals of) taxes, super harsh death penalties, etc I don't like because it becomes against my idea of fun.

  2. #142


    Quote Originally Posted by Aamer Khan
    Agreed Jayne.

    It's the established vet players that are worried and complain the most.

    Perception of choice over enforced requirements is often mentioned as why vets get pissed over any change regardless of how benefitial it will be long term.

    My supposition is that the devs should worry more about long terms improvements, than reacting to every veteran cry of nerf or dislke of a change to our comfortable routine.

    The game was described as a dynamically changing world to enjoy, and yet we vets often rail most against change. We can't expect it both dynamic AND unchanging.
    I think that the vast majority of folks here approve of change, Aamer. What most of us disapprove of are uninteresting or detrimental changes which merely add a burden to players without increasing the fun content of the game.

    The biggest painful thought I've heard so far is plot taxes. Every player with a plot already pays taxes with REAL money. If we discontinue our account, we lose the plot after a short while. I am NOT advocating for any change to how this works, just pointing out that taxes on plots already exist, and they are real money.

    Various other changes have been tossed about that basically amount to putting more burden of some type or another on players with no balancing implementation of fun.

    If you want to suggest a burden to place upon us all, I would suggest that you also determine a way that relieving that burden can be fun and interesting. Adding burdens without adding something to offset or mitigate them or even make them fun, will kill any game over time.

  3. #143


    Taxes? We don't need no stinking taxes! What we need is cool stuff to buy.

    Stuff that not craftable or dropable. Although we do need more of those too

  4. #144


    And Jayne the last thing I want is a game where all the good stuff is bought from NPC. That invalidates the whole idea of elaborating on crafting so much.

    All the best things need to be craftable, not buyable.
    If I had my way, all NPC's selling stuff should get out of the game. And all loot drops would be resources, components, and gold. Certainly no uberequipment or such.

    That you would need to buy permits and stuff that I can live with, need a NPC item to craft something fine, that for me is than some form of tax. But the player crafter needs to be involved. Give it a Roleplaying twist why only NPC can distribute that specific resources or comp. But please let the crafters craft for others and not only for themselves.


  5. #145


    Well when you can gaurantee that items will be bought then craftable ones it is

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