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Thread: Dragon Lair Locations

  1. #41

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    Hello all ! [:)]

    Just come to say that Draak would be a great location for dragon lairs.
    but others locations like the vandus march or mountains of old rachival would be nice too.


    (sorry if my english is not very good [A] )

    Dragon: 100
    dragoncraft :100
    lunus 200%
    hoard : 36.240.880
    "born to be dwarf and gnome eater"

  2. #42

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    no! ... by the mage tower is mine! ;) er.. no, wait.. actually the spot i wanted was not far from talon the twisted.. near that empty building on the hill NNW of there (27475 29275)

    but YES, PLEASE... many lairs out away from other lairs/plots...
    i don' want no neighbors...

    and the faction-based community positioning? ... :P .... haven't we had enough decisions made for us because of the faction we chose? .. some sort of faction defining needs to happen, sure, but... not something that reduces our choices in other things so much (*cough*breath weapon*cough*)

  3. #43

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    Saritova Island has a nice valley with steep mountains, it would be great.
    The ambient lighting there really makes my scales stand out nicely :)
    the island has many biped guild communities on its outher rim along the beaches.
    inside the valley one can find gems, mithril and marble.
    I'd love a lair high up those menacing cliffs.

    Heres a map of the place.
    I was thinking along the inside of the valey, would be great.
    Placed a red line along the area for your viewing convenience.
    Get the map pack here - Get the REAL ancient models here!
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    100/100 Ancient Dragon, member of the first group of 8 to ascend to ancient on Unity.
    This sig was designed for Firefox (stupid IE still can't handle png )

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    Quote Originally Posted by Varangaard
    Obviously, there needs to be some lair locations right near to Dralk and Chiconis.

    In Dralk, the vertical walls right around the shrine/gate/vault area are a perfect spot. The montainside just needs to lean inwards so industrious bipeds trying to drop into the lairs form above get no foothold. Further, that high mountaintop northeast of Dralk (where the laval oastics presently spawn) seems another perfect spot. The valleys south of Dralk have lots of room, there's not even monsters there to dislocate.

    In Chiconis, the mountainsides north could serve as good spot, and there's good spots in the valley near which the ancient helian lives.

    I also agree that there should be tiny communities, perhaps even single lairs, far out in the middle of nowhere for those of our kind who prefer to live in solitude, like Lantenal. Both the southernmost reaches of Char and the eastern fringes of Kirasanct tundra appear suitable. For those preferring warmer climes, they might want to construct their adobes into the sands of Tazoon desert.
    You hit the nail straight on the head Varangaard... [:D]

    I personally dont want a lair near any of the resources...
    I am a Lunus dragon who would prefere to live near his home Dralk...
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  5. #45

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    Hm... Well...

    A nice place seems like that mountain in Yumi. Seems like a nice place there. And those cliffs and mountains on the way to Lantenal is also good!

  6. #46

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    Quote Originally Posted by asteral
    I would reccomend lots of ground level lairs. Unless of course someone has figured out how they are going to manage getting a cargo disk up into cliffside lairs. Not sure if that had been mentioned in any other thread, but it just occured to me about 5 mins ago. So unless you want to fly in entire disks of materials into your lair...crafters may want to use groundlevel access....
    I should think that would be manageable. A dragon with a cliffside lair could drag his/her cargo disk to the cliff, load up with lairshaping materials and then make the five-second flight to the lair to apply. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Sure it makes for a few extra (but very short) steps in the application process, but nothing like what construction workers had to endure before one could port with Tarbash disks, and that didn't prevent tons of plots and community projects from being completed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nalrach
    That means only dragon will participate to lair building.
    Umm, well yes, that's intended. Only dragons will get the lairshaping skill necessary to make and apply lair-building materials. Rather much like dragons not being able to do anything more than make bricks or bars to help with biped construction, bipeds will be able to contribute to lairshaping only by processing the base resources that make up lair materials. At least, that's how I understand the process will work.
    Before you criticize anyone, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, when you criticize him, you'll be a mile away. And you'll have his shoes.

  7. #47

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    i think the area north of tishlar might be good for lairs

  8. #48

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    Quote Originally Posted by kengar
    How about in the hills just NW of the spiritous swamp? Anything to get an essence channeller closer to those wisps [img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-2.gif[/img]
    Now that I think about it the more I thinkthat would be afantastic location. Nice view and very close to the swamp and dire wolves for hunting. Without flying too far you also get Nahguk ogres and the tier 6 treants. In the other direction the mithril isn't far away.You're alsofairly close to Selen andnotfar from several other biped towns if you're one of *those* dragons.

    The more I think about it the more I think a lair in that location would be my first choice.

    Of course, I may get an evil idea to put an essence channeler at the bottom of a vertical shaft. Or -- even worse -- at the TOP of a vertical shaft. Only way there is to fly straight up. Or put it at the bottom of a shaft along with a place to bind. See how many bipeds I can suck in. I AM Lunus after all muhahaha. The Lunus motel. Bipeds check in but they don't check out :)

    Nah I probably wouldn't do that. Especially if you gave melots of shinies (shinies are more important then ideology or just about anything else).

    Actually, after doing the AROP on Blight there IS one biped I'd love to do something like that to. Ok, he's an NPC but I'd STILL like to get him.

    *aside -- I hope for the next phase of the ARoP that we get a chance to tear that fiend into little tiny bite sized chunks*

    (j/k about some of that althoughI do think it would be a fantastic location).

  9. #49

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said, but I think there should be lairs of all types:

    - Lairs on ground level and lairs only dragons can reach
    - Dragon only communities and lairs that are part of/close to biped settlements
    - Lairs grouped in communities and solitary lairs with no neighbors nearby
    - Lairs in all terrain - snow, volcanic, desert, mountains, forest, jungle, ocean side, etc
    - Lairs near all tiers of resources, not just in the middle of nowhere on some barren island
    Tympest Stormchaser
    100/100 Ancient Lunus Dragon - Retired
    Erus Ex Istaria - Order

  10. #50

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    I dont have a specific spot in mind but I would love to have a lair entrance behind a waterfall or in a shallow pool if possible(some deep enough to worry about drowning and some not would be interesting to me).

    Also, dual entrance capability would be neat, one entrance reachable with flight only and one available for hatchlings and other groundlings. The second entrance could be buildable and not automatic. Imagine a hiden underwater access for your non-flying friends that are brave enough to risk it.


  11. #51

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    Okay, how about a nice sizeable ground-accessable lair in the big cliff behind to the highest, northern-most plot in Mia's Edge.
    Too specific for ya? ;)
    -Your friendly neighborhood stripey dragon

  12. #52

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    Don't know whether it has been mentioned yet, but when all the lairs are ingame, will there be a list of all the lairs with coords,size,cost produced by the devs? this would be like the list of when all the plots were auctioned off after the merger.
    Kaze Ancient Lunus Dragon 100/100 ~7 million hoard (Lv75)

  13. #53

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    ...there HAS to be lairs in the mountains surrounding the Sanctuary - it's the most beautiful location in Istaria..!

  14. #54

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    I have to admit, I have seen some great ideas on here for places to put lairs, but my hope is forsome just north of Chiconis, in the mountains there. That is where I would want my lair.

    The mountains on scorpion island would work in my opinion, but Abandoned Isle I'm not so sure about. Yes, there are a good amount of T2 resources there, but, would that idea make Abandoned Isle, not abandoned any more?

    Lairs would definatly be apropriate in North Dralk, and around the area where the Lair of the Ancients is, along with near the gold mines nearMahagra and near the mines in Aug, those hills are perfect for lairs, and would make a lot of sense since they are readily accesible from areas with resources.

  15. #55

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    Better make that more than one. I'd love a lair in Mia's Edge though I'd rather it was not ground accessable.

  16. #56

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    There are lots of mountains between Blizzard's Reach and Morathaven which would be perfect for lairs. Plenty of room to spread them out too.

    Someone has already mentioned Blizzard's Reach and I would love a lair there myself. The snowy mountain slopes around Summit are ideal :)

    Please give us lairs in the snow!

  17. #57

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    as I said last time.. some places are very important for us..
    also.. some of them are unable to get "lost colony"..

    But I ask just one thing: Is it possible to have my lair far from everything, far from every biped cities?...

    I just want to get my lair on an island.. alone... with no one to disturb me.
    to be like an hermit...? yes.. why not.. retired from the world...

    I followed the lunus' path.. but can't say I'm a real lunus.. neither helian one.. politic is boiring for me.

    so I see well my lair north of island of ice.... very far from everything :)

    (and sorry for my english which is not better than last time [:P])

    Dragon: 100
    dragoncraft :100
    lunus 200%
    hoard : 36.240.880
    "born to be dwarf and gnome eater"

  18. #58

    Default Re: Dragon Lair Locations

    there is one on what used to be the isle of lost machines.. however, of course, that's not a snowy lair...

  19. #59


    Why does Kabale not have any Lairs in the mountains there? All except Eli and Kabale in the area near Tavu seem to have 2 lairs. Can they be added to those locations?

  20. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Dunkelzhan
    as I said last time.. some places are very important for us..
    also.. some of them are unable to get "lost colony"..

    But I ask just one thing: Is it possible to have my lair far from everything, far from every biped cities?...

    I just want to get my lair on an island.. alone... with no one to disturb me.
    to be like an hermit...? yes.. why not.. retired from the world...

    I followed the lunus' path.. but can't say I'm a real lunus.. neither helian one.. politic is boiring for me.

    so I see well my lair north of island of ice.... very far from everything

    (and sorry for my english which is not better than last time [:P])
    I hope you find a place where you can be left in peace -- but I also hope that you will grace biped and dragon society with your presence from time to time.

    Your old friend snickel
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

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