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Thread: The Supposed Mass Exodus

  1. #21


    Truth is truth regardless of who states it.

    By your comments though, does that mean that indeed some had the ears of the devs and now do not? Are these ones happy or sad about that change in status? And if such is the case either way, how could it be an attack on any person, simply to state the obvious?

    My intent is not to attack anyone, but to show that pouting or becoming sullen is not helping the playerbase nor the game. Either we support what efforts are taking place to continue playing, or we don't. I will happily stand behind anyone that wishes to support the game we all say we love, but won't waste time on anyone that just wants to see it end. If I love and actively play the game, why would I?
    As a new dawn rises over Istaria, may we all band together to meet the challenges!

    Continuing Development of Horizons... SWEET!

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by MadDwarf
    Umm Tulga was AE and AE became Tulga. There was no difference between the companies. So HZ did not fall into Tulga's hands and Tulga had to relearn the game. They already knew where everything was.
    If this was true, then why were my tickets pretty much lost and not fixed within the two years that I spent playing WoW before coming back to see what Tulga changed? Some of the problems that I reported were only graphics flaws that could have been fixed with a few twitches of a digital paint brush. Others I understand were possibly more complicated, but I left the game for more than 2 years, and came back and rezerected the tickets because the flaws were setill there.

    I think even with the Tulga transition that there was a large amount of turnover, which caused things to get lost and/or developement slowed. That is the only excuse I can think of for them.

    Now I'm waiting to see if it's going to happen again, I submitted a very inportant ticket that still hasn't been answered by EI, which is understandable, but this goes back to my original statement.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Aamer Khan
    I will happily stand behind anyone that wishes to support the game we all say we love, but won't waste time on anyone that just wants to see it end. If I love and actively play the game, why would I?
    Then why aren't you standing up and asking for a REAL development team that can make REAL additions to the game?

    You claim in your sig that you want continued content development, but your actions are an uncritical acceptance of stagnation. Despite some of the opinions expressed in this thread, there is an exodus going on and it will get worse the longer EI goes without providing a REAL development team.

    That's EI's choice, and the game will live or die based on what they decide. It isn't the players who are calling for a real development team who will kill it.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  4. #24


    It is not that Aamer is not for as you put it Real Development and Real additions. Aamer as am I are willing to sit back patiently and see what happens. Instead of knocking everything that He believes should be being done. Things take time.

  5. #25


    That's it exactly!

    If EII fails in their efforts, you can say "I told you so!"

    If however they do not fail, what should I do then?
    As a new dawn rises over Istaria, may we all band together to meet the challenges!

    Continuing Development of Horizons... SWEET!

  6. #26


    Thanks for the compliment Aamer and glad you noticed my assistance in game.
    With that let me say a few words to clarify my perspective.

    First off everything I have done and will do was and is to make HZ a better
    place. My intent has always been to help and have fun. If there was any error
    in my ways I do is appologize. We all look at things differently.
    But when its all said and done we are all human. Luckily I have a gift that
    I can look at things from both sides and learn from it while others cannot.
    As most know I was/am related to a former dev of TG. This person opened
    up this beautiful world of HZ to me and I am forever greatful. Even though
    he is not affiliated with the game I still am! I am not a employee, I am a fan
    and shall always be no matter what. And with that I wish HZ to succeed. I
    also know for a fact that even though Smeglor is not with HZ now, he spent
    5 years of his life working hard to make it succeed and to this day still
    hopes it will succeed wether he is a part of it or not. Although many didn't
    believe me Smeg did work on his lunch and personal time to make sure things
    were working for us to play. I can't tell you how many times he would be sent
    messages online or phone called because server were down and such. He went
    out of his way to insure to the best of his ability to keep the game running. Do
    any of you wonder why Smeg never did WM for a shard? He couldn't, he simply
    had no more time to spare between fixing and improving
    the game and care for his family. Believe me he would have loved to and if
    he had the time. I know being a WM is alot of work but its also got to be the
    most enjoyable part of these online games. I think it would be wonderful to be
    able to spawn and bring others enjoyment in game.

    Anyway as I stated I still love this game and although I have mixed feelings
    about the current situation and I think we all do. I still love logging in
    and playing with the friends I have. Yes many are leaving and although they
    are taking that stance I cannot fault them for it. They are still my friends. If
    that is their decision I will respect that. But please no matter what all of us have
    something in common, we love HZ. Don't forget that when your taking
    a side. Don't forget that the other view has chewed he same dirt and spilled
    the same blood for this game. Respect their decision and try to be more sensitive
    to them. After all we are all in the same boat and this is normal when there is uncertainty.


    PS: I hope this wasn't to long winded and got my point across

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Aamer Khan
    ...I still see folks like Jayne, who has justifiable reasons for being biased, Login daily and continue to assist others ingame.

    To me that shows maturity and action that matches her words.

    The game continues, the future is still unknown, BUT the game continues.
    Wholeheartedly agreed.

    If I must choose between assisting others and being a mod, I'll choose to help everytime.

  8. #28


    Just as another Perspective:

    I actually installed the game yesterday, after being away just before the Chapter 11. (3 yeaers ago??)

    I installed this game BECAUSE of the sale. I installed the game because a certain individual who I won't mention is no longer associated to the game.

    I installed the game because, by god, I missed it. I never realized just how much I missed this game until the birth of my daughter, which pretty much prevented me from Raiding in WOW cause I wanted to spend more time with her.
    And with the news of the sale, it pushed my decision over the precipise and I installed the game!! it took 3 hours to patch after installing from the Original CD's...but I'm back!

    Now that EII has taken over I have hopes it will grow into what we all wanted to see this game grow into.
    I fervently think that the aformentioned nameless individual was the sole reason the game didn't grow as much as it could have in the last (3??) years and I have hope that with EII it will now have a chance to reach the glory that Horizons can be.

    With that being said, the changes in the past 3 years have been phenominal.
    Tazoon is still a lag fest (no suprise there) but the complete revamp of the map, the Point system, the new plot system, dragon stuff, plus lots of other changes have made this game even more fun than all the fun I had previously.

    I'm back in Horizons, and by god I mean to STAY this time.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Tanllwyth
    With that being said, the changes in the past 3 years have been phenominal.
    Tazoon is still a lag fest (no suprise there) but the complete revamp of the map, the Point system, the new plot system, dragon stuff, plus lots of other changes have made this game even more fun than all the fun I had previously.
    You know that David Bowman was in charge during all those changes, don't you?
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  10. #30


    Well sadly I think you cheated yourself for 3 years. no matter who owned or will own this game it is a great game plain and simple.

    But I am glad to see you are trying it again.


  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingOtter
    You know that David Bowman was in charge during all those changes, don't you?
    I do, but all those changes could/should have been done in a year, and not taken all the time it did take...I'm not irritated with the Dev Team that they had in place, my personal opinion is all the problems and delays and other issues were caused by a lack of leadership.

    I'm not saying Mr. Bowman was the root of all evil, but I will say I think he had a knack for causing more problems than he solved.

    Wish I could get into specifics, but I've pretty much purged it from Memory besides the end result that he drove me away.

    I would look up old archives, but is gone
    Last edited by GM_Gizmo; August 23rd, 2006 at 09:15 PM.

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingOtter
    What an elegant way to demonize the opposition and discount their perspectives. Care to try again and argue the issue instead of attacking the person?

    with Horizons it has always been there is no spoon or no obvious reality. But in really there has always been a spoon and there have always been two sides to this issue. One that is willingly spoon fed whatever tastes good at the time and those that are willing to ask the obvious questions. So I'm sure some would like things to be all happy days but lingering questions remain as to horizons future development path. The obvious is that if EII was serious about developing it further they would have kept Smeglor and a few others. To ask such questions isn't being a doom sayer but rather one that is using their heads and thinking things through clearly. Cause EII I'm sure would like to deflect all questions of that nature at this time. 6 Months down the road when nothing is happening they can always say " Hey why are you saying something now we always thought our intention was clear ".

    But its a waiting game right now. However don't be willing to take everything that EII says as gospel. Dare to question and never assume.

  13. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by MadDwarf
    with Horizons it has always been there is no spoon or no obvious reality. But in really there has always been a spoon and there have always been two sides to this issue. One that is willingly spoon fed whatever tastes good at the time and those that are willing to ask the obvious questions. So I'm sure some would like things to be all happy days but lingering questions remain as to horizons future development path. The obvious is that if EII was serious about developing it further they would have kept Smeglor and a few others. To ask such questions isn't being a doom sayer but rather one that is using their heads and thinking things through clearly. Cause EII I'm sure would like to deflect all questions of that nature at this time. 6 Months down the road when nothing is happening they can always say " Hey why are you saying something now we always thought our intention was clear ".

    But its a waiting game right now. However don't be willing to take everything that EII says as gospel. Dare to question and never assume.
    Well said, Mad... thank you.

    The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.
    Max DePree

    What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens.
    Benjamin Disrael

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by MadDwarf
    One that is willingly spoon fed whatever tastes good at the time and those that are willing to ask the obvious questions. So I'm sure some would like things to be all happy days but lingering questions remain as to horizons future development path.
    I'm all for asking the question, it needs to be... they responded with "they don't know yet" because they were dealing with the billing fiasco and the tickets. Nagafens post... After that's over settled and working properly, they'll get to this part.

    Quote Originally Posted by MadDwarf
    The obvious is that if EII was serious about developing it further they would have kept Smeglor and a few others. To ask such questions isn't being a doom sayer but rather one that is using their heads and thinking things through clearly. Cause EII I'm sure would like to deflect all questions of that nature at this time.
    No, it's not being a nay sayer... It is when you get no reply and then pronounce that the world is going to end because of it... That's what I see in a lot of post.

    Has anyone asked this question? Perhaps the transaction didn't go as smoothly as one would have liked. Now, one might beg to ask, "Well why didn't anyone say something then?" If there was dirty pool going on in the back ground then TG wouldn't bring it up, they wouldn't need to for several reasons... One being it isn't their problem anymore. They know if EII brings it up then they'll get slammed by the players as liars. This already sort of happened with "Rask" who pointed out there were meetings and other things that Dev's wouldn't show up to. He stated that TG wasn't being given all the information on TG employees.

    Now, tell me if it's wise on their part to publically air this laundry out? What reaction did it create? Not a good one... if I recall. The post was deleted so foopah on finding it. It was in "An Open Letter to EII".

    By the way, just a disclaimer... I am not saying this IS what happened, but I am saying it's a possibility. It could go in TG's favor too, saying EII played some dirty pool. I'm just offering a reason for the silence on such things as the question asked above for an answer. Question being "why didn't they hire the other Dev's"

  15. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Chioxin
    I'm all for asking the question, it needs to be... they responded with "they don't know yet" because they were dealing with the billing fiasco and the tickets. Nagafens post... After that's over settled and working properly, they'll get to this part.
    Hey nothing wrong with that at all. The issue posed was that anyone who questions the future of Horizons is being overly negative. Since when should we take the developers at their word ? Not saying they are lying but when we keep asking questions about the needed development in horizons it isn't being negative. Its being extremely smart.

    No, it's not being a nay sayer... It is when you get no reply and then pronounce that the world is going to end because of it... That's what I see in a lot of post.

    Now, tell me if it's wise on their part to publically air this laundry out? What reaction did it create? Not a good one... if I recall. The post was deleted so foopah on finding it. It was in "An Open Letter to EII".

    By the way, just a disclaimer... I am not saying this IS what happened, but I am saying it's a possibility. It could go in TG's favor too, saying EII played some dirty pool. I'm just offering a reason for the silence on such things as the question asked above for an answer. Question being "why didn't they hire the other Dev's"
    No one has said the world is going to end. But we can be absolutely certain that without further development and programming work Horizons will not survive the next year. Horizons is if anything a game that demonstrates people are willing to wait for anything. What will happen to the game if there is nothing to look forward to ? Events are fine and dandy but what EII did with Savage Eden isn't going to work in this game. Events coupled with honest to goodness work on the game and content addition makes a game with a decent future. Even one as old as Horizons.

    As to what happened with TG and EII what I honestly see is a lack of professionalism from both sides. But the developers of this game were publically known. The very second the sale was complete there was nothing stopping EII from contacting the games previous developers to work on the game. Heck maybe they made an offer and it was refused. But most likely no offer was made. Developers cost $$ and they should be paid for their skills. Tulga was never meeting payroll through its own accord. This was being paid by Chris Baker. So perhaps EII is trying to make Horizons self sufficient before hiring developers to work on it. Despite that keep these issues in their minds eye. Cause once its out of sight its out of mind and forgotten completely. It also breeds complency that the status quo is fine. With horizons it clearly is not.

    Be prudent dont be overly negative but keep prodding EII.

  16. #36


    Well put MadDwarf =) And I'll agree and nod to that. I honestly don't know what was stopping them... Nobody knows... Maybe the TG team was "take us all, or take none at all." Perhaps, they were done once the sale was through and they wished to seek new jobs! Who knows... Thouggh we did just recently get Amadan back! *cheers*

    Anyhow... I agree with what ya say and like how it's put. Best I've seen I'd have to say. I think there are going to be some real hard months ahead of us to tell the truth.

    My own personal thought about what's going on... I think the world event deals are a good start... a good way to keep us interested and having fun while they figure out what their game plan is for the development of the game. They are looking to get developers in there and have said as much... It's just not easy and as you said, cost money =/ That and they currently have bigger issues at hand..... billing =/

  17. #37


    Chioxin, the statement that TG wasn't helping was quickly removed, in fact they were forced to remove it or suffer. It was a lie.

  18. #38


    Many of us are just tired on waiting for things. The previous caretakers were slow on everything, and any bumps in the road like the transition to EII just make some of us groan and begin to give up. We all know that it is going to take EII a while to get their feet, but that's the problem and why some of us are feeling as negative as we are right now. I actually at this time have possible plans in a month to go play somthing else and come back in a year when the developement is in full motion.

  19. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Norfolk VA (moving to San Diego soon)


    Quote Originally Posted by Kwinn
    Gotta love reading about the mass exodus of players, the flocks and droves calling it quits. Make a body wonder...

    When I log and check for numbers visible currently logged in the numbers look about the same. Somebody must be staying around.

    Mass exodus of players? Since when have we had a 'mass' that could have an exodus?

    Flocks and droves calling it quits? I haven't seen a 'flock' or a 'drove' in quite a while.

    Did somebody park a paranoid butt on the big red panic button? Or do some just have a problem with reality? Inquiring minds want to know...
    Well considering there weren't "flocks and droves" playing the game to begin with, you're probably right...Although I've heard rumors that were even more idiotic, like Tulga trying to sabatoage EI's aquisition.

  20. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Jodokai
    Although I've heard rumors that were even more idiotic, like Tulga trying to sabatoage EI's aquisition.
    If you're quoting me, I'd like to point out I put a disclaimer in that post... stating that it is a possibility. One of /many/, and that it could be flip flopped as well. It was in an attept to make a point as to why there might be silence on certain subjects.

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