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Thread: Interview with Danu on Stratics

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria



    thanks for the link Peaches

    very interesting interview

  3. #3


    OK, Danu, quick question:

    Each shard will have its own outcomes and unique geographical and cultural outcomes.
    There are two ways you can do this: you spend the money to have a seperate development server for every active shard, create individual deltas for each of them, apply them as needed, and have an iron-clad change management infrastructure tracking every change on each shard, as well as a hardcore QA team making sure that each build is fully tested for both common bugs and bugs that arise from the unique build each server has; or you go without a development server and run untested changes on the live shards.

    You cannot cherry pick a delta. You cannot create unique single-shard geography if multiple shards are sourced from the same development server.

    So, which is it?
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  4. #4


    A fun and exciting read!

    I have the same concern as LO does on that one. I'm curious and want to know how you'll accomplish such but... Anyway... *points at LO's post* ya... elaborate DANU? Someone?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingOtter
    There are two ways you can do this: you spend the money to have a seperate development server for every active shard, create individual deltas for each of them, apply them as needed, and have an iron-clad change management infrastructure tracking every change on each shard, as well as a hardcore QA team making sure that each build is fully tested for both common bugs and bugs that arise from the unique build each server has; or you go without a development server and run untested changes on the live shards.

    You cannot cherry pick a delta. You cannot create unique single-shard geography if multiple shards are sourced from the same development server.

    So, which is it?
    Door Number 3, I imagine. It is probably going to be an abstract thing in that it will be a culteral difference, not a code difference. Kind of like the three shards already are. The folks on Blight behave differently than on Order or Chaos, just as folks on Order have a different take on things than Blight or Chaos.

    In fact, I question strongly weather Danu said much of anything in that interview. Seemed more like dodging and generalizations than it did usable information.

    Kind of like a stewardess telling passengers to pay attention to the in-flight movie rather than the fact that the plane is crashing.

    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
    - Albert Einstein

  6. #6


    I think they're gona rework the client and such first and foremost as well during the process, throw stuff at us to keep us playing. Once the 'new foundation' has been established, we may see an expansion, to re-establish HZ, at least on the shelves.

    I won't be nipping away at these folks, no cheap shots. Unlike DB and most of the old crew who over and again proved themselves utterly incompetent.

    EI will need much time. They shall have it.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Danu
    "We believe the Elders are the thread of a civilization, they are mortal, they perish, but their legacy lives on, their civilizations live on. "
    Ummm. I am confused.

    We are Gifted. Immortal. We do not "die."

    Am I missing something?
    Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional

  8. #8


    He means that as time passes, maxed elder players move on and leave the game, but their effects on the game can be seen for years to come...

    Remember when they asked us to name regions of the game? Guess who came up with Frostwatch?

    That will be ingame till the game ends... THAT is what he meant. ( mostly )
    As a new dawn rises over Istaria, may we all band together to meet the challenges!

    Continuing Development of Horizons... SWEET!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Norfolk VA (moving to San Diego soon)


    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingOtter
    OK, Danu, quick question:

    There are two ways you can do this: you spend the money to have a seperate development server for every active shard, create individual deltas for each of them, apply them as needed, and have an iron-clad change management infrastructure tracking every change on each shard, as well as a hardcore QA team making sure that each build is fully tested for both common bugs and bugs that arise from the unique build each server has; or you go without a development server and run untested changes on the live shards.

    You cannot cherry pick a delta. You cannot create unique single-shard geography if multiple shards are sourced from the same development server.

    So, which is it?
    LOL quite full of ourself today aren't we? To think you were able to concieve of EVERY possible way and narrow it down to only two?

  10. #10

    Default I thought the interview to be interesting

    It gave hope, that there is a tomorrow, and another tomorrow, more importantly, a future. I will give them all the time they need, to enhance Horizons.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Jodokai
    LOL quite full of ourself today aren't we? To think you were able to concieve of EVERY possible way and narrow it down to only two?
    Not at all. I just know more about how the game actually works than you do.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Phillip
    I think they're gona rework the client and such first and foremost as well during the process
    They gotta hire more before that. As far as I have understood, none of their present, announced company is capable of client development.

    Quote Originally Posted by Theolaerynn
    In fact, I question strongly weather Danu said much of anything in that interview. Seemed more like dodging and generalizations than it did usable information.
    I figure I agree with this sentiment. The only completely direct answer was to whether servers are going to get moved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jodokai
    LOL quite full of ourself today aren't we? To think you were able to concieve of EVERY possible way and narrow it down to only two?
    But he is right you know. The well-known fact is that delta cannot be cherry-picked.

    edit: Also, before you ask how it is a well-known fact. Remember back during the liberation of Feladan event, when one server was holding back on it? Because one server more or less refused to finish the event, none of the servers could receive a patch of post-liberation Feladan... because deltas cannot be cherry-picked.

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Phillip
    Unlike DB and most of the old crew who over and again proved themselves utterly incompetent.
    Looks like constant cheap shots here. but more importantly who was incompetent? I am just curious, because if EI as they have hires more former employees wether its direct or contracted out, will you say EI is then incompetent?

    Sorry to those whom have to read this stuff but I am getting rather frustrated at seeing these constant comments that really aren't helping with anything as far as our current situation.


  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Alashar
    Can we get some real answers to the questions? That was a bunch of double-speak and spin.

    one would think ya'll would be used to that by now

    Its a typical MMO interview. I was more concerned about his billing issues answers than anything else.

    btw folks I would be listening to Laughing Otter closely. What he said was spot on and he obviously knows what he is talking about. A concerned player of the game that actually knows about its internal workings.

    Oh and Phillip thus far EII is proving no more competant than Tulga ever was. They have to prove themselves yet. EII has a tough road ahead of them.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Jayne
    Looks like constant cheap shots here. but more importantly who was incompetent? I am just curious, because if EI as they have hires more former employees wether its direct or contracted out, will you say EI is then incompetent?

    Sorry to those whom have to read this stuff but I am getting rather frustrated at seeing these constant comments that really aren't helping with anything as far as our current situation. Jayne
    I like Amon, Amadan and Smeglor. Though I don't/didn't/never did think Smeg was right about a lot of things (alright most everything). Tango was good off and on. Creativity is another matter. This is where/why HZ turned out this way. I appreciate them for their hard work, however.

    If they need to hire people then let them. They have 2 years. If we waited 2 years to see the 2 artists that DB were hiring, why not give EI the same chance?

    I'm not about to cheapshot EI. Not yet.

    Edited for civility. We appreciate the support, but we don't need to be bashing anyone.
    Last edited by GM_Gizmo; September 1st, 2006 at 04:50 PM.

  16. #16


    Smeglor.......why does that name sound familiar?

  17. #17


    DANU states they've hired 3 former Tulga employees...I've seen Dyn and Amadan. Who is the 3rd? Did I miss it?
    Drasdil Redin
    100 Paladin
    Order Shard

  18. #18


    Smeg: The guy who made Blighted loot. One which oh so many people here applauded to no end hahaha. Until reality bit them in the booty....I remember getting reamed on irc when I said all the time and resource putting into that will amount to crap. This was during the hype of that ever lasting wonder.

  19. #19


    Ever look on the back of the HZ box? See what's missing? All that was supposed to be in "at launch". It's not a hate post by any stretch. It's reality.

    Let's see what else...oh, dynamic war. How long did we wait for that?

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Phillip
    I like Amon, Amadan and Smeglor. Though I don't/didn't/never did think Smeg was right about a lot of things (alright most everything). I appreciate them for their hardwork, however.
    Speaking of crack, it is interesting that you talk about how these folks had no creativity, and yet you played their game for quite a while (and may still). Who do you think made the stuff that you think is fun?

    Also, Smeglor contributed an aweful lot more than you seem to be willing to give him credit for. Most of which I liked, some of which I didn't agree with, and a small bit (like the arenas) that were not interesting to me but that I could appreciate because it was entirely voluntary.

    None of the devs were perfect, but most if not all seemed to work very hard on Horizons. It is just a shame they did not have proper leadership, and that the changes were often haphazard and fell into the 'One step forward, two steps back' category.

    But again, I lay that at the feet of the people who should have been managing the project. Organization and attention to detail are crucial to good development.

    But creativity? They had tons of that. It is the reason the game still has any players at all. We just need someone to come in and take that conceptual work and put it on a solid code base, and finish what was started. Right now Horizons is just a playable template that needs the gaps filled in.

    Removed excessively negative text from quotes.
    Last edited by GM_Gizmo; September 1st, 2006 at 04:52 PM.

    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
    - Albert Einstein

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