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Thread: Radiant Essence Backpack

  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Eni
    The screen of the backpack does not show a crafter name. ->not crafted
    -> no form
    Not true. I've crafted many items, seen my name as the crafter on them, then as soon as I sell it to a connie or trade it etc., the crafter name disappears.

  2. #82


    given what little i know about the one i saw linked - no crafter name, owner said it did not have the option to be deconstructed - i do not think they were crafted, i believe they were rare items placed quietly for the first ones who found them to have. i do agree that they should have been placed equally on all the servers, though not knowing who placed them leaves me scratching my head in wonder if they could.

    *sighs wistfully* i'd love to be able to quest for one.

  3. #83


    Indeed more rare questable items would make the game a bit more entertaining.

  4. #84


    actually the crafter name appearing is inconsistent. I could never figure out why sometimes it was there and other times it was not.

    We will never know. Since EII seems to be ignoring it totally. Which in itself speaks volumes.

  5. #85


    Speaks volume of what? You got anything to back this up?

    Cuz I know Galcondude already got in touch with the person who purchased the pack and looking into it..

  6. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Phillip
    Speaks volume of what? You got anything to back this up?
    logical deduction had by absense of facts. Best not let things get out of hand when a simple word from EII could deal with it all. By not saying anything they lead to further rumors and speculation. So one can only logically conclude that they are not prepared to comment on this issue. Cause make no mistake they know about it.

  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by MadDwarf
    logical deduction had by absense of facts. Best not let things get out of hand when a simple word from EII could deal with it all. By not saying anything they lead to further rumors and speculation. So one can only logically conclude that they are not prepared to comment on this issue. Cause make no mistake they know about it.
    They know about it yeah, but overall I see no dishonesty from either players or devs. Maybe both parties are looking for answers.

  8. #88


    logical deduction had by absense of facts.
    *giggles, then bursts out laughing* logic uses facts...

    Best not let things get out of hand
    like by implying apparently incorrect assumptions (that EII would ignore this issue) as though they could be facts?

    when a simple word from EII could deal with it all. By not saying anything they lead to further rumors and speculation. So one can only logically conclude that they are not prepared to comment on this issue.
    jeepers, we've seen already that EII folks like to figure out a solution before commenting on issues, to me silence indicates they are working on it. why not put that forward instead?

    Cause make no mistake they know about it.
    this i do believe. i do agree with you it would be nice to know how those packs got there and why, but better would be to even out distribution between servers and best to make those forms generally available *sighs wistfully*

  9. #89


    ok i will not let this thread die.

  10. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by awdz
    *giggles, then bursts out laughing* logic uses facts...

    no logical deduction uses the facts at hand. When you have absence of facts you make deductions on what information you do have. In this case we do not have a great many facts at hand. So as Kirk used to say to Spock make your best guess based on what we know.

    We know

    That there was no story line associated with the placement of these facts. We know because we saw that Tantylar and others went seeking out various NPC's in question.

    We know that there have been only 2 placed on consigment and none since. Why is that ? Probably because the person that placed them went oops didn't think this would happen... but that too is just speculation.

    EII has said word none.


    Its either an error or someone made a booboo and did not realize the reaction the placement of these packs would have. Most likely an error by an EII GM. Why would I say that ? EII once in the past underestimated Horizons playerbase. They did so when they asked everyone to enter their personal information into an unsecure webpage that was to then be transmitted via standard text page to an unsecure server. They seemed shocked at the reaction because their SE playerbase has been and still does follow this same system for payment.

    We also know for sure this was part of no mystery or back event by what facts we do have. They have had more than a week to respond to it. Thats plenty of time to investigate it. But as I said they most likely already know exactly how those packs got there. We would just like to know as well. After all we really do not know how EII runs a game. This could be standard place in that case thats something we have to live with it. I leave it up to EII to prove me wrong.

    In all reality they probably have no idea how to address this. Cause I really do not count Savage Eden as an MMO. Its all a learning curve and EII could step ahead of it if they really wanted to. But I think as with most past MMO devs when something like this happens they figure if they say nothing it will just go away and it probably will in this case. Oh and awdz I use that leap of logic because well... thats what MMO devs have done in the past. I base that on facts at hand .
    Last edited by MadDwarf; October 1st, 2006 at 01:57 PM.

  11. #91


    Here is a theory I like. Maybe just Maybe the 2 packs were from an old player who was quiting the game and placed them on a connie. Maybe this player was one of the pets of the old tulga staff. Maybe this staff member gave this player the 2 lvl 6 backpacks. Ever thought of that? Nope doubt you have cause this thread like many others is just a way of downing EI. Thats all yall ever think about, wake up in the morning and contemplate how you can down EI today.
    Its getting just a little old. No facts, no ideas as to how these packs got here but immediatly it EI is evil. How rediculous is it to say we have no facts what so ever so that means EI is evil. Lets see because there is no proof of this and there is no proof of that, and so and so hasnt come to help me blow my nose today, then EI must be evil. Just as sound as the arguements forthwith.
    So lets just cookie cut this and paste it into everythread so we dont have to come up with other **********.

  12. #92

    Default A slightly different perspective....

    As I've watched this thread go on and on, something occurred to me. I am not going to make any judgedment as to whether what happened was right or wrong. This is just an observation.

    Back when this game was first released, one of the things that drew me to it was the "dynamic content" that was advertised. It was assumed by most that each server would progress differently: blight would be pushed back in different areas, new races freed in different timeframes, etc. This was not the case, and it was very disappointing.

    Years go by, the game changes, and now EII owns it. One of the first things they say, is that they are going to allow each server go in it's own direction. Each server will be a unique community. I'm tentatively excited again. It would be nice if EII could pull that off.

    Now this issue shows up. 2 "unavailable" backpacks show up for sale at a random cosigner one one server. Not some mighty weapon. Not an ultimate nuke spell. Backpacks... Many are upset calling it favoritism. The only difference between the shards now is 2 backpacks.

    Even if someone from EII did not post those packs, this will definitely color how they approach developing each shard individually. If there is this much impact over backpacks, what would they see if they really tried to let the shards stand out from each other?
    Avarr Hammerwrath
    Dwarven Guardian of Order
    Member of HoM

  13. #93


    The diffrence between releacing races and some Dev or some one hacking the system for 2 backpacks is all shards start on the same footing with releasing a new race. The 2 back packs where just given to some one. If a Dev loged on say Hey guys you want a new race that Choas does not have? I would say no because we did not earn it.

  14. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by MadDwarf
    We will never know. Since EII seems to be ignoring it totally. Which in itself speaks volumes.
    You mean the speak on any issues? I musta missed it.
    100/100 Dragon
    140/186 rated Sslisk


  15. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by Avarr
    Back when this game was first released, one of the things that drew me to it was the "dynamic content" that was advertised. It was assumed by most that each server would progress differently: blight would be pushed back in different areas, new races freed in different timeframes, etc. This was not the case, and it was very disappointing.
    I see your point pretty much. But this part confuses me somewhat. Surely you aren't saying that two randomly placed backpacks qualify to be dynamic content ? There hasen't been dynamic content in this game ever.

    But I would expect each server to go its own way get its own personality through other means. I'm hoping EII soon clarifies how they will do that part as claimed by Danu. Placing of two packs seems to be a cheesy way of accomplishing this don't you think ??
    Last edited by MadDwarf; October 3rd, 2006 at 02:25 AM.

  16. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by lorzazel
    Here is a theory I like. Maybe just Maybe the 2 packs were from an old player who was quiting the game and placed them on a connie. Maybe this player was one of the pets of the old tulga staff. Maybe this staff member gave this player the 2 lvl 6 backpacks. Ever thought of that? Nope doubt you have cause this thread like many others is just a way of downing EI. Thats all yall ever think about, wake up in the morning and contemplate how you can down EI today.
    Its getting just a little old. No facts, no ideas as to how these packs got here but immediatly it EI is evil. How rediculous is it to say we have no facts what so ever so that means EI is evil. Lets see because there is no proof of this and there is no proof of that, and so and so hasnt come to help me blow my nose today, then EI must be evil. Just as sound as the arguements forthwith.
    So lets just cookie cut this and paste it into everythread so we dont have to come up with other **********.
    no one ever said EII was evil. Eesh you fan types sure have a way of misreading basic english eh ?

    The question posed was how those packes ended up in game ? Thats the base question. Is the question evil because its deemed heresy by the fan types of this game ?

    It was just a question. What harm would there be in answering it ? I'm sure it would provide insight as to how EII deals with things and maybe just maybe how they plan to do things in Horizons ?

    In the end the only ones spouting conspiracy theories are those most afraid of what the answer might be ? The rest of us well we could live with whatever answer would be given.

    So EII care to answer the base question ? Now that would be a thread killer I promise. Its your game let us in on how you want to do things.

  17. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by MadDwarf

    We know that there have been only 2 placed on consigment and none since. Why is that ? Probably because the person that placed them went oops didn't think this would happen... but that too is just speculation.

    EII has said word none.


    Its either an error or someone made a booboo and did not realize the reaction the placement of these packs would have. Most likely an error by an EII GM. Why would I say that ? EII once in the past underestimated Horizons playerbase. They did so when they asked everyone to enter their personal information into an unsecure webpage that was to then be transmitted via standard text page to an unsecure server. They seemed shocked at the reaction because their SE playerbase has been and still does follow this same system for payment.

    We also know for sure this was part of no mystery or back event by what facts we do have. They have had more than a week to respond to it. Thats plenty of time to investigate it. But as I said they most likely already know exactly how those packs got there. We would just like to know as well. After all we really do not know how EII runs a game. This could be standard place in that case thats something we have to live with it. I leave it up to EII to prove me wrong.

    In all reality they probably have no idea how to address this. Cause I really do not count Savage Eden as an MMO. Its all a learning curve and EII could step ahead of it if they really wanted to. But I think as with most past MMO devs when something like this happens they figure if they say nothing it will just go away and it probably will in this case. Oh and awdz I use that leap of logic because well... thats what MMO devs have done in the past. I base that on facts at hand .

    lets read and see if we understand english, all that mess = evil.

  18. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by lorzazel
    lets read and see if we understand english, all that mess = evil.
    Evil eh? heh anyone remember the infamous Mom Meltdown on Trading Spouses? Sorry to derail, but that remark just totally brought it to mind.
    'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, ..., the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars' - Kerouac

  19. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by MadDwarf
    I see your point pretty much. But this part confuses me somewhat. Surely you aren't saying that two randomly placed backpacks qualify to be dynamic content ? There hasen't been dynamic content in this game ever.

    But I would expect each server to go its own way get its own personality through other means. I'm hoping EII soon clarifies how they will do that part as claimed by Danu. Placing of two packs seems to be a cheesy way of accomplishing this don't you think ??
    In no way is 2 packs dynamic content. And you are correct, there has not been dynamic content as of yet - unless you want to count the events over the years.

    My post was not intended to comment so much on what happened (there has already been enough of that), but to comment on how the reaction to it could be percieved by EII. If something as minor (IMHO) as a 2 backpack difference creates such a ruckus, what kind of reaction can they expect from major differences/changes. I too would like to hear more from Danu as to how they would accomplish said differences in the shards.

    As I said, I was simply trying to bring up another perspective.
    Avarr Hammerwrath
    Dwarven Guardian of Order
    Member of HoM

  20. #100

    Default Cant be made

    As of this moment they cant be made on blight
    so they cant be made on the live servers either period.
    No forms exist.
    Me thinks they were placed on a connie by a former ranked player now no longer playing horizons ( and there are a few ) who is now scanning this thread with a huge smile on his/her face from the mayhem its created.

    There are a few on blight created by our W.M as thankyous for content testing in times past , it is all very possible that a live player had the same fortune ( NOT FAVORTISM AS HAS BEEN EXPRESSED ) and has now left for greener pastures !

    Time to move on people.

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