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Thread: definition of a rant?

  1. #1
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria

    Question definition of a rant?

    i would like to know what opinions/expressions are declared to be rants.

    to state obvious things? is this a rant?

    to bash others for their opinion? is this a rant?

    to be pessimistic and doom HZ/PME.. is this a rant?

    ironic/sarcastic answers? is this a rant?

    rants are forbidden at this board? rants will cause the closure of threads?

  2. #2


    But you do know what was wrong about your last posts, do you?
    I wanna be ancient. Why is there no ARoP for Saris?

  3. #3


    It's sort of like pornography versus art. I'm not sure how to define it, but I know it when I see it.

    That thread was clearly turning into a rant. It is a subjective call with a few objective "facets" to it which elude clear definition. Bottom line is a rant is whatever the forum administrators define to be a rant, after having issued guidelines defining acceptable & unacceptable behavior. Which they have done.

    Frustration seems to be bringing out the worst in many of us, myself included. Perhaps V was right, PME/EI is ignoring the cries for the "Me! Now!" crowd, in the hopes they will cannibalize each other and disappear. Perhaps it is working. I am not saying there are not legitimate gripes to be made, there always will be. There's just clearly a change in the method of handling them, and we're all speculating wildly on why that might be. I happen to think V is right, and I don't want to get pulled into the soap operas while I'm still enjoying the game.
    Foxfire Godspell, Ice Queen of Istaria, Dark Defenders
    Manta Guild Community @ Collinswood
    Knoc/Conj, Mastercraftswoman -and-
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  4. #4


    This thread is probably a rant.

    On the other hand, I don't see anything in the rules that state that ranting is forbidden. Unlike the other posts, however, the ones in this thread have not not wandered from the topic of the original poster. Let's see what happens.

  5. #5
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria


    i think threads where answers are considered as rants should NOT be closed

    the rant considered replies should be moderated/edited/deleted/moved...

    i dont think that peoples (like me) want to get threads closed.

    but i havent thought that my last reply in the thread peaches closed would be considered as a heavy rant to cause the closure ^^

    edit: why should ths thread be a rant? is asking "normal" questions ranting? maybe im not intelligent enough to know the answer myself?

  6. #6


    I'm guessing since they deleted the rants subforum is probably why that thread got locked. Ranting, again guessing, is not explicitly prohibited by forum rules but its not been allowed either.

    There seems to be a much narrower definition of what one can post or not, particularly in regards to the current ownership. I do remember someone posting calling others a Bowman Lover and not a peep was said about that, so I guess that type of name calling is ok

    However, if expressing frustration or conveying dissatisfaction, I would recomend using the broadest strokes possible. These emotions are a slippery slope here it would seem, and specifics are apparently not welcome. Just my recomendation based on my observation to keep the thread from becoming locked.
    'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, ..., the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars' - Kerouac

  7. #7
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria


    kk then i have to me more carefull what i write ^^

    i dont want to legalize rants but sometimes you dont think that you rant ^^ and i dont want to close threads :-)

  8. #8


    i know I'm not overly happy that my post got off track and that the email address is still getting kicked back , it was not about wanting something small it was about an ENTIRE server getting shut down, not something "small " broken, This is granted only a big deal to blight for right now, please don't tell me that losing everything is trivial , thats all i ask.
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  9. #9


    The real point of that post was the fact that yet another contact person for EII had an invalid email address. If that's ranting to point that out, then I guess it was a rant. I certainly didn't think so. I thought of it as more a public service announcement

  10. #10

    Default Definition

    According to Wikipedia: "A rant is a widespread and distinctive phenomenon of emotional speech or writing usually consisting of complaints or attacks. Rarely, rants express great praise, defending an idea or a person from attack."

    Unfortunately rants easily become or are mistaken for "Flaming is the act of sending or posting messages that are deliberately hostile and insulting" or Trolling: "Internet trolling involves a user making comments intended to provoke an angry response."

    Obviously if you have had a few posts or threads closed before then the later will be assumed more often than not. If you bring up points over and over again, whether they are being addressed publicly or not, that can be considered Trolling, whether you intend it to or not.

    I agree that a thread should not be closed if there is viable information and a decent discussion going on prior to the repetative flaming/trolling comments that so often have popped up in recent threads.

    Although I am not a moderator on this board, I am on a couple others and although we do not have trolls or flamers typically, I would try to delete posts before taking such drastic measures as deleting a thread but sometimes that is not possible if a thread has gone so far off track. We don't have time to babysit boards, child sit maybe, but not babysit.

  11. #11


    I think a good definition of a rant is that:

    If you post something just to stirr things up, and don't want to contribute to an ongoing discussion or don't want to start a futile discussion, then that is a rant.

    At least that would be how I define it.

    Of course, the moderator has no easy way to check what your intention was and so on... but there are certain topics, which should be handled very carefully.
    The Problem with these topics, as the ownership and lack of communication, right now in this current situation is, that they "attract" people to add their own stinging comments to them.

    Just things like: "They never answered my tickets, why should they answer yours?", "What did you expect of them?" and things like that...
    So the mods are carefuly here... not because they want to cover the truth or work in favor for EI/PME, just because it is their job to keep things as clean and polite as possible...
    You know where some threads lead.

    Before posting, one should think about the reactions one want to provokate with one's post, and maybe reconsider and do not post...
    I know, I fail to do so very often... I hope to get better on that...
    I wanna be ancient. Why is there no ARoP for Saris?

  12. #12


    I think I´m one of the first ones to say:" Cool down, moderate language pls, breath before you write etc" when it smells like rant.

    I´m sad and angry that I could not add my 2cent to THIS thread, because I came home late from work.

    Those measures punish those players, who have no intention to rant at all.

    Closure is not a solution- we should think of something else

    ( eg: in Germany we have a word for that: voluntary self-control)

  13. #13


    Wouf!!!! my head is spinning.

    A rant is .... I feel dizzie
    Nalrach, Healer & Guardian, Member of the "Iron Circle" guild
    Ramti, Friendly draggy trying to wake-up from long nap.

  14. #14


    well obviously the moderators know the difference and thats all that matters. keeping the ranting and trolls to a minimum is the backbone of these forums. its obvious everythings working because this forum is a hotspot for developer communication and it isnt one-way. the devs listen to the community and use the info how they see fit and they let the community know whats going on.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by pan
    well obviously the moderators know the difference and thats all that matters. keeping the ranting and trolls to a minimum is the backbone of these forums. its obvious everythings working because this forum is a hotspot for developer communication and it isnt one-way. the devs listen to the community and use the info how they see fit and they let the community know whats going on.

    This forum?

    *blinks again*

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by pan
    well obviously the moderators know the difference and thats all that matters. keeping the ranting and trolls to a minimum is the backbone of these forums. its obvious everythings working because this forum is a hotspot for developer communication and it isnt one-way. the devs listen to the community and use the info how they see fit and they let the community know whats going on.
    Gotta be a hefty load of sarcasm in that one...

  17. #17


    or he traveled at least one year in time..
    I wanna be ancient. Why is there no ARoP for Saris?

  18. #18


    Rant : Something or anything that even partially irritates or unpleases Abricots and her cats.
    Ishar Xhaan => Ishar_Wind Xhaan => Imrryr Xhaan Lunus Destroyer
    and his biped slave KalTorak XhaanSlave Ice Disciple
    == Ancient Order Of Istarian Knights ==

  19. #19


    a rant has multiple definition

    as regards to horizons

    a rant is anything that annoys the fanbois. That means anything that says PME/EII isnt doing a fantastically good job is a rant. Anything that says Horizons is lacking is a rant.

    To the disgruntled

    anything posted by a fanboi that says you are stupid and are obviously dilusional is a rant. Anything that says there is no 10000 pound gorilla in the family den is a rant.

    In reality

    everything posted here is a rant and there definitely is a spoon :P

    Its all subjective and totally up to definition by the moderators of the board.

  20. #20


    I think a rant is venting of steam regardless if damage is done or if someone is insulted or unjustly treated.

    Its like someone who stands in a pedestrian zone and because something has aggravated him he shouts his complaints at strangers and annoys them. He doesn't actually intend them to do anything to help him or solve his problem, he just shouts and screams and spits because he feels that is his right and he wants to do it. Now.
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
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    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

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