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Thread: Can someone please talk to us?

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Ishar Xhaan
    Nice flood Apricots, as useful as usual.
    This post should get a sticky someone from PME EII whatever whoever did ACTUALLY post , it is a great miracle indeed !!!
    Though, I must admit I have serious doubts about the capacity of the running company to make any patches / fixes when a copy seems to be such hard to them it takes monthes.
    Now Vanguard is coming out, some may have noticed it has many features similar to Horizons, should we all close our eyes and say nothing is happening ? People like new stuffs, new cars, new Ipods and NEW GAMES. What will htey chose comparing a new game that will evolve and good old Horizons that is STUCK for now 6+MONTHES not even anything to project build, not even a nice new named, NOTHING.
    I will continue to play this game and pay for it ( that is if i CAN someday ) but think a second, and you may think the game wont be here in a few monthes if it goes on like this.
    Hope our self proclaimed Queen Apples and here kittys will actually read the rules just posted BTW, they apply to both users and mods don't they ?

    Oh, and one more "soon" has no time meanig as far as I know, on a geologic scale or on a butterfly's live scale it s always a vague concept, so maybe better to say 3 monthes or whatever, with a BIG marging so you re sure you ll be able to speak in time instead of being vague.
    Expect this post to be deleted.
    Expect this response to this post to be deleted.
    I've had two pro Vangaurd posts deleted today already.

    Vanguard Faction
    "We suck less than the rest !"
    "Beauty fades...Dumb is forever"
    "Don't pee on my leg and then tell me it's raining"

  2. #22

    Default Come on!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ishar Xhaan
    Nice flood Apricots, as useful as usual.
    This post should get a sticky someone from PME EII whatever whoever did ACTUALLY post , it is a great miracle indeed !!!
    Though, I must admit I have serious doubts about the capacity of the running company to make any patches / fixes when a copy seems to be such hard to them it takes monthes.
    Now Vanguard is coming out, some may have noticed it has many features similar to Horizons, should we all close our eyes and say nothing is happening ? People like new stuffs, new cars, new Ipods and NEW GAMES. What will htey chose comparing a new game that will evolve and good old Horizons that is STUCK for now 6+MONTHES not even anything to project build, not even a nice new named, NOTHING.
    I will continue to play this game and pay for it ( that is if i CAN someday ) but think a second, and you may think the game wont be here in a few monthes if it goes on like this.
    I don't believe that because any of us subscribe, equates into, "we run the company".. some of us pay for tv, subscribe to cable or satelite, but we get no say in what happens in their business, except to add more channels which in turn means we pay more money. Don't kid yourself into thinking we as paying customers have any control over anything.

    As for Vanguard? There are more games coming out than that.. we have survived WoW and EQ2. Oh and Dark and Light too. We will survive this as well. Just keep your heads and don't panic. AND PLEASE!!! PLAY!!!

  3. #23

    Default duh

    Quote Originally Posted by Thamoris
    Expect this post to be deleted.
    Expect this response to this post to be deleted.
    I've had two pro Vangaurd posts deleted today already.
    uuhhmm.. This is the Horizon's forums.. maybe you missed that? Go to the Vanguard forums to post there.. say something good about Horizons.. and you'll see the samething.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Big`Gruff Beard
    uuhhmm.. This is the Horizon's forums.. maybe you missed that? Go to the Vanguard forums to post there.. say something good about Horizons.. and you'll see the samething.
    Ok..perhaps I was a bit vague. They were responeses and on topic with this thread with pro Vangaurd comments in them.

    In either case...the correct action would have been to move the post and not delete it.

    Ummmmm....appreciate your concern

    Vanguard Faction
    "We suck less than the rest !"
    "Beauty fades...Dumb is forever"
    "Don't pee on my leg and then tell me it's raining"

  5. #25


    Whereas mine were deleted because I criticised EII for contributing to the problems of Horizons and the community, rather than solving any of them.

    Well, that isn't entirely true, they are solving the problem by removing the community. Kind of a shoot the patient and you wont have to cure the cancer approach.

    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
    - Albert Einstein

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Big`Gruff Beard
    I don't believe that because any of us subscribe, equates into, "we run the company".. some of us pay for tv, subscribe to cable or satelite, but we get no say in what happens in their business, except to add more channels which in turn means we pay more money. Don't kid yourself into thinking we as paying customers have any control over anything.

    As for Vanguard? There are more games coming out than that.. we have survived WoW and EQ2. Oh and Dark and Light too. We will survive this as well. Just keep your heads and don't panic. AND PLEASE!!! PLAY!!!
    Haha, I don't think I run this company. I don't think my measly 30 bucks (or whatever it costs for two subs) entitles me to company decision making. Don't dumb me down please. What I do believe is that my measly subscriptions entitle me to a basic service...thus the term 'subscription'. There is a mutual understanding in place that I will give my hard earned money in exchange for a this case, a functioning and entertaining game. While entertaining is subjective, functioning is not. And don't fool yourself, this game is NOT least not in accordance with the terms of agreement.

    I pay for cable. This means, I dont' get to decide which channels are to be aired, which areas will be provided with service, how to run maintenance, customer service, billing, .. an entire host of things in fact. This also means, I am entitled to functional billing, a clear and constant signal, and timely service. If not, I will simply take my business elsewhere. And eventually, if others are as dissatisfied, they will also. And guess what? Company starts losing money as their foul reputation spreads....Its really a fairly simple conclusion.

    As of now, my porting and log in times are taking twice as long as normal. Lag is increased. And I cannot manage my subscriptions. At this point, EII is not fullfilling their terms of agreement with me. Will they shut down when I cancel my account? Hardly. Will the game shut down if the majority of us cancel our accounts? Yes.
    'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, ..., the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars' - Kerouac

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Aria
    Haha, I don't think I run this company. I don't think my measly 30 bucks (or whatever it costs for two subs) entitles me to company decision making. Don't dumb me down please. What I do believe is that my measly subscriptions entitle me to a basic service...thus the term 'subscription'. There is a mutual understanding in place that I will give my hard earned money in exchange for a this case, a functioning and entertaining game. While entertaining is subjective, functioning is not. And don't fool yourself, this game is NOT least not in accordance with the terms of agreement.
    Terms of agreement? The EULA gives no guarentee or mutual understanding. Your guarenting your behavior, and to pay your monthly subscription. Have you read the EULA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aria
    I pay for cable. This means, I dont' get to decide which channels are to be aired, which areas will be provided with service, how to run maintenance, customer service, billing, .. an entire host of things in fact. This also means, I am entitled to functional billing, a clear and constant signal, and timely service. If not, I will simply take my business elsewhere. And eventually, if others are as dissatisfied, they will also. And guess what? Company starts losing money as their foul reputation spreads....Its really a fairly simple conclusion.
    Billing from a non-utility is not guarentee'd. Your not eligable for a moritorium for the cable company or Hz. Don't pay your bill you get no service. There is nothing in the EULA that promises new content or customer service or even functioning billing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aria
    As of now, my porting and log in times are taking twice as long as normal. Lag is increased. And I cannot manage my subscriptions. At this point, EII is not fullfilling their terms of agreement with me. Will they shut down when I cancel my account? Hardly. Will the game shut down if the majority of us cancel our accounts? Yes.
    Again, you agree to meet the terms of the rules to play the game, it is not a contract for you to have an expectation of service.
    Yes, the game will end if we all leave, thus my request.. PLEASE PLAY!!

    This is a dead issue... We can debate back and forth.. Please again Play.. and lets just drop this.

  8. #28


    Hate to point out beardy but Eii/pme DONT appear in the eula
    therefore we dont have an agreement to be paying them ANY subs whatso ever.
    And its been what weeks since any news and what happens when the screetching gets a little loud ... a new face asking peeps to just shut up and play and a ' more news soon ' post from a eii/pme employee.
    I am still waiting for an email explaining to ALL blight players wth is going on with their characters ... and I wont hold my breath cause turning blue is a common occurance with this mob.

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Big`Gruff Beard
    Yes, the game will end if we all leave, thus my request.. PLEASE PLAY!!

    This is a dead issue... We can debate back and forth.. Please again Play.. and lets just drop this.
    As a Blighter my characters and home have still not been reinstated on a live server (as promised) so how do you expect me to PLAY?

    Drip, drip, drip...

    Characterless, Plotless, Homeless

  10. #30


    I never said anything about contracts or promises. I said it is a mutual understanding or agreement if you will. That I pay for a service, including functional billing. And if that service does not meet a level of satisfaction then I'll take my money elsewhere. Absolutely nowhere did I state that EII is legally bound to meet my expectations.

    Point is, there are some fairly basic expectations held true by the majority of paying customers in situations like these. If these basic expectations are not met (take a look at those chaos, blight, and unity threads, and if you ever managed to read a billing thread before it was deleted) then people will look elsewhere and this game will meet its death, imo before its due time.

    I do NOT want HZ to die. I am not one who wishes someone would just pull the plug. I'm still paying for 2 subs and I do still log in. The fact is this game won't go on forever, its lights won't be on in 30 or 40 years, it will be shutdown eventually. My hope is that when this happens, it will be a dignified thing...not traveling down the path it seems to be taking now.

    As far as 'just log in and play'...I agree that is pretty much all that is in our power to do. However, when someone can't build their lair, loot monsters, or port without exactly do they "play"? 12.95 is pretty expensive for a chat service when IM is free.
    'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, ..., the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars' - Kerouac

  11. #31


    Honestly, I don't think that one more thread out of hundreds asking for EI/PME to communicate with us will do anything. It hasn't gotten anyone any answers except, "We are working on it and expect some changes soon". I'm getting sick of hearing it. The fact that PME apparently updates Savage Eden and not Horizons is even more sickening. I can't help but think that they purchased Horizons soley for the purpose of gaining more money.

    However, I do hope to be proven wrong, though I won't hold my breath.

    Ancient dragoness of Order - Retired

  12. #32


    Heya friends,

    we are somehow going offtopic....
    Thanks to GN Gizmo for the fast answer , let's hope the new shard is going online soon.
    Keep finger, paws and claws crossed.


  13. #33


    Unfortunately, many of you have fallen for the old shell game that came into place when EI purchased Horizons.

    1. 6 months have passed and there have been no updates.

    2. The EU Server is gone and there are stories that the test server is being updated.

    3. EI sold out to PM.

    4. They are still taking your money monthly. (maybe)

    5. One small official word indicating that they are working on 'something' and will say 'something soon'.

    6. They are updating their other game and having live events.

    This game, with all of its problems, was really pretty decent to play. Sure, it had warts and needed a large infusion of cash from a sugar daddy, but it was playable and contained unique things that no other MMO had.

    The sooner everyone realizes that EI/PM does not have the capability or resources to accomplish anything with Horizons and moves on to another MMO, the better they will feel.

    I have been a Systems and Software Developer for more years that I care to remember and there is absolutely no excuse for the EU change to another shard to take anywhere as long as it has. And this is with no expectation as to when it will be operational.

    Everyone realizes that the code for Horizons is less than perfect and that it takes time to understand and take control of the system. With this in mind, there is no excuse for EI/PM to not issue a public roadmap on Horizons for the next year. Priorities and expected dates need to be announced with the understanding that this roadmap will be updated along the way.

    If the players wish to hang around, provide EI/PM with income, and hope that something good will happen in the future, I wish them the best of luck.

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Aria
    As far as 'just log in and play'...I agree that is pretty much all that is in our power to do. However, when someone can't build their lair, loot monsters, or port without exactly do they "play"? 12.95 is pretty expensive for a chat service when IM is free.

    (Quoted for Truth) there! 25 characters
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  15. #35


    "The sooner everyone realizes that EI/PM does not have the capability or resources to accomplish anything with Horizons and moves on to another MMO, the better they will feel" ~ Sledge99

    I agree with you and this is where I am at....however

    Despite my own fustrations..of which I have many...I think it's important to look at a few factors in reference to the state of the game.

    The game is very playable. It is stable and has enough content to keep a new player busy for well over a year. I have numerous newer ( and returning )players in my guild that are having a great daily for several hours and love it.

    Lets put this into perspective....from a value standpoint.
    Assuming your average casual gamer plays 20 hours a week...this game costs less than 20 cents per hour to play. This a very conservative number that could easily be lowered to less than 10 cents per hour to play. Compare this cost with other forms of $10+ / hr .... book and starbucks coffee $2 / hr ( assuming you already have a book and drink one large coffee an hour more for a fancy drink )....night at the bar / party $20+ / hr.

    Now much of this is relative and subject to many variables ..but for sake of gaining perspective I find those examples accurate enough. Television could give us a run for the money perhaps..BUT...there is no interaction can only sit there and watch somebody elses story. In Horizons one can make create their own story. Now arguement can be made that their are other ..better mmo's around that offer a better this I say..value is in the wallet of the consumer. Even if Horizons never gets one single piece of new content's still a good value on paper.

    I totally understand the frustrations...I feel them myself and have had to seriously struggle to not vent here on the forums...failing a few times at that even, BUT....EII is still providing a good value for those who still enjoy the game. Us old ..long term players really just need to adjust to the way things are now or move on and let the new generation of players shape their own world. That is what I am going to do.

    Having spent over 3 years playing Horizons nearly every day...with over 6000 hours logged ( I stopped counting long ago ) I feel the sense of loss as much as the next guy. We had something magical here for a long was a great ride...embrace the memories. It's time to just stay and try to help save this world or move on to something different. All these rants and complaints and negativity is truely not helping matters any.

    I apologize to the community for all past negativities I have expressed. I will keep any negative comments to myself now as it is both counter productive and not appropriate.

    As far as PME is concerned...they are still providing a good value for those in game enjoying themselves. Even if half the game doesn't work right..the other half STILL would be considered a good value compared to many other forms of entertainment.

    It is time for us old time to let go and move on OR stay and help those newer to game to enjoy themselves...perhaps provide OUR OWN in game content.
    Last edited by Thamoris; January 24th, 2007 at 02:04 PM.

    Vanguard Faction
    "We suck less than the rest !"
    "Beauty fades...Dumb is forever"
    "Don't pee on my leg and then tell me it's raining"

  16. #36


    Where is the Real Thamoris and what have you done with his corpse!!
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
    Flatspin: Ancient Lunus Dragon 100 / Craft 100 / Lairshaping 100

  17. #37

    Default Can someone please talk to us?

    I have enough building to keep me busy for a very long time. And that is what I love to do the most is build. Content isn't important for me. The lack of content, I don't mind at all. Sure, I don't like not having some of the t6 forms, but, ultimately, it doesn't prevent me from building. I set myself up, to be kept busy, building, and there is nothing wrong with that, I looked to my future in Horizons, and said, ok, if I need to be busy, then get 5 plots and 1 lair. If that doesn't keep me busy, I have guildie plots I can assist in building as well.

    The only time I look at tomorrow, is making sure I have something to do for tomorrow and the future. Other than that, when the content takes place, and it will, I will maintain status quo til then.

    There is nothing wrong, period, for those of us that choose to stay on, and believe in Horizons, and continue to play it. And yes, I am having fun, and in the scope of things, there is NOTHING wrong with having continued fun in Horizons, and yes, I am a long time player.

    Each and every day, that I log in, I log in with excitement, of popping another building. As long as that excitement exists, I will be here, and as far as I know, that excitement will never go away.

  18. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Justa Mirage
    Where is the Real Thamoris and what have you done with his corpse!!
    You can thank Peaches for my new found sanity somewhat...she checked me a bit and cause me to re-evaluate my stance on some particularly sensitive issues.

    Got me to thinking I was becoming more part of the problem and less part of the solution. This is a position I am not comfortable with being that I have spent much of the past 3 years trying to grow the game recruit at a I have adjusted my stance to one more supportive in nature. I'm still my old grumpy self, but only my wife shall hear my sputterings and mutterings now...saving yall the grief.

    Peaches? How well versed are you in the ways of marriage counseling?

    Vanguard Faction
    "We suck less than the rest !"
    "Beauty fades...Dumb is forever"
    "Don't pee on my leg and then tell me it's raining"

  19. #39


    *hmm-am I off topick now??*

    Those who can play should PLAY.

    Those who can`t...shall find their friends an mates- uhhhm-somewhereelse
    again (no I do not say the name^^)
    and return if they still like and if it is possible.

    That is what I`m gonna do.

    This is not a goodby- HZ will always be my No 1 !!!

  20. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM
    *hmm-am I off topick now??*

    Those who can play should PLAY.

    Those who can`t...shall find their friends an mates- uhhhm-somewhereelse
    again (no I do not say the name^^)
    and return if they still like and if it is possible.

    That is what I`m gonna do.

    This is not a goodby- HZ will always be my No 1 !!!
    And those who can't play will move to a other game.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

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