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Thread: Why did you pick this MMORPG?

  1. #41


    Had plenty of second hand experience with other MMORPGs by watching someone else play them (EVE, Lineage II, EQI and II, WOW, Rhyzom, DAOC you name it). Horizons was the only one that caught my interest (besides WISH) because of

    a) the multicrafting
    b) the dragons
    c) no PVP.

    To find the community nice and helpful was something I didn't expect but it has kept me in game during hard times.
    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

  2. #42


    well, nearly everything is said, so only four new aspects to add

    no pvp

  3. #43


    I first got into HZ for a single simple reason:


    I love dragons. Adore them- you should see my room. Can't take a step without bumping into something dragon related.

    As things progressed though...the crafting, the fact I could solo if I wanted (die hard soloer..even on games where you aren't meant to), and while i"m not much of a talker..the people.

    I have left, sometimes intentionally sometimes due to finances- but seems even when I make up my mind to go for good..I find myself back in Istaria. So guess I'm here to stay. I do still dabble in other MMOs, but this one is the only one I ever called and ever will honestly call home.

    After all- it has my dragon(s) and my lair.

  4. #44


    I got into this game because of the ability to play a dragon as well. Strangely though, my first dragon character outside of beta was just started about 4 months ago

    At the end of beta, it was changed so that dragons could not be any class like bipeds... this disheartened me as I really liked my Dragon druid in beta. But I played the game and fell in love with the crafting system, etc. Then after about 4-5 months I took a 2 year break. Came back to the game and the RoP/ARoP was in, lairs were in, tons of dragon quests were in... I'm here to stay now

  5. #45


    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????

  6. #46


    I joined three years ago , mainly for the spirit of adventure and the co-operative nature of the other players.
    Now I am not so sure.
    The spirit is failing , the community fragmented if not totally demoralised.
    A complete shard shut down and its community lost ( Blight ) and another community in limbo ( Unity ).
    I adventured on Chaos which from reading the general section is now experiencing some difficulties , this forum under a stranglehold and my password non recoverable.
    I did my tour of duty and return to find characters lost , friends departed and a fantasy world in dire trouble.
    I must post this as an ' unregistered ' as I cannot register again , very sad.
    I ' ship out ' again within the month so my time would have been short however what time I have I would have spent within this Fantasy World.
    I bid you all Farewell
    My the gods smile upon you

  7. #47


    I chose Horizons because (wait for it) the ability to play as a dragon. Horizons was and still is the only MMORPG I've ever played.

    I had dial-up when I first started, which was sometime after beta, so I couldn't play. I was able to make a dragon though, and to this day I have a thousand or so days old, level 3 blue/black hatchling on Chaos. I made about four dragons before I stuck with Drae on Order.

    Great community, awesome looking dragons - what more could you ask for these days except for a few updates now and then?

    Ancient dragoness of Order - Retired

  8. #48


    I started playing for the crafting and construction, and much of my time in game is still spent doing construction. Also, part of the reason I stayed is that I got hooked on the disciple classes, particularly flame disciple. Having active friends and guildies in game is also a major plus; in the MMO I left to come to Horizons, my guildies had wandered away to other games a few months prior.

  9. #49


    Horizons is my first mmo ... pretty much my first interactive game. Keeping that in mind here...

    I picked this mmorpg because it was 10 dollars cheaper than DAoC in the bargain bin at Best Buy.

    I thought it was like Morrowind.

    I couldn't believe it when I got home and realized that I :
    A. Needed the internet
    B. Had to pay monthly

    Found it to be a good excuse to get the internet connection we needed since our move, signed up for the free trial, patched the game in and played for 3 hours.

    And was completely hooked.

    Gotta say the people here are what made this game stick for me.
    'The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, ..., the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars' - Kerouac

  10. #50



    But dragons alone would make me love the game already.

    They are here, for when size matters.

    Can't understand that with all the big funds and big brains huge companies around, no one was able to make playable dragons but AE.

  11. #51


    My god,... the memories :*)

    Was lurking around in the net and stumbled over the website (sadly its long time offine ) On this time hz was only on the paper but the concept was great, and as I saw that dragons where a playable race I fell instantly in love with this great game. The "old hz" never came live but the "new hz" was also okay for me, well dragons you know .

    Well then the beta started and I got invited in eu beta 3 (weee) my god the first day i was all time running around with my little Takora and exploring new trismus. As i saw a human chopping wood I just looked at him and was standing around. I was stunned The beta was really fun, and we also formed on a beta-guild with the nice people there. Well this beta guild is still here and I'm guild mistress of it

    Hz is my first MMO and I was glad that I is hz. Because of this AWESOME community here, so i had no bad expierincies with the people there. (well a few but that happens everywhere i think) I also met such nice people there and made many friends I love to build community things with others or defending istaria against the undead. Hz has such a potential You are not forced to do anything, you just can sit around the whole day and chat with the others I play now hz since beta 3 with no breaks and i hope i can soon play on on unitas, if ei/pme lets me...

    I know I'm a dragon-over-all-loving-chick :P I hope hz won't die in the future, I would be really sad about that

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  12. #52


    My love for dragons is since I can remember.
    My first contact with them in game is in the 1999 with "Drakan: Order of the Flame". Here Ryn can ride Arohk, a mighty red dragon, last one of ancient dragon of the order of the flame. This advendure has had a sequel in the 2002 with "Drakan: the Ancient Gate". I played these two games many and many times, because I loved to move Arohk.
    In the far July of 2004 I began to think " It's possible that don't exist a game where I can play as a dragon?" and so I began to search.
    After some research I found Horizons Empire of Istaria, and one of its playable races were dragons. In a first time I not believed that I have found a game like the one that I was dreaming. When I saw that it was an MMORPG i didn't had yet activated a fast internet connection, but I was in waiting to it in that period. So, after a couple of months, at the end of september, I finally begin to play. I've spent a lot of time to choose the sembiance of my little draggie, but finally my first and beloved character was born in Istaria (old european ICE shard).
    When I began to appreciate this world, I talk about it with my friends. After few time they decided to enter in Istaria with me. Here we have met a lot of new friends and a great community.

    To conclude I like this MMORPG for:
    - the Communty
    - the gameplay
    - the craft

    but expecially for... dragons

    PS my only regret about this game is not to be in since beta

    PPS I hope, really really hope to be able to fly soon with my beloved dragons.
    Ar-Narluin Arohk - Ancient Lunus Blue Dragoness - DRAG 100 - DCRA 100 - DLSH 75 / 100 Mil Hoard
    Malashea - Adult Helian Silver Dragoness - DRAG 100 - DCRA 100 - DLSH 3 / 6 Mil Hoard

  13. #53


    I played it for the same reason I play mmorpgs of all types.

  14. #54


    Yes, I was one of the testers who was enthralled and disheartened to see Hz take a different path than originally projected. It still has very much potential and has a very long ways to go. The software is somewhat more stable.

    Why did I pick Hz?

    The original Hz Ad and to betatest

    Why do I stay?
    Open playablility moreso than any other world I have lived in.
    Some of the crafting

    Yes, husband and I have gone astray a few but nothing can compare to Hz even with all it's problems.

  15. #55


    I was one of the original end alpha testers, then all beta bits. All the way and I was determined to play after release.
    But alas... first they said "No you can't play on US Shards", they they said there was going to be a special pass of some kind that would allow you to get on US servers....
    Well it never materialized and in the end I didn't sign up out of protest.
    (My guild - if anyone remembers it from beta - was "Crimson Knights of Istaria" or something like that lol)

    Then about a year or so ago someone mentioned to me (a euro) that they are playing on the US Horizons server.
    I went and looked.
    I found the US Trial.

    Screech is 100/100/86 and I'm digging into my cave nicely with no intention of stopping until I get to the bottom.

    I've been playing MMO's for years. Started 1999 with EQ when a friend of mine roped me into that.
    I still play EQ, level 75, top 5 serverwide guild - but Horizons is where I come to relax.

    I tend to end up in betas a lot, am currently in two, and one just finished. So I generally see the good, the bad and the downright ugly.
    No one has a crafting system like Horizons. No one. Some get close, then mess it up and end up with something worse.

    The reason I applied for Beta in the first place was... "There be dragons 'ere!"
    And boy, were there EVER!

    It is - to this day - the only game I know where you can play a dragon.

    However... if anyone makes a new one.... I'll definitely check it out.

  16. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by Screech
    It is - to this day - the only game I know where you can play a dragon.

    However... if anyone makes a new one.... I'll definitely check it out.
    There is one, though it seems to be heading into vaporware status. Guess it needs investors.

    It also has permadeath, so count me out.

  17. #57
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria


    Quote Originally Posted by Solitaire
    There is one, though it seems to be heading into vaporware status. Guess it needs investors.

    It also has permadeath, so count me out.
    ToA sounded like the old HZ concept, real interesting ideas but so fantastic that nobody could implement it into a game (only with a lot of manpower/money)

    but ToA is dead

  18. #58


    Being an ancient dragon & having my own lair is what keeps me. Given due to all the issues Horizon is facing right now I haven't logged in since they got bought over by EII. Once they get their #$#$ together I would be glad to be an active player again. For now I just sit and wait (stops mumbling)!

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Minnetonka, MN USA


    I like many others saw HZ as my intrduction into the world of mmos. I still rememmber all those feelings of excitement when I was getting ready to login and join my guildmates in endless adventures.

    Reason 1: I loved the look of the game. At the time, this game had a look that was unlike any other. Artisticwise that is.

    Reason 2: As it has been quite a long time since I logged in and played, I can't comment on the current state of the community. The community in the beginning still to this day was one of the best overall that I have EVER encountered. Don't get me wrong, I have met many nice people in all the games that I play, but HZ people seemed just a head higher up to me.

    Reason 3: The storyline. I loved the story and only regret that I was never able to participate in more of those early "attacks" on the towns. Since I had a bad computer then the game was super laggy during those events but I was glad to participate how I could.

    Reason 4: Probably my most favorite moment in this game and what kept me going for a long time was the "Freeing of the Satyrs" world event. I came from the Energy server and we took some heat in the forums at the time for being a little slow in completing this when many other servers at the time had already done so. I met many friends from the crafting and defending of tunnels.

    I have had an account since the game was only 2 months old and I still can't find the heart to let it go since there is such a piece of me that still loves it.

    Opps...almost forgot reason 5: The crafting system and plot ownership was amazing. Interesting enough to give me a good break from grinding mobs.

    Enough of my rambling...

    First 100 knoc on Energy
    I forget the
    Blah blah...


  20. #60


    I was talked into trying this game by a dear friend who has since left due to constant disconnect issues. I became totally addicted!! It is the thing I look forward to every day. Now that I have become an ancient dragon and have my lair to keep me out of trouble, idle claws and all that, the addiction continues! It saddens me to see these forums being so negative, so empty, and now discussing other games. I tried other MMO's and found them so very lacking. Where else can you BE a dragon? Every other game has PVP as it's primary connection, I can't stand PVP it belongs on that very very lonely island HZ quite rightly put way off in the corner of the empire. As long as there are new hatchlings and young bipeds to help along the road to greatness, this proud lunus will continue to log in daily to prepare the newly gifted for the battle against the aegis.
    Level 100 Dragon
    Guild Leader The Bane of the Aegis

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