Quote Originally Posted by Theros Ironfeld
Of course the norm is Peachy posting her happy posts.
To be honest, I am sick of "play and be happy" posts. It should be pretty obvious the bleak future that Horizons faces in terms of continuted development and improvement, maybe it's entire existance. Gizmo speaks of good things coming in the future that they are working, well bull#$@%! I don't believe a word of it. PME/EI has been astoundingly inept with both management and communication since they took over and if you think it is going to change any time soon, you are fooling yourself. You can look back at the time Tulga was running things as the "good ole days" cause I'm convinced things even a tenth that good will never come again as long as PME/EI is in charge.

So come on Gizmo or Danu or Nagafen. Prove me wrong in what I said. What are you guys at EI afraid of? Hmm? The truth? Do you have any truth to even tell the tattered remains of the community here? How about those people from Unity you have been leading on with promises? Does any of their hard work have any future? How about those from Blight? Do they have a chance to ever see their characters again, even if they had lost everything else but their skins? There are hundreds of questions that beg to be answered, but I fear that all they will ever get is silence or answers that are no answers. After all, for over 6 months now, that is all we got. I see no evidence that will change.