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Thread: come to think of it...

  1. #1

    Default come to think of it...

    I'd like this thread to be about off-beat connections folks have made with things in game to things from real life, in an amusing kind of way. Please keep it clean & light... here's my first thought on it:

    Hunting vexators in the blight always makes me think of disco. Something about the way they sway side to side with long appendages and go up and down, with the lighting changing, reminds me of the classic dance scene from the movie Saturday Night Fever. With their electric attacks, they even look like they're wearing flashy outfits (vexators wear spangles, now you know). I bet they have wild parties in the deadlands' blight lights, until some gifted comes to break it up; then they just try to be Stayin' Alive. Once the vexator is killed, the gifted collects pieces of their outfit (the fringes off it) and leaves them for dead. And all they want to do is dance!

  2. #2


    Today I went hunting with Fendidior (a dryad guildmate) up at Rift's Edge on Trandalar, down on the huge ice field. It occured to me as a group of them ran up and encircled us, that the Glacial Ice Kwellens looked like giant hockey players, trying to use us for pucks! Of course a fight broke out at this game. I thought fouls should have been called on them since every kwellen was holding its stick too high, but the ice blight referees were severely biased against us. Instead, they kept sending Fendidior to the penalty box because they deemed use of wings cheating (apparently we are supposed to stay on the ice, not hovering). I resorted to skating in a circle so fast that the air formed a dark cyclone, and while I kept at it, the wind knocked the kwellen's heads together multiple times. This caused some of the kwellens to pass out, but enraged the ice blight referees who surrounded me and escorted me off the ice. I guess we've been permanently banned, and they will immediately rush to prevent us from playing if we set foot there again... *sigh* Hockey is a rough sport!

  3. #3


    *smiles with a twinkle in her eye* Hockey does indeed seem to be a rough sport, especially for gnomes who are so close to the puck. Maybe baseball next time? You know, you might be able to challenge those automata in Rachival to a game -- winner take all kind of thing. Seems to me I've seen a few of them carrying bats.
    Eileen Mavourneen, Fury of Feladan, Remembers Ilvoldi Evanar

  4. #4
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island


    You mean I'm not the only one out there who thinks of the 688 sub game every time I go underwater, trying to cross a thermal layer?
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  5. #5


    *chuckles* that is a neat image c`gan :-)

    Whenever I see an oastic, I think of a giant cooking pot - you know, like the stereotypical cannibal feasting cook pot. The oastic legs kind of work for the firewood underneath... It of course has a lid on it, since you cannot see what's cooking in there, but you can certainly smell the stinking brew every time it boils over a little (oastic belch). Apparently the cannibals are looking for more meat to add to it, since the oastic attacks every time i get close - I'm sure it will swallow me once I go unconscious. The only exception is the apple oastics, must be they are vegetarians?

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