She awoke, confused and cold.

Everything felt strange; for a few moments, it took some time again to remember how to move. Memories pounded in her head that were confusing and conflicting.

She lifted herself up, rising to face the bindstone, staring as if she could not remember what it was or what it signified. She shook off the oncoming wave of dizziness.

She had come back from the dead.

Yet, that was the trick of it, wasn't it. She never could truly be slain, unless she decided it was time. She was Gifted.

But why now? The air of the artic city of Kirasanct was crisp and clear, the Fiends went about their business as normal... as much as the cleric could remember as normal.

She remembered another place; a warm city of stone, a queen...

... was there a queen in Augundell? She couldn't remember.

Everything looked strange, and felt... big. That was it; everything felt big. She started to walk, leaving the city. She walked for a long time. She didn't remember having to walk for so long. The landscape was all at once confusing and innately remembered.

Then came a whisper to her, from far away yet within her mind, "You're back!!"

She smiled in the lightly fallig snow; it was true. Semper Fidelis were indeed friends forever.