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Thread: New Ancient Dragon Ability Idea: Earthstomp

  1. #1

    Default New Ancient Dragon Ability Idea: Earthstomp

    Earthstomp: The ancient dragon rears up and jumps up to crash back down onto the ground. AoE chance of stunning creatures around it and knockback effect.

    Other Dragon Special Ideas:
    Divebomb: Flying dragon targets a creature on the ground while it's flying. (Player clicks on divebomb) The dragon dives rapidly (straight falling speed) and hits the creature. Damage taken is based on total distance of the fall (good incentive for max view range) and the dragon's Tooth&Claw rating.
    Effects of Divebomb: Stunning effect, knockback, and MASSIVE damage.
    Recovery Time of Divebomb: Doesn't matter as it's kinda a 1x per battle thing.
    Negative effect of divebomb: Dragon is stunned for a short duration afterwards too. (After all, you did just do a nose-dive into the earth)

    Just a couple Ideas;
    Whaddya Think?
    Starmind: Member of Scions on Order Shard; Helian Ancient Dragon 100/100/100
    Starmind's Crossroads: Harro, Just Uphill of the Binding Shrine

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Ancient Dragon Ability Idea: Earthstomp

    More Ideas:
    Flamesweep: Ancient Dragon's flying over a number of mobs (Player clicks on flamesweep) The Dragon sweeps down over the creature, blasting it with the special breath attack (ice for Helian, Ltng for Lunus) and lands at the end of the sweep, ready for combat.

    Yet another crazy idea from Mr. Whaddya Think
    Starmind: Member of Scions on Order Shard; Helian Ancient Dragon 100/100/100
    Starmind's Crossroads: Harro, Just Uphill of the Binding Shrine

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Ancient Dragon Ability Idea: Earthstomp

    Yep, I like those.
    Good ideas.


  4. #4

    Default Re: New Ancient Dragon Ability Idea: Earthstomp

    Starmind, I would like to make a suggestion to you. It is getting difficult to find suggestions from others because you're starting multiple threads daily. Could you do like Salis did and create a single thread that you update as you come up with new ideas instead? I know the suggestions fall under different categories, and that's why you're starting multiple threads, but... well, I guess it is starting to feel like there's no point in posting a suggestion thread myself because it will just get lost in between the multiple ones you're starting a day.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New Ancient Dragon Ability Idea: Earthstomp

    Been thinking about creating a "Starmind's Ideas" Thread. Good suggestion. Of course, I read all the threads in Suggestions and General. Don't see it as hard to find newly edited threads. Perhaps I just spend more time on it.
    Starmind: Member of Scions on Order Shard; Helian Ancient Dragon 100/100/100
    Starmind's Crossroads: Harro, Just Uphill of the Binding Shrine

  6. #6

    Default Re: New Ancient Dragon Ability Idea: Earthstomp

    Starmind, if you do decide to do such a thread, I think I can combine everything you've posted into one thread.

    Keep in mind the devs don't have a lot of time to read forums each day, not if they're also going to get work done. So I have to agree with Jasmeen and say one thread with everything nice and to the point will probably get noticed more. There's something about having to scroll down the page in order to read posts that always bugs me, at least.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New Ancient Dragon Ability Idea: Earthstomp

    I was thinking last night that, just for effect, it'd be really cool if the ground (screen) shook a little when an adult or ancient dragon land. If you're within a certain radius of the dragon, you'd see it. Could be a toggle-able effect, so those who don't like it can disable it. Given their size it would make sense, and add of an "oooooo..." effect of seeing something that large.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Ancient Dragon Ability Idea: Earthstomp

    Ooh, great ideas Starmind! I would love to see those actually in game.. that would be awesome
    ~Proud owner of~ ~

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