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Thread: Advice from others

  1. #1

    Default Advice from others

    Um, I'm starting soon to study at a college... Diploma type course, 2 years, expensive as hell (*gag*), but otherwise nice. But anyways the study program is "Game art and Design", a course for people wanting to do games but more the art and writing side than the programmy side, just because I draw better than talking (And confusing) machines. Highly specialized picky school, so its not a "Buy your diploma" type place either.

    Anyways, I have heard the game industry is really competitive, and was wondering if there was anyone around the boards who does game stuff. I guess Virtrium can add their two cents here too if they wish. All I want to know is what advice can you give me while I'm studying to better my chances of hopping on board with a company as an intern, and not getting chewed and spit out again.

    Or if you have any other advice you think might be helpful, feel free to share.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Advice from others

    I can't tell you much about getting into the gaming industry since I don't have any experience with that. College in general, though...

    Ramen bricks. You'll learn to do all sorts of meals with them.

    On a more serious note, focus more on becoming aware of what's out there. Don't get bent on scoring perfectly. You'll have a better time (and better grades!) if you enjoy the coursework and don't stress over taking the next test.

    I'd say one of the most important things you /should/ learn in college is how to "play the game". You'll get more work than you can handle. You'll get work in subjects you don't understand too well. You'll be forced to work with idiots. Trust me, it will happen. The lesson is in figuring out how to handle those situations and bend the rules without tanking your academic career or your sanity. Oddly, this isn't a course by itself for some reason, it's just something you learn through experience.

    In a slightly related note, sleep. You can not perform well when sleep deprived, nor are you able to remember things. Yes, it IS tempting to stay up all weekend to finish your homework and study, but don't do it. Find somewhere else to cut corners, sleep isn't one of them.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Advice from others

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    I'd say one of the most important things you /should/ learn in college is how to "play the game". You'll get more work than you can handle. You'll get work in subjects you don't understand too well. You'll be forced to work with idiots. Trust me, it will happen.
    Hey, that sounds just like "real life" too!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Advice from others

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Ramen bricks. You'll learn to do all sorts of meals with them.
    I live in room and board type place so I'm pretty sure I'd be discovering the versatility of the ramen noodle is dinner wasn't made every day for me.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Advice from others

    Quote Originally Posted by Magnir View Post
    Hey, that sounds just like "real life" too!

    Yup, college is preparation for "real life" in more ways than just coursework. You can screw up in college and the penalties are pretty small, as long as you don't do it often.

    Quote Originally Posted by RuneDragoon
    I live in room and board type place so I'm pretty sure I'd be discovering the versatility of the ramen noodle is dinner wasn't made every day for me.
    I suggest getting acquainted with Spam as well. It's pretty good if you slice it thin and fry it (heating it in the microwave sort of works). Try the "Lite" version first -- I find the regular one to be too salty.

    I've had periods of surviving on ramen with spam on quarters when my classes got out after the cafeteria closed. That changed once I managed to sneak a George Foreman grill into my dorm room. Nothing says "Study break!" like steaks at 1am.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Advice from others

    mm. steak.

    Thank you for your advice, steelclaw. Helpful and with a good humour to it.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Advice from others

    Don't forget fried bologna... the stuff may taste bland straight out of the package, but fry it until it's shaped like a cup and MMM mmm good.

    Another cheap food is rice... just remember the 2 to 1 ratio... doesn't matter what container you use as long as you have twice as much water as you do rice. Mix that up with something like Hormel chili or Dinty Moore beef stew... buy yellow, spanish and dirt rice for variety.

    Oh! BisQuick drop biscuits with cheese and/or meat of your choice. Don't do it every day (it tends to bind you up), but it's a nice alternative.

    Those are the best dirt-poor bachelor chow ideas I've got.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Advice from others

    Get a part time job -> eat pizzas

    Sianan + Pooki + Lotus Blossom

  9. #9

    Default Re: Advice from others

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    I suggest getting acquainted with Spam as well. It's pretty good if you slice it thin and fry it (heating it in the microwave sort of works). Try the "Lite" version first -- I find the regular one to be too salty.

    I've had periods of surviving on ramen with spam on quarters when my classes got out after the cafeteria closed. That changed once I managed to sneak a George Foreman grill into my dorm room. Nothing says "Study break!" like steaks at 1am.
    I'm still doing that now and I'm 28!!! Good luck at college RuneDragoon!


  10. #10

    Default Re: Advice from others

    You got a PM Runedragon
    Get the map pack here - Get the REAL ancient models here!
    Get White Teeth and Claws for your Dragon here!

    100/100 Ancient Dragon, member of the first group of 8 to ascend to ancient on Unity.
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  11. #11
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Advice from others

    if your college is one of those that requires learning teams, my best advice is to make sure you get a good one, and do not tolerate slackers or unfit members.
    the first few class of my college experience, i was partnered with 3 useless peeps who could not have possibly have passed the entrance exam on their own. still, to this day, don't know how they got in.
    i ended up doing all the work and making all the contacts. i finally got to the point where i would email the teachers before class began to tell them i would not, under no circumstances, be working with those peeps again.

    you can survive the rest, but if your grades rely on other peeps, get the ones you want!!!!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  12. #12

    Default Re: Advice from others

    Clearly things are done differently in the US

    Let me give you a taste of typical English college life, having worked both sides of the fence as it were over the years.

    Length of course minus one year = excessive drink, drugs and sex, optional political activity if only so you can get drunk, take drugs and have sex with a different group of people than normal

    Final year = working harder than you will ever do again in your life to at least salvage some dignity in the form of a minimal passing grade.

    After college = duel experience of understand that they WERE the best years of your life and that you DID throw away a goldern opportunity to make your working life much more fullfilling. While you'll never suffer from both of these accute forms of regret at the same time you will suffer from one or the other constantly throughout your life.

    Am gonna hit an inanimate object with another inanimate object for awhile, then i'm gonna hit an animate object with a different inanimate object. And they said MMORPG's were limited in scope Pah!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Advice from others


    Good reference:

    Work hard. Don't just do what the school has you do. Make your own stuff. Learn as much as you can about everything. People who know how to do more than one thing (programming and design, art and programming, art and design, etc, etc) are more likely to have better luck. Be ambitious. And be outspoken. Learn to work with others and talk to others. The days of people who can't work on teams or communicate is over.

    Make sure you consider what jobs you will be qualified for outside of the gaming industry if you can't get a job. Don't listen to school propaganda that says you will get a job in the industry. The % is quite low because competition for jobs is fierce.

    Oh and keep in mind that it can be a bumpy ride (e.g. Artifact, Tulga, Virtrium ) And best of luck to you in your career choice.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

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    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  14. #14
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Advice from others

    AMON, you big cuddly brute, how are ya?????

    Now back to the question at hand. From my college days, I remember this:

    Be your own support. You know your likes and dislikes, your focusers and distractions. Especially if you are moving in somewhere (be it apartment, dorm, etc.) where you are not at home, make the place comfortable for you to do your schoolwork in comfort. You have to face you in the mirror every day or week or so at some point. so only you can really tell you whether or not you're doing better or worse at anything. Be sure to reward yourself for jobs well done and also to gently but firmly kick yourself in the pants for not doing so hot.

    So, if you find that laying sideways on a couch listening to Kenny Chesney in the earphones while reading focuses you on the book, keep the radio and headphones nearby and make a reading spot.

    If computer programming entails milk and oreos, keep a mini fridge and extra shelf space by the computer.

    Whatever it takes, keep your area(s) focused for your best performance of the tasks at hand. That does NOT mean you get to take the pretty blond thing from two floors down to the gym with you just so you can have someone watch you work out.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  15. #15

    Default Re: Advice from others

    Thank you to all with advice, I will do some reading (After homework). There are no group works yet for me in this quarter that I know of, and we are often encouraged to become good friends with your other classmates because you never know who is going where who who might really like you, etc. And every teacher in my 3 courses thus far has said the same thing: Become good friends with everyone in the room, and don't slack off. You don't want to be remembered by your class as the slacker, or have some random company person stop in and see you as a slacker. Connections. *cough*

  16. #16

    Default Re: Advice from others

    "Work hard now so you can play hard later"

    Amon and C'gan both have very relevant points in their posts... you'd shine if you did all that. ... and to get a good job I'd give it your best and be the one that shines. It 'merely' takes dedication.

    Unfortunately I was dedicated to gliding and not my course, so I got a 2:2. :S I only learn't that expression when I was doing a more recent course lol...


  17. #17
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Advice from others

    Another thing I might add. Do some individual OUTSIDE research each semester on the classes you're taking.

    What do I mean by that? Well, you're doing gaming programming. On the side, pick up another book of programming tips and tricks for the programming language you're using. See if you can find some examples in code from the real world to see if there are things you're missing from your class. I can speak from a practical stanpoint here. Graphic designers for print fail to be taught 100% of the time about things like trap, bleed, and the fact that Photoshop black is not cyan 0, magenta 0, yellow 0, black 100, like it's SUPPOSED to be. So, if you were going to college to be a graphic designer, I'd say go to a printing company and ask to speak with their PRESSMEN about what's needed on jobs, not the pre-press department.

    Once you're out of school and looking in the real world, these little tidbits of info you find may be the cutting edge between getting that job and getting looked over.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

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