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Thread: Thoughts on the state of the game

  1. #1

    Default Thoughts on the state of the game

    Hello Loyal Horizon players,

    I left this game some time ago to join the denizens of WoW players. I now grow tired of the ease of the game and have been exploring options and Horizons is one of them.

    When I left the combat system was a bit buggy in that you could run from a mob and be a fair distance away and the mob would still hit. Has that been fixed?

    I have several other question that end in " ...has that been fixed". So instead wanting a point by point reply I'd like to hear from you loyal players, how is the state of the game? Has it improved over the last year? Is the game worth returning to?(obvious question but it begs to be asked )

    Any input will be apreciated, possitive and or negative alike.
    Nobility is not in your blood but in your actions.
    Woushi - Blight
    Dael Trykk - Blight

  2. #2

    Default Re: Thoughts on the state of the game

    Ranged mobs do. I haven't recently encountered the "ranged melee" effect, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
    Starmind: Member of Scions on Order Shard; Helian Ancient Dragon 100/100/100
    Starmind's Crossroads: Harro, Just Uphill of the Binding Shrine

  3. #3

    Default Re: Thoughts on the state of the game

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunbaked View Post
    I have several other question that end in " ...has that been fixed". So instead wanting a point by point reply I'd like to hear from you loyal players, how is the state of the game? Has it improved over the last year? Is the game worth returning to?(obvious question but it begs to be asked )
    The game has been bought twice over the past year, once by a company that didn't plan to do any development whatsoever, and just recently by a new company that has started slowly fixing things. So because of that the game really hasn't changed at all in the past 1 year. But it really depends when you left the game. If you left in 2004 or mid 2005, then lots has changed and been fixed. If you left in June 2006 then the game is exactly the same, except for the one update we just received this last week.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Thoughts on the state of the game

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunbaked View Post
    When I left the combat system was a bit buggy in that you could run from a mob and be a fair distance away and the mob would still hit. Has that been fixed?
    I've seen this happen in WoW as well, one of the best built MMORPGs I know of. What you describe is not a flaw in the game, but communication lag. The server thinks you are still at the spot where the monster is fighting you, or if you are running away, the server thinks you are a few yards behind where you are actually located.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunbaked View Post
    I have several other question that end in " ...has that been fixed". So instead wanting a point by point reply I'd like to hear from you loyal players, how is the state of the game? Has it improved over the last year? Is the game worth returning to?(obvious question but it begs to be asked )

    Any input will be apreciated, possitive and or negative alike.
    Spawn system is still poor.
    Frame rate has improoved, lots I think.
    More recently having some issues with plots, but it seemes to be somthing that is getting fixed quickly.
    Horizons runs only itermittently on Windows Vista between reboots.
    Commonly known things like fall damage and monster collision are still not implemented.
    Can some one else fill in any gaps that I've missed, good or bad?

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