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Thread: never thought it would happen

  1. #21

    Unhappy Re: never thought it would happen

    everything that is going on in blight is not only happening on blight, the other shards are also getting this same treatment in and out of guilds. no matter when/where it happens its wrong and should be dealt with. the suggestions and statements below will hopefully help to find the culprit.
    also, theros im sorry that you feel the way u do even about VI because of statements made by other forum members and all the troubles you had in the past with EI at the time of the sale in july 2006. We all miss seeing you in blight and wish that you would reconsider and see what VI has already done let alone all the things in store. i know you read the boards as well as respond as well.
    I miss hunting with you and all the others as well as the playing and kidding around that we all did but you have to do what is right for you even when others dont agree or like the decisions. EVEN if you r the owner (VI) of the game.
    IMHO, i think that you r being hard on VI and members such as myself with the language and undertones/tones u give to us jus for expressing our feelings, and if u r using rude undertones as u did with me sometime back then no wonder someone would flame statements.
    i was no more happy about the pricing but if u dont make money some how in a business u cant keep it going.
    VI is only trying to keep an MMO going that has very good ideas and was trying to head in the right direction before being bought and stalled out hoping IMO to close the game, which didnt work.
    Sorry if any of this offends you theros, as u told me sometime back u have to get over it and deal. this is my opinion as that was yours and as far as i can see still is yours.

    Blight ---- Anne Dryad 188 rating (Main character in Blight)
    Blight --- Annyia 100/61/6 Helian Dragon
    MissAna_Chaos Human in Blight Dedicated player since Beta!!!!!

  2. #22

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    I just caught up on this thread and need to post my 2cp because I feel rather strongly about it.

    I really wish there were logs to see who took what from a given structure. I remember similar incidents 3+ years ago on Order before my wife and I left the game. Every time the permissions on silos reset it would be a mad dash to make sure all your assets were secured on server up because there were undesireables out there who would steal their own grandmother's social security check if they could... I'm glad most of those people are long gone, and very saddened to hear about the incident on Blight.

    Either way, now that we're back on Order (and once we get re-situated, of course) we'll be making sure any folks that end up use our silos/housing are protected via friends list permissions or something.

    /rant on
    Regardless of whether the offender is from Blight or from another server and did it with a new L1 toon to grief: if found, they should be banned. Credit card banned, IP banned. Permanently gone. Period. Yes, each sub is precious right now, but that breed of player will do more long-term harm than good if allowed to stay. And if they try to say they didn't "technically" do anything wrong because the silos are marked usable by all?

    I don't care how the permissions are set... if you took something that isn't yours, you're stealing. Sometimes enforcing the spirit of the law is just as vital as the letter of the law, and Blight has been victimized by a thief. 'nuff said.
    /rant off

    If there was a way for me to help from Order I would. I guess given that, at least can offer moral and vocal support.
    "There are but three loves in a Dwarf's life, young lad: battle to make one thirsty, ale to quench the thirst, and friends to bring more ale! Make no mistake about it... good friends are by far the most important." - Steele

  3. #23
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: never thought it would happen

    and that is enough for me, at least, steele.
    i wasn't asking for pity or recompense, just wanted to let off a little steam and warn the blighties/peeps who might, like me, only get on every once in a while and don't always go to the plot when they do. i was only made aware of my incident when i went to the tents to find something. that, coupled with the guild theft and the rude visitors, just made me peeved to the max.

    thanx everyone, for your support. as steele and others have said, the kind of player who would do things like this, we don't need. if the peeps who did are reading this, i hope you either are enjoying it or are ashamed.

    i would vastly prefer ashamed, cause at least there would be hope for you.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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