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Thread: Derail This Thread!

  1. #1

    Default Derail This Thread!

    Just try and do it!

    No, really. Let's see where it goes. Think of it as a collective "stream of thought".

    Here's the catch(es):
    1) Your post has to be somewhat related to a previous post. (that is, you can't post about how you like gas grills over charcoal when the thread is talking about uhm... restricting biped multiclassing)

    2) NO FLAMING. I'm looking for wandering thoughts here, not a flame war. If you want to start a cvffvat contest of righteousness, this isn't the place. Please ignore attacks upon individuals or "people who shall not be named".

    We're mature enough to do this... right?

    So... Here goes!

    What's the highest death point count you've ever had? How did you get it?

    26 here, fighting Daknor. I mean... geez, he must have REALLY wanted me. Every time I got rezzed, he'd chase me around, completely ignoring the rest of my group -- till I got hit with the purple ball of doom.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Myself and a couple others got 100 death points to see what would happen.
    wont say how we got them lol but Illyist took them away as part of a test.
    OK the old sig was too long , this one is better.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Speaking of dying...

    What's the funniest death you've ever had in any game. I remember times in Everquest when my monk would feign death, but just a half second too late, so I'd show up at my bind point and immediately feign death

    Derail mode activated...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Monks... Speaking of Monks, I remember this TV show Monk once. I wonder if it's still on. Looked like a promising sort of show, but I haven't heard anything about it.

    Man, I hate it when I get involved in a show, but the "rating" isn't high enough for the execs at the network to renew it. Take Firefly, for example. I missed that show when it was on originally somehow, but my husband got a copy of the episodes on DVD. I'm totally hooked now, but it's too late. Yeah, I realize that I'm just catching up to something most of you watched five years ago. But in my own defense, five years ago I was busy trying to figure out how to manage a household with an infant, toddler and young school aged child. I was a little too busy for television back then.

    And speaking of five years ago, isn't it about five years ago that Horizons was in "beta" testing, so I would have been doing that too.

    (How's that for derailment, I even derailed myself )

  5. #5

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Fireflies are cool. I loved catching them as a kid, but now I hate it when I'm driving at night and one splats on my windshield, so I have this glowing goo right in front of me.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    You see glowing goo's not what it used to be though is it?

    I mean i remember the good old goo you got in the movies, it might have been a black and white movie but you could see the red mass of jello coming towards you in your mind eye and it was horrific.

    Now the goo's all computerized and cgi'ed, it flows and fair lives, it just dosn't leave enough to the imagination anymore. We laugh at alien goo, we scorn mutant goo and we ridicule magical goo.

    Hollywood and computerized special effects has runied Goo for ever reducing it to a bit part actor in B movies. It's so sad.
    Am gonna hit an inanimate object with another inanimate object for awhile, then i'm gonna hit an animate object with a different inanimate object. And they said MMORPG's were limited in scope Pah!

  7. #7
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    computerized goo can be great!! the stay-pufd mashmallow man in 'ghostbusters' was kewl spfx goo!!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  8. #8

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Ya it was awesome when the stay puffed marshmellow man exploded. I like explosion.
    Vengeance 100/100/41 Lunus Dragon on Chaos
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  9. #9

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vengeance View Post
    I like explosion.
    I wish the dragon spell "Blast" looked like an explosion.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Speaking of dragons I need to go out and get some superglue for one of my old dragon statuettes :\

    Isharae of The Ancients - Pet Saris Druid to Dracanaa
    Katarae - Lost dragoness of Order

  11. #11

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Speaking of glue, what's the point of that weak Elmer's school glue they had us use back in grade school? That stuff could barely hold paper together and made it all wrinkly. When I discovered the awesomeness of glue sticks I never used that liquidy stuff again. At least not until I started trying to glue tabletop game miniatures together. Good ol' epoxy.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kessedrian View Post
    Speaking of glue, what's the point of that weak Elmer's school glue they had us use back in grade school? That stuff could barely hold paper together and made it all wrinkly. When I discovered the awesomeness of glue sticks I never used that liquidy stuff again. At least not until I started trying to glue tabletop game miniatures together. Good ol' epoxy.
    I bought some Rubber Cement the other day. Why in the world is it called Rubber Cement? That stuff is useless for anything but artwork! If I were going to name something Cement, it would be damned tough stuff. Fortunately I bought a Glue Stick at the same time, which turned out to be a better choice for my application.

    EDIT: Kessedrian, certain types of Glue Sticks also have... how can I say this without being banned... "alternative" uses:P. It isn't a good idea to give Glue Sticks to children who may try and shove them up their nose. Glue Sticks are also often somewhat toxic when ingested. So don't eat them.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Funny you should say cement... it reminds me of duck-tape. That really strong tape, that sticks almost anyting together.. which reminds me of a sig I once read on boards.
    "you only need two things in life. Duck-tape and WD-40. If it moves, and it shouldnt, use the tape, if it doesnt move and it should, use WD-40". Its rather funny what people will put into their forum sig sometimes...

  14. #14
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    yeah tim allen said that when he was a stand up comic.
    i love when he talks about rewiring stuff to make it more powerful, like how he rewired the garbage disposal to be a wood chipper and his granddad's hearing aid to pick up satellite transmissions....
    men are pigs!!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  15. #15

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Hahaha Ranqthas, I remember that fight. Daknor definitely had a sweet spot for you that day. That was pretty funny how he would switch from aggroing on me, to you when you were rezzed...kill you, then come back to aggroing me who was tanking him. while you were just sitting back and pbing.:P

    My highest DP count would be 17 I think. That would be from the oh so loved asparagus king (blight anchor) hunt that happened about year or so ago. We gathered together something around 40 people that day to take down the blight anchor, and what happened? We all ended up in a pile beneath it watching zombies wlak over our bodies yelling, "brrraaaaiinnnss".
    But hey, at least we had a go time no?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    "The handy man's secret weapon, Duct Tape!"

    Has anyone who has seen The Red Green Show also watched the episode of Stargate: SG-1 "Avenger 2.0"? In that ep one of the actors from Red Green is guest starring and at one point he has to go on a mission offworld. He's standing there packing his backpack and he has rolls of duct tape everywhere ahahaha. Cause, like, when you are going to another planet held by an evil alien Duct Tape is what you're going to need.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    And while we're on duct tape.. let's add in a few cobrettis into the mix.

    Oh.. and Dryness Face, on the Double!


  18. #18

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Speaking of duct tape, I seem to remember stumbling across a site that showcased prom dresses and tuxes made with the stuff a few years ago. Some ofthem where actualy quite beautiful.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    Duct tape dresses and tuxedos? That sounds sticky.

    ... and painful to take off!

    That reminds me. What's one thing you should never use duct tape on?


    Go figure!

  20. #20

    Default Re: Derail This Thread!

    hahahaha. Well, Duct Tape has been around a long time. Back when it was invented I'm sure it was probably used on those primative ducts they had at the time. Taping them and stuff. Though what a duct would have to say that would be worth recording I do not know. I think I'll look it up. BTW, did you know that you can have the FF2 searchbar do a Wikipedia search?! I just found this out today.

    *Important note*: That was an honest to the gods mindwander. I didn't force it just for this post.

    EDIT: hehehehehehehe: Speaking of the Apollo 13 'round peg in a square hole' problem: "Keith Canfield, who designed the scrubber modification in just two days, said later that he knew the problem was solvable when it was confirmed that duct tape was on the spacecraft: "I felt like we were home free" he said in 2005. "One thing a Southern boy will never say is 'I don't think duct tape will fix it.'"

    EDIT2: ahahahahaha: "To provide lab data about which sealants and tapes last, and which are likely to fail, research was conducted at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Environmental Energy Technologies Division. Their major conclusion was that one should use anything but duct tape to seal ducts."
    Last edited by gopher65; October 17th, 2007 at 04:17 AM.

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