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Thread: Walking down memory lane

  1. #1

    Default Walking down memory lane

    Please share your stories, of ingame situations, that made you chuckle, or brag over mobs fought and killed. Please, keep this thread flame free, as it is more or less, a walk down memory lane.

    I remember, long ago, when I had a plot in Sanctuary Bay, and there were dust elements, or golems, cant fully remember the name, and gosh darn, when I tried to get elm, I would run from them, and they would chase me all the way to the beach in dalimond. LOL, just couldnt get away from them.

    I remember the hustle and bustle time to build the machines that give us out our master forms, and remember dying a lot just to get the resources there!

    Gosh, I remember way back, when dalimond was invaded! Heh

  2. #2

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    I remember fall festival two years ago, I was just a hatchling and there was a biped vs. dragon argument going on, haha.
    Looking for a "dentist" to fix Lunarya's blue teeth

    Lunarya and Akenokoru on Chaos.
    Help make Evarus grow!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cambridgeshire, UK

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    desperately trying to get to Harro to join some guildies (can't remember what we were doing lol), and running as fast as my little legs could carry me to avoid the Avatar of Pain and his cronies..
    Bobda Bilda (Chaos) - - what takes up most of my spare time now..

  4. #4

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane


    I remember taking Dawna out to morning light for the yew wood back then. She had no fighting skills whatsoever. She would be hacking away at a yew tree, and in that split second was dead, cuz the aop snuck up on her and slayed her in one fell swoop!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    In an extremely previous life (Several years back I looked round in a trial account but could not continue to play with lack of credit card) I remember that the spider area outside sslanis was still as annoying as today. And I'm not quite sure, but I think I left that character (The account I dont remember) in the place with the entombed soul before it got blighted? I just remember floating islands and dragons, and a hatchie admiring a statue. Might just be me, my memory has a tendency to trick me in occasion.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    Heh, I remember the strawblights in Sslanis, down by the elm. I use to die all the time. Then, I vowed to get stronger, which I did, and healed and rezd those that wanted the elm there.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    I've always missed the pre-merge gold golem canyons! Dipping in and out of parts of the maze of canyons, trying to draw a golem away before I got ambushed, coming up with strategies of dropping off a cliff in key parts of the maze. The mithril field that replaced it has always seemed a bit dull in comparison...

    -Your friendly neighborhood stripey dragon

  8. #8

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    I so miss my old guild - have many fond memories. And yes, Kep, I remember going to those gold golem canyons with Ms Jade and others to tempt one of the golems to come out of the canyon and fight.

    I also remember the overwhelming sense of excitment when I found a spot where more than one pale wisps appeared at a time.

    << I have many fond memories however one that stikes me most at this instant in time is when the old servers were being merged and the world destruction events were happening. Those were the days when I had an old computer that loaded slowly and whenever I got anywhere near a mob that was destroying things and everyone went to try to kill the beast the graphics load was unbearable. I rarely actually got to see the mob let alone all the activity of players trying to kill it. >>
    Garden Gnome - Order
    Impure Mage lvl 52 / Enchanter 45 / Spellcrafter 42 / Mason 23
    ( Last of the Forgotten )
    (99.6% html free signature)
    Nicolas de Chamfort : "Swallow a toad in the morning and you will encounter nothing more disgusting the rest of the day."

  9. #9

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    The biggest thing I remember from the old days was attuning myself to Harro. Twas quite the journey back then to meander from Aughendal to Harro, through the Avatar of Pain's neighborhood... Especially with his magnetic personality and wonderful ability to lead so many others, even those that were higher ranking then himself.

    I specifically remember one such journey, in which, we were off to play with the Blights just south of Old Oaks.. and we journeyed a tad bit too far West. Well.... The Avatar had convinced 15+ Marrows.. 20+ Blighted wolves... and misc other mobs as well... so myself and 4-5 other lvl 60's (at the time) did our best to stay alive... and a pack of other Gifted, that were hunting for the Avatar, happened upon us just as we were all perishing. Well.. They had brought with them 2 healers and 5-6 fighters... Needless to say, with all the heals.. Rez's and everything else that was going on... I ran away before all the Morrows were dead... Most of the wolves were dead.. and the Avatar.. well... they were focusing on his companions before him. I ran out of there with 9+ Death points in about a 15 minute period of time... What a time that was..
    Elated that HZ is no longer in the hands of the Infidels.

    Now.. I may have to split my time between 2 games... CS:S and HZ...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cambridgeshire, UK

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    Quote Originally Posted by Peaches View Post
    Heh, I remember the strawblights in Sslanis, down by the elm. I use to die all the time. Then, I vowed to get stronger, which I did, and healed and rezd those that wanted the elm there.
    Oh yes, I remember having to get guildies in to help protect me as I chopped the elm (and the flax that was there too).. and running from those darn scarecrows.. dunno about scaring crows, but they scared the *** out of me !!
    Bobda Bilda (Chaos) - - what takes up most of my spare time now..

  11. #11
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    most of my best memories are from being at the leech motel, so i know you fine, upstanding citizens don't want to hear those stories, but in the present vein,
    i will always carry a torch of hatred in my heart for the cobalt gols in kira.....
    i usta have to get onyx to babysit me while i mined. several times i risked it without him and never came away the better for many times did i recall and run back to the fields to fetch my disk and get nailed trying to haul it out.
    my proudest and most happy day in horizons was the day i realized i could take them myself, and in my cargo gear to boot!!

    Last edited by velveeta; October 22nd, 2007 at 09:00 AM. Reason: fat finger typing
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    i remember in the early days....mining ore between kion and parsinia and having the Huntress Spiders attacking.later when i grew spent a lot of time mining iron and running to help others getting into trouble their from the spiders.
    Also the first guild house we built together this was before guild towns etc...we all went into the building just after the last part was added...
    all running around streaking..
    All alone in the dark

    Unity..Brainbasher(MorrBasher on Chaos)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    Enraged Wisps.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    Imbuded Armor Splinters, Ticking over 150 SOG kills, The feeling of knowing I helped alot of people getting things they needed or wanted, BOH quest, Hunting for hours on end for the Swarm Tyrant shield monster, Spiral hunting for the Misty Topaz, Soloing the AOP in Harro the first time (Yes with his cronies, and yes i used the guards, poor guys still hate me) I could go on and on since Horizons has brought me alot of joy.

    Don't cry because its over,Smile because it happend

  15. #15

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    I remember exploring Istaria as a young hatchling during The Time Before, when Dragons multiclassed and the world was still emerging. I gazed upon the giant X, Y, Z placeholder that would one day be The Healers Tower out in the deserts near Tazoon.

    I remember forming Illuminati some months later, but still in The Time Before. Many good friends would come and go over the years, some during The Time Before, but most after the world was unveiled.

    I remember talks with Monica during this time, and meeting several others who wielded the greater powers.

    I remember sitting on a hill with Eeyno and Inger (later known as Nimbus), looking down on the stone fields between Kion and Parsinia, as the last few moments of the world from The Time Before fell through the hourglass. We were destroyed with everything else that day, as we had been many times before then, and yet differently. This marked a new beginning.

    I remember reforming Illuminati during the first hours of this new beginning, but under the name Mydnight rather than Mydknight, because the powers that be had chosen to ban names with classes in them.

    I remember the first plot we purchased for the guild, it was in South March, and I remember guild hunts and guild crafting.

    I remember the Castle plot near there, before it was altered.

    I remember the night Harro died, before we fled to Chaos.

    I remember growing to Adult with old friends, and again as Ancient.

    I remember Smeglor and others we have lost, and I mourn their passing.

    Most of all I remember the potential that is Horizons, may she one day reach it and hold the population she deserves.

    These things I have remembered, and now I shall sleep again. Fare thee well, and good hunting.

    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
    - Albert Einstein

  16. #16

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    I remember dealing with a guild of pricks in Beta while trying to fight the ONE, highest level creature in the game at the time, the big Fire Golem. *Looked like Surheim*

    I remember doing a quest for Shamblers as a hatchling and thinking I was screwed, 'cause no way I could take these things out at my level! Only to see that at that time those Shamblers couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, let alone me.

    I remember hunting melee, magic, and archer wraiths for 39 levels... *Where'd all the wraiths go?*

    I remember "Golem Canyon" where the spawn was so fast that 20 players could hunt at a time.

    I remember, best of all, the thrill of seeing 100 Drag Hatchling, finally.

    I remember having a lot of friends....
    Casius, first lvl 100 Dragon.

    Achiever 66.67%, Explorer 53.33%, Socializer 46.67% Killer 33.33%

  17. #17

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    Back in my day we didn't have computers... and we liked it..

    oopps wrong thread.

    I started playing the week of the server merges. I played for 4-5 days and was run around to different towns by a friend and I was in awe over all the buildings and plots and people running around. Then the servers went down for like 3 days for the merge and when I came all the plots were empty no mobs.. etc.. it was quite the shock. However... that feeling of awe that I had with all the towns bustling with people.. Parsinia was busy.. and the other towns I had been brought to were just amazing. I was like a kid walking down the street in NYC.

    It would be really cool if they redid a lot of plots in towns that are vacant. Make them have like 4-5 100x100 so people will buy them. Some people have such a great taste in designing plots. I still run around a lot looking at people's plots. Some are just so well done!!

  18. #18

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    i remember playing as selena in the dawn of the game whin there where still some lands to be explored for the first time. Making that first step on untouched soil. sharing in the excitment of new and amazing places. whin kion was bustling with trade. Old friends long lost. epic battles against AOP. but most of all breathing the air that no other gifted had breathed and the thrill of not knowing what was over the next hill.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    Who remembers the Plague!
    The chat was alive with news of the spread ...dragons where calling us infected ones to selected sites for healing.....that was a time of woe when that was unleashed
    All alone in the dark

    Unity..Brainbasher(MorrBasher on Chaos)

  20. #20

    Default Re: Walking down memory lane

    Quote Originally Posted by brainbasher View Post
    Who remembers the Plague!
    The chat was alive with news of the spread ...dragons where calling us infected ones to selected sites for healing.....that was a time of woe when that was unleashed
    Oh yes, I will never ever forget that plague. I still have a bottle of cure for that too. Zysmosis, wasn't the plague called? Folks that were infected stood at gates for others to get infected. Key gates at that. LOL, I refused to log in my main characters til that plague was gone!

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