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Thread: Gaming Addiction

  1. #21

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Quote Originally Posted by Alacor Vashnore View Post
    lol i remeber seeing this on tv while i was playing. i ended up turning it off because it was distracting me and taking away from my play time.

    i think i agree with them.....

    Ummm, how many people watch hours of TV every night. Like most of the freaking US. It doesn't matter if the programs are good or bad, they watch it.

    If your playing is messing with your real world life then you've got a problem. If you CONSISTENTLY stay up too late, go to work so groggy your work suffers and your job is in jeapardy then you have a problem. If you play so much your family life suffers you have a problem. If you play so much your wife leaves you or you loose your job you REALLY have a problem. But if it's just a hobby you play as much as other people watch TV; if you hold down your job just fine; if it isn't messing up your family life; then I don't think you've got a problem. You've got a hobby.

    Incidentally, the same could be said about people who stayed glued to the TV too much.

    My opinion is that, in moderation, computer gaming is FAR healthier then TV. It's interactive -- you've got to actually think things through, make decisions, and DO stuff. As opposed to TV where you just sit there. If you're playing an MMORPG you've most likely developed relationships with a lot more people that someone who spends the same amount of time staring at the boob tube.

    I still hear from my old EQ guild from time to time. None of us are playing EQ anymore but we became friends. If I'd spent that time as a mind zombie in front of the idiot box I'd have never met them. I've got some friends in Washington who I make a point of looking up whenever I'm in town. We've all heard of people who met over an MMORPG and got married.

    Like anything else, computer gaming can be harmful if carried to extremes. If played in moderation it's just fine and far better then other, more popular pastimes such as the boob tube.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    An interesting point.

    I haven't owned a TV for almost 6 years now. Mostly because I don't get access to one as I move around a lot, but honestly? There's nothing there I'm interested in.

    If something needs my attention you can bet it's on one or more of the 6 message boards I frequent. I get direct news without having to filter out ads, commercials and stuff I really don't feel enriched by learning about. Online gaming has it's perks (hence why it's addicting) but I find it a lot more enjoyable than just watching TV.

    I've been VERY careful over the years to never say 'no' to an invitation to go out or forsake RL duties for online gaming. Unless it's something REALLY special, "Hey Live event tonight that's changing the course of the server, can I catch you tomorrow?"

  3. #23
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Quote Originally Posted by Shirewood View Post

    I actually have a tv down in my office so I can watch tv while farming motherlodes and stuff. TV and hunting doesn't mix well I have found though.
    lol right there with you, shire!!!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #24
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    i really wonder what is the right amount of socialization and who decided....
    i have friends outside the games i play, but we are all adults with jobs and kids and shopping to do and pets to tame and houses to keep maintained. should we still be going out every night and forcing ourselves to talk about things or play drinking games til we pass out?

    i have always found that online games, be they rpgs or just checkers and euchre, are social events. you may not be face to face, but you will learn how to speak to peeps, when to shut up, how to have both discussions and arguments with peeps, how to take the time to think about what you are going to say next and how to be spontaneous, how to properly thank someone and express ideas that can be practiced with a bunch of peeps with a common attitude and outlook.

    just like everything - and i do mean everything, i have met peeps with some really strange addictions - games can be taken to the extreme. any addiction is a matter of loss of control - i smoke pot, but i am not addicted to it, as i do not need it everyday, its does not consume my time and thoughts, i lie to no one about my use, and i do not let it take over my emotional, physical, and financial life in any way. but that does not mean that if i lost control, it would not become an addiction.

    i believe the best way to beat an addiction is to not do the addictive behavior. if i become addicted to pot or gaming, i would have to, once i realize i am addicted, stop smoking or playing - i am very 12 step oriented.....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  5. #25

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Gaming addiction..? I know I have been wired to some device every day for years, but I have different issues on the side. Its like, I'm not addicted, but rather, a mental ailment compels me into obsession on things I enjoy. Games... I play, collect (hoard... pardon), and now am learning about building.

    So yes.. not everyone is truly addicted... hmm.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Grrr this always annoys me

    I'm not denying gaming can be an addiction. Of course it can. At the end of the day anything can be an addiction; heck a few years back there was a lad in england that was actually so addicted to exercising and eating healthily that his doctor put him on a fat-rich diet because he was causing himself health problems. But it annoys me sooooo much when people make computers out to be some kind of evil thing just because they don't like them. Like with the whole "games cause violence thing" as well... lets just forget the books/movies/songs/poems with violence in.

    Either way, as I said anything can be addictive, particularly if you have an addictive personality, and chances are you'll just move onto something else if you give up gaming. Me, I'm happy being addicted to gaming lol. I don't think I'm dangerously addicted; ok so I work in a Game shop, and I spend probably 2 or 3 hours a night gaming (and nearer 8 hours if I have a day off with no jobs to do) but I also go to the cinema, see my flatmates parents, visit my own parents and of course do all the awful housework. I do admit I think about games a lot but thats partly due to the type of games I play as well (mmorpgs/rpgs) where I like to consider my build or the next character I'm going to make.

    I also find it easier to socialise online. I only started gaming when I was 16. Before then I was a very quiet, shy person in real life. I still am, though to a slightly lesser extent. But online I can happily chat to someone I have never met before. I'm still more quiet than most but I just find it easier.

    At the end of the day if someone enjoys what they're doing and aren't endangering themselves (missing meals etc) or anyone else (parent ignoring kid) then leave 'em to it I say
    Shadria: Hatchling 22/24/0 - Intorqueo: Hatchling 5/3/0 - Affina: Saris - Pevil: Ancient Lunus 100/100/57 - Zordraak: Hatchling 5/3/0

  7. #27

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Quote Originally Posted by pevil2000
    I'm not denying gaming can be an addiction. Of course it can.
    Quote Originally Posted by pevil2000
    Either way, as I said anything can be addictive, particularly if you have an addictive personality, and chances are you'll just move onto something else if you give up gaming.
    NOTHING can be psychologically addictive, chemically yes but not psychological ...... people can become psychological addicts though.

    I know it looks like pointless statement, but it's one i think is important and one the 'media' (i would say deliberatly) ignores. Why would it because fear sells, before violent computer games it was violent films, before that violent cartoons before that etc etc etc etc. It's easier and more sensational to blame something than someone for their own 'failings' (perhaps not the right word but i'm too tired to actually thing of a better one).

    Quote Originally Posted by pevil2000
    At the end of the day anything can be an addiction; heck a few years back there was a lad in england that was actually so addicted to exercising and eating healthily that his doctor put him on a fat-rich diet because he was causing himself health problems.
    Male anorexia is very very common, a heck of a lot more common than one thinks .... i know i just watched a program on the telly about it ... LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by pevil2000
    At the end of the day if someone enjoys what they're doing and aren't endangering themselves (missing meals etc) or anyone else (parent ignoring kid) then leave 'em to it I say
    Hell yes .... although lets be honest i could do with missing a few meals
    Am gonna hit an inanimate object with another inanimate object for awhile, then i'm gonna hit an animate object with a different inanimate object. And they said MMORPG's were limited in scope Pah!

  8. #28

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Quote Originally Posted by Helious View Post
    NOTHING can be psychologically addictive, chemically yes but not psychological ...... people can become psychological addicts though.
    Yep. But here's the problem and what all those media "specials" (very special media special people) about addiction don't tell you: A psychological addict is a person that has become addicted to the chemicals their bodies produce as means of reward. Look at it like a cookie for your brain. You do something that your body wants you to do: ie, eat, drink, reproduce, etc, and your body rewards your brain with a cookie. Your brain likes cookies and wants more.

    Problem: If you're not a psychological addict, you're broken. You are most likely suffering from a form of depression and need medical help. Why? Because no one deserves absolutely NO pleasure in life. No one's that bad.

    Where this type of addiction becomes a problem is if you only get pleasure from one thing.

    Of course, that doesn't make a news story. It's too simple and there's no "Be afraid. Be very, very afraid." in it.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    I look at it this way:

    Addicted could be a way to describe it, but to those that can actually look at the PC and say "NO! I won't log in today!" and doesn't, shows some self control and restraint.

    There are those that either are at home or at work, can either play at work or home, and when they do get home, jump on the game right away. They spend 6-8 hours farming mobs or crafting/building and usually have the biggest / best plot / lair locations in-game along with 100's of gold pieces. You will always see their name logged into marketplace, and their actual character in Bristugo for social interaction. Not only that, but several of them actually play multiple MMORPGs with the same gusto.

    I myself can only handle a few hours a day staring at a screen before my eyeballs turn inside out and I need to lay down and rest my eyes. But, I do make a point of coming home, turning my PC on, and logging in to catch those east-coast people before they sign off and say hi.
    Justa Mirage: Ranger 100 / Healer 92 / Carpentry 100 / Confectioner 100 / Fletching 92 / Weaver 62 / Gatherer 34
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  10. #30

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Quote Originally Posted by Justa Mirage View Post
    I look at it this way:

    Addicted could be a way to describe it, but to those that can actually look at the PC and say "NO! I won't log in today!" and doesn't, shows some self control and restraint.

    There are those that either are at home or at work, can either play at work or home, and when they do get home, jump on the game right away. They spend 6-8 hours farming mobs or crafting/building and usually have the biggest / best plot / lair locations in-game along with 100's of gold pieces. You will always see their name logged into marketplace, and their actual character in Bristugo for social interaction. Not only that, but several of them actually play multiple MMORPGs with the same gusto.

    I myself can only handle a few hours a day staring at a screen before my eyeballs turn inside out and I need to lay down and rest my eyes. But, I do make a point of coming home, turning my PC on, and logging in to catch those east-coast people before they sign off and say hi.

    Hrmm, possibly some good points. But, in my shoes, its not. I spread myself around three games, and enjoy playing. I also have a hobby , archiving my favorite tv shows. Time , I have to much of. Playing games gives me what I need, social interaction. Am I addicted? No, cuz there are times when I dont log into any game, to relax and watch tv, or continue on with my archiving. I won't let anyone *scare* me into thinking I am addicted to game playing. Some folks needs for social interaction should be a factor in the scope of things.

  11. #31

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    I tend to define addiction not as how much I do something, but how much I feel I need to do it.

    For two years I played another MMORPG 3-8 hours per day, but I was never addicted to it. I played it not because I was compelled to, but because I chose to because there were things to do, people to chat and roleplay with, etc. Whereas during much of that time I had an addiction I could contrast the gameplay against: forum-checking. That I could hardly stop myself from frequently doing (every ten minutes or so), even though it was harming several aspects of my daily life (mood and attitude, unrelated interactions, enjoyment of the actual game, personal reputation, attention span, etc).
    "Ohoh...someone is actually trying to sell something, I see an attunement coming. LOL" - Teto Frum

  12. #32

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    I'm addicted to sleeping. I usually devote at least 6 hours each day to it. I have been known to even beg out of doing things with my friends with the excuse "I'm tired," so that I can go sleep instead. I think I need help.

    I'm also addicted to breathing. I'm constantly doing it and I find myself going into withdrawal within seconds of attempting to quit.

  13. #33

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Ok...who hasnt really seen the issue here...

    Its a conspiracy I tell you. These so called doctors that are pushing gaming as an "addiction" are the same ones who get nice little kickbacks from pharmacutical companys.

    You know what his means that a few months after this "discovery" of a new addiction....there will be another "discovery" of a 20$ a day pill to cure kids of it....

    Drug companies are behind this I tell ya!!

  14. #34

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    I think its hollywood behind it. I forget which way round it is, either big games cost as much to make as big films, or they make as much profit *ponders* either way i think hollywood are worried they'll lose out to games and as such are planting this propaganda. Lies, I tell you, lies!

    edit: and yes, Tokoz, that I totally agree with. I regularly have discussions like this with my flatmate who claims things can only be chemically addictive. But I agree with him, because as you say, feelings are caused by chemicals. People get addicted to exercise because it releases endorphins whihc make you feel good. They don't know of another way to get that same feeling (by releasing endorphins) and so just keep on exercising. If they knew of another way they would probably alternate between them and therefore not appear to be addicted to anything. Or something. I dunno, tired :P
    Shadria: Hatchling 22/24/0 - Intorqueo: Hatchling 5/3/0 - Affina: Saris - Pevil: Ancient Lunus 100/100/57 - Zordraak: Hatchling 5/3/0

  15. #35

    Thumbs up Re: Gaming Addiction

    Help I'm a loser and cant get a girlfriend/boyfriend it's my gaming addiction.

    Not its you baby thats right all you I did not get any good comunication skills till I started playing online games and having to work/talk/comunicat with other people and I played all kinds of sports and could not get a girl.

    Got a wife now and I'm very happy. Online gaming helped me and it can help you too if you dont act like a tard.

    rant off.

    Nothing But Love! That's what makes Dragons Fly!

  16. #36

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Please forgive me

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  17. #37

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    rofl takora! best reason i've seen yet for me to not get a laptop!

  18. #38

    Default Re: Gaming Addiction

    Technology creates what the human mind already is capable off (and more).

    The problem is that humanity is tricked in believing that only by technology they can advance, while this is actually the great deception and accomplished the opposite, we dont advance and our minds are imprisoned.

    The current religions are in this imprisonment mind controlling game too since they only learn people to "believe" what they say without letting them experience what it is to be a sentient human. Spirituality is something entirely different from what it is portrayed as in the modern organized religions.

    What does this all have to do with playing alternate reality fantasy games like MMORPG's based on imagination of the individual you think?

    Well if I say that there exists a plane of reality that is comparable to what you experience in these kind of "fantasy" games, but is inside your own "mind" as part of the (sub)unconscious.
    This plane of existence you already know as dreams. But with training you can become "in control" and fully "conscious" while in these dreams. (Its called LUCID dreaming and Out of Body Experience, astral projection). what if all that talk about chakra's, yin/yang, meditation etc. has to do with this one potential a human has? And if I say that Everyone can access this unconscious plane with some effort without being a monk meditating for years on end, or being a celebate priest (what a hoax that is).

    Why then go for the FAKE alternate reality that keeps your mind imprisoned while you can become what your inner being already knows you are. And tries to tell you intuitively, but you THINK it is the external game you like while it is actually the INTERNAL reality you recognise in the External reality.

    There is however one catch, the REAL unconscious plane is not as safe as these games you all play. If you try to enter without the right morals or principles or guidance you will have a real chance of getting psychosis or becoming schizophrenic. (What they used to call being possesed). Why? because the unconscious EGO will then take over the functions of the conscious part of yourself. Thats why the key to success is mastering your Ego drive before entering to deeply in the unconscious.

    You may not believe me, but there is a GOD-force that will protect you and guide you towards achieving making the (sub)unconscious conscious since this is humanities purpose and destiny as guardians of creation. Think of what this means .... ever read about NDE (Near death experience)? Ever wondered what that really means to be conscious on another plane? What if that what remains after death is that unconscious/soul part of your SELF. What does it mean if you have made that part equal to your conscious part that you call "I"? ... right.. immortality.

    I know many of you are fighting evil in these games. What if you can join an army that is really fighting evil? What if I tell you this army exists and is fighting at the moment in the service of this GOD-force. What if I tell you that this force is already visible in this world in the form of people waking up to the truth about 911, The federal Reserve, Ron Paul etc. For what we gain in consciousness in this plane is transfered to ALL humanity if enough numbers are present. It's called the >>collective<< unconscious!
    Would you not want to be part of them... and I refrase... many of you are unconsciously already part of it except you forget what you dreamed.

    By the way Dragons do exist in this plane of existence ;P although they are rare since they are very ancient souls.

    But ofcourse this is all stupid babble of a deranged Wizard that stumbled onto REAL divine magic ...? Or is there some truth in a wizards rambling?

    There is only one way to find out is it? start writing down these dreams.... come and join us, you will easily recognise us ;P We are these winged types that are so ancient noone even remembers us anymore. Even these pesky merovingians got some real fright for there is a force fighting at the moment that is more powerful and guided and in service of GOD. Even these dabbling clumsy occultists that think they are hot **** in service of the great deceptor cant match this force becaus ethey depend on their individual Ego power which is less than this GOD force. But by far an easier road to travel, as evil is always trying to pretend its the only force around.

    strange response this has gotten ... but for some it may be a wake up call for what they really are/could be.
    Start getting out these dream journals... and start writing... Let's make history and really put together a fighting force the world has never seen before in the service of ****** and God and all that is moral and good.

    Start living your fantasy! This is an addiction that is worthy of pursuing... I assure you.
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