((So, my first actual attempt at really diving into playing a character rather than learning to (Runos)... though it has been some time since I was last round due to having school with brutal homework assignments. So here is about a little hatchling I want to try to play when time allows, I had hopped on some time ago. I may also bring a friend with me, if their school allows too.))

The time was about midnight, with stars glittering across the night sky, the brightest star this night was the one named Sirius by the humans. The forest below was silent and sleeping... that is, until it stirred: An egg, left buried in warm sand. This small and seemingly insignificant action awoke something more in the woods. A spirit faded into view, one of a dragoness whom had only wished to live to see her hatchling once after the misfortune of perishing to a raid on her home. Those invaders looted all they could find, and took away many other eggs as nothing more than pets and trophies, leaving all but one buried in sand.

The spirit watches intently as the shell chips away slowly. Soon enough, a little head pops out. "The stars are bright... little one... you are my brightest star...the heavens have Sirius...let it be that your name... is chosen by the heavens..." the spirit whispered slowly.

Sirius could feel things around her, and these words which she had heard and etched into memory. This new world outside the shell was full of scents and smells. There was also a strange force around her she could feel flowing everywhere. Her mind said to open her eyes, and she did, but the world remained dark. "Sir..ius... what have they done... to my only star... you have ...clouded eyes..." the dragoness whispered. "And.. I can...not... help... in my state..." she sighed. "Listen... little star... they did this... to us... you must teach... them..." the dragoness barely had time to finish speaking before some force pulled her spirit from the world.

Sirius felt the source of the voice exit, a special flow of energy suddenly vanishing. And with it, an emptiness, like something important has disappeared.

A few days pass and Sirius is adjusting to living sightless. She learned to hunt small animals using scent and sound. There was however, an additional sense developing: One of magic. The world has it flowing everywhere in streams. It has become but a strange second vision to see the world, but not as reliable as sight would have been. She could feel obstacles without touching them, knowing their place but not their shape. Creatures however, are not part of this. Sirius discovers this the hard way, unfortunately, and falls victim to a much larger forest creature.

Awakening on Skalkarr, she is confused of how she still lives. A little voice calls to her. Following it, she finds another hatchling who explains everything to leave her less confused. It is here that Sirius sets out to begin her life's journey.