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Thread: Interesting Dragon Info

  1. #1

    Default Interesting Dragon Info

    This pretty much sums up my dragon:

    Gold Dragons are graceful, sinuous, and wise. They hate injustice and foul play, often embarking on self-appointed quests to promote good. Gold dragons' faces are bewhiskered and sagacious; as they age their pupils fade until the eyes resemble pools of molten gold. They smell of saffron and incense. Gold dragons usually parley before fighting. When conversing with intelligent creatures, they use 'discern lies' and 'detect gems' to gain the upper hand.

    It takes some looking to find your dragon's color, but fun for some maintenance down time activity.

    Dragon color information

    Post your color info:
    Last edited by Mimir; January 8th, 2008 at 01:38 PM. Reason: duh forgot last thing

  2. #2

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    hm I didnt find any information about dragon colors there, probably Iam just blind That site kept trying to inform me about miniatures.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    Try clicking on a minature that is looks like your dragon.. for example I clicked on Blue Wyrmling
    and got:

    Blue dragons are vain and territorial. They are one of the dragon varieties best adapted to digging into sand. A blue dragon is distinguished by dramatic frilled ears and a single, massive horn on its snout. The size of its scales increases little as the dragon ages, although they do become thicker and harder. Their hides tend to hum and crackle faintly with built-up static electricity. Their vibrant color makes blue dragons easy to spot in barren desert surroundings, but they often burrow into the sand so only part of their heads are exposed. The Blue Wyrmling is a very young Dragon that hasn't strayed far from his mother.

    Reference: D&D 3E Monster Manual, Pg. 65

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Nowhere near Slayvite's Lair i can tell you that. He has Ranch sauce instead of shampoo.

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    The closest to Slayvite is the Huge Red Dragon, nice description but Vain? Me?

    In the sig is Sindala finding out the best way to make friends with a Dragon is not to hack the young to bits

  5. #5

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    Black Dragons are evil-tempered, cunning and malevolent. Characteristics that are reflected in their crafty, sinister faces. They are sometimes known as "skull dragons" because of their deep-socketed eyes and distinctive nasal opening. Adding to the skeletal impression is the gradual deterioration of the hide around the horn base and cheekbones. This increases with age and does not harm the dragon. On hatching, a black dragon's scales are thin, small and glossy. As the dragon ages, they become larger, thicker, and duller, helping it camouflage itself in swamps and marshes. Black dragons lair in large, damp caves and multichambered subterranean caverns.They smell of rotting vegetation and foul water with an acidic undertone.Black dragons prefer to ambush their targets, using their surroundings as cover. When fighting in heavily forested swamps and marshes, they try to stay in the water or on the ground; trees and leavy canopies limit their aerial maneuverability. When out-matched, a black dragon attempts to fly out of sight, so as not to leave tracks, and hide in a deep pond or bog.

    Interesting, considering my green chest pieces

  6. #6

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    Silver Dragons are regal and statuesque. They cheerfully assist good creatures in genuine need and often take the forms of kindly old men or fair damsels when associating with humans. A silver wyrmling's scales are blue-gray with silver highlights. As the dragon approaches adulthood, its color slowly brightens until the individual scales are scarcely visible. From a distance, these dragons look as if they have been sculpted from pure metal. Silver dragons prefer aerial lairs on secluded mountainpeaks or amid the clouds themselves. A faint smell of rain always accompanies them. Even in clouds, though, the lair always has an enchanted area with a solid floor for laying eggs and storing treasure.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info


    Gold Dragons are graceful, sinuous, and wise. They hate injustice and foul play, often embarking on self-appointed quests to promote good. Gold dragons' faces are bewhiskered and sagacious; as they age their pupils fade until the eyes resemble pools of molten gold. The smell of saffron and incense. Gold dragons usually parley before fighting. When conversing with intelligent creatures, they use 'discern lies' and 'detect gems' to gain the upper hand.

    Reference: Reference: D&D 3E Monster Manual, Pg. 74

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  8. #8

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    bah - I hate dragon personalities based on color -pooey!
    Frith-Rae BridgeSol
    Great Elder of Keir Chet K'Eilerten
    Iea has returned.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    ^ agreed with Frith on this one. But I'll play along.

    Shadria, my new hatchie is a silver (see SilverMysts post)... I dunno. Kinda sounds like her a bit (she's a helian with a bit of a "I'm so much more awesome than you all" attitude but she also loves to help others out and has a cheeky streak in her). Pevil my main is a green

    "Green Dragons are belligerent and tend to attack without provocation. Their fierce, toothy jaws and arrogant crests warn other creatures of their aggressive nature. Green Dragons initiate fights with little or no provocation, picking on creatures of any size. If the target is intriguing or seems formidable, the dragon stalks the creature to determine the best time to strike and the most appropriate tactic to use. If the target appears weak, the dragon makes its presence known quickly -- it enjoys evoking terror. "

    Nothing like Pev. It should be, she's a Lunus and whilst she does love a fight, she's probably one of the softest dragons I know, tending to take all hatchies and Saris under her wing; she's even been known to befriend a gnome! (admittedly the slave of our guildleader on Unity who regularly got passed around as a snack... but ssh!). She IS prone to picking on stuff regardless of the size, but thats more stupidity (hmmm wonder what that is... ow it hurts!) than aggression. And she hardly ever stalks them or observes them; she finds out how they fight by amassing dps!
    Shadria: Hatchling 22/24/0 - Intorqueo: Hatchling 5/3/0 - Affina: Saris - Pevil: Ancient Lunus 100/100/57 - Zordraak: Hatchling 5/3/0

  10. #10

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    Green Dragons are belligerent and tend to attack without provocation. Their fierce, toothy jaws and arrogant crests warn other creatures of their aggressive nature. Green Dragons initiate fights with little or no provocation, picking on creatures of any size. If the target is intriguing or seems formidable, the dragon stalks the creature to determine the best time to strike and the most appropriate tactic to use. If the target appears weak, the dragon makes its presence known quickly -- it enjoys evoking terror.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    Among the smallest and least intelligent of dragonkind, most white dragons are simply animalistic predators.Their faces express single-minded ferocity rather than the shrewdness of their more intelligent kin. The scales of a wyrmling dragon glisten like mirrors. As the dragon ages, the sheen disappears and by very old age, scales of pale blue and light gray are mixed in with the white.
    Looking for a "dentist" to fix Lunarya's blue teeth

    Lunarya and Akenokoru on Chaos.
    Help make Evarus grow!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    The wastes of Dralk

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info


    Does this fierce creature actually need an introduction? How many adventurers out there have never quaked in their leather boots at the mention of this ancient, fire-breathing wyrm?Red Dragons are the most covetous of all dragons, forever seeking to increase their treasure hordes. They are exceptionally vain, which is reflected in their proud bearing and disdainful expression. Red Dragons lair in large caves that extend deep into the earth, which shimmer with the heat of their bodies and are marked by a sulfurous, smoky odor.


    It is true that Malaquion is a rather greedy dragon, and hoards almost everything hoardable she gets (but then again, don't most people?). It is also true that she is a bit vain, having believed herself to be one of the more beautiful hatchlings around (though she ended up with the nickname "gnomedragon" since she's red and green). She does lair in the volcanic regions around Dralk, though her cave is hardly huge and extensive.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    D'oy, I'm a Nebula Dragon foo' and nothing but!

    But... if you insist to go by standardized colour vs persona assessment then I suppose my closest cousin may be:

    The Sapphire Dragon

    * Very territorial - views all visitors as intruders
    * Most militaristic of the gems and keeps vassals well trained and conditioned
    * Rarely comes into conflict with the other clans
    * Leaders
    * Comes into conflict with Blacks for territory
    * Not quick to attack
    * Enemies: drow and dwarves, mind flayers, aboleth
    * Treat their young well, but force them to leave early
    * Treasure is usually kept in caverns only accessible by magic or psionics

    * Subterranean lairs under 2 of the larger southern isles - extensive caverns that extend beneath the jungles
    * Likes to eat giant spiders

    * At birth, scales vary from light to dark blue. Beautiful
    * Sometimes mistaken for Blues if observer doesn't remember climates
    * Breath weapon: cone of high-pitched, almost inaudible, sound
    * Immune to all forms of fear, web, hold, slow, and paralysis

    Appearances in Literature and Folklore:
    Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

    Initial sourcing: The Serene Dragon


    With a mingling of Amethyst and Crystal betwixt the core. And so there you have it, I'm more of an amalgamation when one has only the chromatic, metallic and gem spectrums to draw from. Additional thoughts? Well, the Saphhire desc' is correct on most counts, not sure about the 'arachnivore' tendencies though...
    Last edited by Neural Nebula; February 11th, 2008 at 09:49 PM. Reason: Link got broke.

    Enigmatic Draconic Spellweaver of Unity, Forseer of the End
    a.k.a The Twilight Dragon, Atolmyth

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    The wastes of Dralk

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    Quote Originally Posted by Neural Nebula View Post
    D'oy, I'm a Nebula Dragon foo' and nothing but!

    But... if you insist to go by standardized colour vs persona assessment then I suppose my closest cousin may be:

    The Sapphire Dragon

    * Very territorial - views all visitors as intruders
    * Most militaristic of the gems and keeps vassals well trained and conditioned
    * Rarely comes into conflict with the other clans
    * Leaders
    * Comes into conflict with Blacks for territory
    * Not quick to attack
    * Enemies: drow and dwarves, mind flayers, aboleth
    * Treat their young well, but force them to leave early
    * Treasure is usually kept in caverns only accessible by magic or psionics

    * Subterranean lairs under 2 of the larger southern isles - extensive caverns that extend beneath the jungles
    * Likes to eat giant spiders

    * At birth, scales vary from light to dark blue. Beautiful
    * Sometimes mistaken for Blues if observer doesn't remember climates
    * Breath weapon: cone of high-pitched, almost inaudible, sound
    * Immune to all forms of fear, web, hold, slow, and paralysis

    Appearances in Literature and Folklore:
    Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

    Initial sourcing: The Serene Dragon


    With a mingling of Amethyst and Crystal betwixt the core. And so there you have it, I'm more of an amalgamation when one has only the chromatic, metallic and gem spectrums to draw from. Additional thoughts? Well, the Saphhire desc' is correct on most counts, not sure about the 'arachnivore' tendencies though...
    Using the Serene Dragon description:


    * Exceptionally vain and over-confident. Definite superiority complex. -- not really
    * Most greedy of all dragons in AD&D, and obsessed with their wealth -- A bit true
    * Proud and extremely intelligent -- true. Mala is reasonably smart, and pretty proud
    * Rarely pauses before attacking -- true also. As a melee dragon, she prefers to charge in
    * Enemies: Golds. Fights often with Coppers and Silvers -- Doesn't know many copper or silver dragons, gets along decently with golds.
    * Can recite inventory of hoard on demand. -- Not the entire inventory, but she can make a halfway decent estimate.
    * Will not associate with other creatures unless for personal gain. -- No


    * Hills and mountains of temperate regions or in deep caves -- Deep caves, yes
    * Always have a high perch so they can see their territory (which can encroach on a silver's territory) -- Her lair is on the ground
    * Tropical islands in southern hemisphere -- Nope, Dralk
    * Smells of sulfuric acid -- Nope


    * Fire -- Yep


    * Pupil color fades with age -- Maybe
    * Prefers diet of meat - especially maidens of human or demi-human races -- She eats meat and Blighted things
    * 48 ft or more long -- I guess
    * Hatchlings are bright red and glossy, thus very visible and vulnerable. Yep
    * As they get older, age takes the glossy edge off -- Not really
    * Neck frill and wings have edges of ash blue or purple grey, and gets darker with age -- Maybe?
    * Breath weapon: cone of fire -- Yep
    * Immune to fire -- Resistant to fire

    Can't find anything about dragon golems...So nothing for little ashling Lithiane.

    Then again, Crystal works...Sort of...


    * Friendliest of the Gems -- She's pretty friendly
    * Mischevious and curious about the world -- Very true
    * Solitary, but will talk with good-intentioned visitors -- Lithi will talk with, or at least meep at, almost anyone and anything.
    * If visits turn bad, will run and hide to plan its attacks -- She'll just run.
    * Irresponsible rulers -- That's probably true
    * Prefer talking to fighting -- True
    * Enemies: Whites since they hunt crystals for food, and all giants -- Yeah, Lithi wouldn't really want to be eaten...
    * Likes to look at the stars in the cold -- Yep
    * Known to adopt white dragon babies and teach them to be good -- Nope
    * Can magically charm a person at will -- Sort of. She has the power of itty bitty hatchie cutesyness
    * Very intelligent -- Kind of. She's learning how to speak fast.


    * Cold northern reaches, ice castles -- Doesn't have a lair
    * Likes gems and metal ores for food -- She eats essence to keep herself from crumbling and flaking away


    * Born glossy white and becomes translucent and luminescent with age -- Might happen
    * Breath weapon: cone of glowing shards -- She doesn't have a breath weapon
    * Born immune to light-based attacks and normal cold -- Not really

  15. #15

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    Us green dragons are eco friendly, laid back and have the occasional tendency to invite friends back to the lair to smoke um peace pipe.

  16. #16
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Interesting Dragon Info

    As long as you don't mind the peace pipe smoking with chlorine gas, you're fine.

    I'll stick to blues.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

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