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Thread: A few convenient suggestions.

  1. #1

    Default A few convenient suggestions.

    Heya Devs. I was just thinking the other night about a few things that could make the game a bit more enjoyable that are easy fixxes.

    1. Trophy hunters- When multiclassing, alot of people do the lower lvls of that school on the 80+ enemies so that when they reach lvl 80 they can trade in the hundreds of trophies they have acquired to gain some well earned XP. The other day I was doing this and realized how much my hand started to hurt from clicking over and over again on the quest starter link. The trophy hunters as of now give out random quests for your lvl and it times like these that can be hideously tedious. Wouldn't it be a quick addition to add a browser feature to the hunters so that one can choose thier quest and see how many enemy type quests there are for thier lvl? Just a thought!

    2. New NPC: Imperial Professor- This would be an NPC located in alibrary in whatever location you presume is best (preferrably lesser Adaroth for lower lvl player access). He is an agedscholar who has spent his life traveling and cataloging everything Istarian. Upon initiating a conversation with this fellow you have several options. You could find out about the lore of all the races and town by clicking a cultural link. He has access to all information on all the classes giving detailed descriptions of each class, howmany statistic points they recieve every lvl and how many skill points they recieve in various skills per lvl. Doing this will allow people to plan out thier classes better without having to hunt down the info elsewhere and it adds a RP spice to the world having to figure it out yourself. He also has catalogued every monster in the realm and can tell you in a general sense where to find this monster.Not an EXACT location, but a push in the right direction. He has access to all of the techniques of tricking items displayed in an ancientsealed book that when opened, a player can view and browse all the different looks of weapons so that that person can tell a crafter exactly what they want with no doubt. Finally, he can tell a player about all the history of the Gifted.Giving descriptions of every event ever held and every world changing event accomplished by the gifted (IE. freeing the satyrs). This of course would be a very complex NPC andwould require constant updates, but as far as RP goes, this guy would make a wonderful addition toour world.

    Lastly: Named momsters-When you run accross a named monster nowadays there is really no reason to kill it. It is time consuming and inconvenient. It is a good challenge, but is risk vs. reward really coming into effect here? Absoulutely not. I propose anew loot table for named monsters. As it stands now, there are enough namedmonsters in the realm to avoid serious camping and adding a few more to monsters that have none would clear this upeven more. Give them completely random spawn times (say 3 hours-24 hours) and give them a 100% chance to drop7 times as many trophies, 100% chance to drop 20 times as many resources, 50% chance to drop a formula of proper tier, and a 50% chance to drop a technique of proper tier. This would make named monsters a truly enjoyable experience and worth the risk and time it takes to bring one down.

    I hope you all can getaway from your cubicles long enough to read this post. All of us here in the land of Istaria truly appreciate what a great jobyour doing under the circumstances and anyone who does not appreciate it has no right to enjoy the unique and wonderful eperience known as Horizons :)

  2. #2

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    1. Trophy hunters:
    I've always though monsters dropping trophies that can be traded to other players/alts for XP as rather cheapening and denegrating to the concept of risk/reward full stop. I think that these trophies should not be tradable/passable items, and not EVER drop unless you had a quest, and not unless you were soloing them / ungrouped. Tradable XP tokens, when put in those terms, sounds like an exploit rather that a boon.

    2. Imperial Professor:
    SUPERB idea to put Lore keepers into the game, as a sort of role play online help system (particularly when the world of Istaria is in flux with the war). Some kind of, "monster maps" for hunting location would also be sweet, as my maps, even the new ones post merge, are now covered in personal markers that are out of date. (I also had put a post in this forum about ingame libraries and it really got a good response from people, and lots of super comments)

    3. Named MOBs:
    These named mobs are currently a pain. Time, wasters that run over and murder, particularly younger players, tying their hardest to hunt something. If these are champion monsters could they at least be 50% bigger, and maybe another identifier (radient glow?). If these monsters are Champions, then they should also be worth the added effort.

    You said "I hope you all can get away from your cubicles long enough to read this post."

    EEEEK!!! I was rather 'hoping to goodness' that they never saw the inside of a cube; puting talented and creative people into cubicals generates the same kind of output that a parrot in a little cage does; and it lands on the newspaper at the bottom of the cage.

  3. #3

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    I agree trophy hunters were a cheap addition to the monster hunting game, but the higher your rating goes the more attractive they are hehe. I DO agree that they should not be tradable, usable only by the person who looted the kill. I have never bought a trophy, that is an extremely unhonorable way to lvl, but I have no problem trading in a few hundred of them I have collected from the corpses of my fallen foes. Either way, as long as it stays the same way as it is now, my suggestion would be more convenient, no matter how you see the issue.

    Thanks for your feedback on the imperial professor :) I really hope something of this nature gets implemented. It really takes the sting off some of the guessing game.

    Named mobs- Awesome addition onto the concept. Making them a bit bigger or appear different like in Diablo (don't flame me, I hate players too) would make them avoidable and a bit more epic feeling. As it stands now, you sometimes don't know a named is attacking you til its too late.

    Lets hope the developers see this :D

  4. #4

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    named mobs should have a .01% of dropping some nifty stuff, like an UBER crystal, or talisman, or something that can be added to the current crafter made gear. these items will not hinder crafting. yes UBER items that WILL NOT hinder crafting. wow, cool!

    i know lots of people are allergic to the word, but hey, here it is again: Über!

    not +12 Dex, +8 Str meaningless gimpy crystals, but ones that will increase damage, or have partical effects, talismans that add an ability to a staff, or things truly affecting the overall stats. that would be sweet.

    have the mob bosses spawn on a sporadic timer.

    the crafters shouldn't complain, because now the advs will kill this mob hence it issafer for the crafters. plus if they are crafters, it isn't their department to complain anyway.

    the adventurers shouldn't complain. drop uber loot is good. what kind of adventurer would complain about that?

  5. #5

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    1. All givers of quests should have a list I fully support this idea and have longed to see it in for so very long. On the crazy Idea of only being able to get trophies while you have the quest I fully disagree with this idea I can not express how strongly I disagree. Its possible to get 5 trophies in 2 kills (4+1,3+2 are both possible) and then you would need to recall to turn them in and go back out to the hunt. This is by far worst than the ITO and his kill 30 and recall.

    Personally I prefer the trophy guy I can hunt all day and at the end of the day turn in the trophies which I have earned.

    2. I love this idea as well, Information on classes and pictures of tricking options as well as lore in one place would be great more so if its in game as you suggest.

    3. Make a named mob worth killing they are just an annoyance at present. Either terribly easy and time wasting or horribly over powered and not rewarding. I would suggest a 100% increase in xp given for the kill or guaranteed form/tech or 1-5 tech comps or 5-10 trophies and lastly as phillip suggested a slim chance of some form of really nice loot. Perhaps a crystal or a single use tech that have great benefits or something.
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  6. #6

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    Ah and 1 more thing I thought about today. Some people have many adventure classes and every time they switch they have to redo thier hotkeys. A way of saving a set ofhotkeys and loading a set ofhotkeys would help those people out alot, or is there a way of doing this? If not, it would be grrrrrreeat!

  7. #7

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Felinor
    Ah and 1 more thing I thought about today. Some people have many adventure classes and every time they switch they have to redo thier hotkeys. A way of saving a set ofhotkeys and loading a set ofhotkeys would help those people out alot, or is there a way of doing this? If not, it would be grrrrrreeat!
    Amen to this suggestion!
    Korsh HammerFell
    lvl 100 Chaos Warrior / 57 Cleric / 36 Mage
    lvl 18 Mason / 19 Blacksmith
    Order of the Phoenix
    Crucita in the Realm of Order

  8. #8

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    I really like the idea of the Lore Keeper in the incarnation you mentioned.. Although, a few suggestions I'd like to throw into the mix, to see how folks respond is this. Perhaps there can be a "Lore Master" for each individual Tier. Tier I could be on Lesser Aradoth, Tier II should probably have a Dragon Lore Master in Chiconis that can cover Tiers I-III, as well as a Tier II Lore Master in Dalimond. Tier III Bi-ped Lore Keeper in Mahagra, Tier IV in Kirasanct with a Dragon Lore Master covering Tiers IV-VI in Dralk, Tier V in Aughundell, and Tier VI, well, I'm honestly not sure on that..

    Perhaps too there could be "Lore Master General" in Tazoon, which could cover the very raw basics of all Tiers, monster locations, etc, while the Individual Lore Masters in each Tiered Town have slightly more specific information regarding the monsters, their locations, etc for each Tier.

    For instance, visiting the Lore Master General in Tazoon, and asking about Tier III monsters, they will tell you to seek them out in the areas surrounding Mahagra. Once you reach Mahagra, the Lore Master there will give somewhat more detailed information, saying "For the Ice Golems, search the valley to the east of town." etc... Perhaps also, the tiered Lore Masters could also give information on which tech comps are used for which techniques of that particular tier, since there is absolutely no way to find that info in-game unless someone already has that tech scribed.

    These Lore Masters might also be able to guide players to particular important people in their local cities. Either pointing out specific trainers that are in town, or for even more flavor, discuss the town's citizens and the town's past. "Merkan the Great, legendary Warrior Hero of the Half-Giants has a descendant still living in this town by the name of Markol. Seek out Markol and perhaps he will tell you of his forefather's epic adventures." Or some such.. That next NPC could then have a quest available for the player to undertake if they'd like to learn more about the Lore. Maybe after telling the player about the history of Merkan, the player is tasked with going out and finding the great warrior's lost sword or shield, which a local named mob now has control of, and the non-equippable story-only related item is then included in the loot drop by the named mob. Heading back and delivering the sword/shield to Markol then makes him say something like "Merkan has now been avenged, and his soul can rest!" or some such. Maybe this makes you a new Mahagran hero to some extent.. maybe this quest is only available to half giants? maybe that sword and shield arent just story items, but are equippable as well, at the expense of Markol and the Half Giants' favor of you. At that point, you can keep the equipment, but now their trainers wont train you or offer you quests, their pawnie wont buy anything from you, and their connie refuses to list items for you until you give the equipment back or something..

    I dunno.. there are plenty of avenues to explore that can all stem from, or use the Lore Master in some form or another.. perhaps the Lore Master can send you on quests to acquire knowledge of a new creature that has recently been seen which he doesnt know much about yet. He asks you to bring the remains of a beast, (maybe an eye, or a leg hair, or a beatstick or whatever) for him to study, thus granting you some kind of xp/coin for the quest reward.

    Really, i can go on and on all day about this sort of thing, but i think you all get the idea.. hehehe

    ~ Henry

  9. #9

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    The Imperial Professor is a great idea, especially as a source for quests. Perhaps Ingenuity could be used to determine success when scouring the library in Tazoon (or wherever..) for quest leads. [:D] The higher your ingenuity, the tougher/more rewarding the quest is.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  10. #10

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Felinor
    Ah and 1 more thing I thought about today. Some people have many adventure classes and every time they switch they have to redo thier hotkeys. A way of saving a set ofhotkeys and loading a set ofhotkeys would help those people out alot, or is there a way of doing this? If not, it would be grrrrrreeat!
    A interface for doing this would be great!

    At present I have 4 folders which contain UIHotkeys.def and the hotkey_icons directory (found in the prefs shard_charname directory) each of these folders contains hotkey setups for a different class. This can save a great deal of time if I decide to switch.

    However you need to relog in order to change them which can sometimes be a pain.

    It would be much nicer to not require the relog.

    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

  11. #11

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    Quote Originally Posted by evilkarl
    A interface for doing this would be great!

    At present I have 4 folders which contain UIHotkeys.def and the hotkey_icons directory (found in the prefs shard_charname directory) each of these folders contains hotkey setups for a different class. This can save a great deal of time if I decide to switch.

    However you need to relog in order to change them which can sometimes be a pain.

    It would be much nicer to not require the relog.

    i havent tried it, this is just an idea off the top of my head, but, would switching the hotkey files and then doing a /loadui work?

    ~ Henry

  12. #12

    Default Re: A few convenient suggestions.

    I think I did try that but /loadui more often than not takes longer than relog.

    I will give it another try tonight and post results.
    Zodias of Order
    Sprit Disciple Quilt, Miner

    Monk Issue List

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