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Thread: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

  1. #1

    Default R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    It is my sad duty to inform Blight that William ( Huillam ) DeAverc has passed away from a brain aneurysm .
    He will be sadly missed by those of us who knew and played with him .

  2. #2

    Default Re: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    Very, very sorry to hear that, Theros. My condolences to his friends and family.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  3. #3
    Member velveeta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    i was so happy to see your nick again ther, that i didn't even see the title of the thread.
    i am so sad to hear about huilliam!!! he ws a great guy and an excellent blightie.
    all my deepest sympathies to his family!

    (but it is great to see you again too, ther, even for this.....hope you can see your way to coming back to us on blight some day......we all miss you terrible and speak of you often....... )
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  4. #4

    Default Re: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    My Respects and Condolences at this sad occasion.

  5. #5

    Default Re: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    To all those who knew Huillam and the Blight community, my thoughts and sympathies are with you. Prayers for peace and healing for his family and friends so that they can remember the good times with him, and take comfort in having known him.

  6. #6

    Default Re: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    Very sorry to hear this

  7. #7

    Default Re: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    *Cries *
    He was the first player I had contact with on blight.
    He will be mist greatly. May he be honored with a statue of his character in the great lag city of Tazzon

  8. #8

    Default Re: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    My condolences to all who knew him. I know it is never easy to lose a valued member of the community, and my prayers go out for his family and friends that they may find comfort in the memories he gave them.

  9. #9

    Default Re: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    William DeAverc was laid to rest in his armour and with his sword , as was befitting the way he lived his life of a modern knight.
    Several spoke of him but all felt the best description was from our Own Eco ( Flsssssh )

    "William DeAverac, whose online persona was Huillam, was, no is,in all senses of the phrase “a Knight in shining armour.� His was a life that many can only dream of living. He was able to travel the world and train lucky individuals in swordsmanship.

    Will participated in sword competitions around the globe. The broadsword was his speciality and in that class few could rival him. When he wasn’t competing, he was judging, and sharing his skill with new and rising stars of the sword. He was a staple of many medieval festivals and competitions.

    As was the Knights of yore, Will was elegant, refined and chivalrous. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy himself. He was able to drink many under the table and enjoy a feast with the best. His laugh was one that showed his total enjoyment of life and of all that was good. Indeed, he was a bit of a practical joker as well. A competition accident caused a finger to be severed. His new party prank startled hosts when he pretended to catch his finger on some item and to the horror of many, have it “fall off.� Most would laugh with him when they got over the shock, but he received many a swift punch from the hostesses he caught.

    He was larger than life and a good friend to many. I consider myself lucky to have known him. The loss that all feel at his passing is nothing compared to the loss of never having known him. He was the closest thing to a modern day adventurer that I, and many others, have ever known. On the day that God’s angels pick up their swords for the final battle, I know that William will be there to stand by their sides and probably give them some pointers as well. My final words are the same that he left to me after each of the many quests we shared,

    Strength and Honour, my friend.
    Ecology ( Conclave of Shadows , Aman'Thul ) Flsssssh Rsssssst ( Conclave of Shadows, Blight )"

    For my own I have not the ability to put into words of the loss of my sword brother instead those present broke open the mead , filled tankards and hoisted them in silence on my behalf

    All i can say is Ffarwel 'm Chledd Brawd

  10. #10

    Default Re: R.I.P Huillam ( William ) DeAverc

    I am so sorry to hear this, with pc troubles and lack of sleep (tis 3 am) I do not get to the forums as oft as I'd like.

    My condolences to Huillam's family and friends.

    Whilst I arrived at Blight after Huillam's game departure I did at least get to talk to him a few times when he was visiting Theros. I looked forward to his visits as he was a character and left me with regrets that I never got to roam the lands of Istaria in his company. He amazed me, which in these times of wonders is no small feat.

    I have no more words, only a deep profound saddness, the world has lost someone special.

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