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Thread: Honoring Heroes Past

  1. #1

    Default Honoring Heroes Past

    Any who come to these forums can see that Istaria has a long history.

    I thought it would be nice to collect some of the history of the Gifted into one place, which is why I'm starting this thread.

    So, for those who remember, think back to early 2004. What names of great warriors (heroes) that fought the Withered Aegis at the Aughundell Crater while the tunnel was being built can you recall? These do not have to be people that are still playing, just those who you remember. Or perhaps you were there yourself and would like to share a memory.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Few probably remember the ones I loved most, the ones who brought me into the world of RP at least. Here's 4 of them, though honestly, there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many more.

    Narokh, Masha

    They started a tavern on Expanse, which blossomed into a gathering for all sorts of adventurers and crafters to rattle on about their days. Just two dragons, and a place for both dragons and two legged ones to gather! It was often a blast and the gatherings were nice.


    One who fought the Aegis constantly, and at times joined them. This wicked man brought a great deal of life, and yet, a lot of care despite his evil acts. One couldn't tell which side he was fighting for, if it were the Aegis or for the Gifted. *Definitely miss this one.*


    Who couldn't forget his speach patterns? They were hard to understand but once you got use to it, this sslik was an awesome one to talk to. That is, if you were scaley at least. Human or what not? He'd be more willing to run a sword through your gut than talk to you! However, he was quite the fighter and a dedicated sslik! I don't think I've come across such a great character as he! [or she, durn ssliks!!!]

  3. #3
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    2004? Amarie, this started back in December 2003! Two weeks prior to Christmas, Horizons went live. I know it was two weeks exactly because my sister who'd been bugging me for the previous couple months about getting into the Horizons beta and how I would really like the game told me at work she was in, and I didn't have the money to buy it when it came out.

    Tagath got Horizons as a Christmas present and installed it on 12/26/2003. He was having such a tough time with doing anything not in New Trismus. He didn't know anywhere, couldn't get the map to show right, and didn't have the compass configured correctly, so he was stuck. It was the kind help of a gnome by the name of Wenlilly Wellspring who helped him navigate around to the t1 gems, the enraged wisps and cows, and the sandstone and bronze around Dalimond's craft circle (the road is still there, too). She also gave Tagath his first hoardables, bronze dex jewelry. After he had some time with the game, he let me use one of his account slots. Mind you, this was before many of the buildings were available for plots. I remember the scramble Obsidian Order had to grab and keep Mahagra, it's homeland since beta. The five "little" plots that are now Blizzard's Reach were absolutely huge and always in demand. Chef, Imayo, Deme, Leonea, and someone else (who I can't remember, but they set their plot to "deny all" complete with red walls and never built anything) owned it and Tagath was always going out and gathering the blighted sandstone and cleaning it, keeping the area as clean of blight as possible, always warning the plot owners when blighted flax was encroaching. It was back then that winter wolves roamed the road around the plots going back to the masonry hall. They never did like Tagath, but seldom attacked him. He found a saying that when spoken aloud, made the wolves run away.

    Of course, since Tagath was out crafting sandstone either in Mahagra or in Dalimond (yes, both racial towns had sandstone back then) and using a sandstone cargo disk, he earned his nickname of Obsidian Order's scaly cerulean sandstone semi.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  4. #4
    Member Firedragon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Images say more than a thousand words

    Though I hardly knew anyone on these pictures, they were there and we fought and worked hard together.

    In a time before dragons could fly and high lvl players were few we managed to work as a team and build these tunnels. Some stayed at the entrance to guard the builders from the satyr skeletons that roamed outside while dozens of other players spread across the world to help gather building materials.

    Building the tunnel

    I remeber when we finished the first tunnel and everyone crammed themselves in there waiting for the portalchamber to pop. BOOM spells a plenty!

    Finishing the first tunnel

    Then fighting on the islands where you had to wear special scales and crystals in order to hurt the four different machines. Trying to find a "safe" path through the hordes of undead and mindcontrolled satyrs. Finally reaching the machine and start pounding it with everything we had but only doing minimal damage.

    Wipe at the machine

    Good times
    Last edited by Firedragon; March 2nd, 2008 at 12:15 AM.
    In the void.
    Unity: 100/100 Lunus

  5. #5

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Thank you, Firedragon. That's the sort of thing we're looking for.

    A few notes based on some messages I've recieved and read here:

    This isn't a discussion meant to slight those who are a part of the community now, or who have been at some other time in the past but not at the particular event mentioned. To use a real life example, celebrating Veterans Day does not slight those who serve in the military today. Honoring those who served in WWII does not take away from the service of those who served in Desert Storm, does it? This thread is meant to look back at one specific event in Istaria's history and remember those who were there.

    Likewise, C'gan, it isn't to say that they have been there since launch day, or beta times, or a "who has served the longest". It is simple who was there at this particular time, in this particular place. There will be other times for remembering those who helped free the dryads, or who were there during beta, or other major historical milestones.

    With that said, please try to keep the thread on topic.

    Who remembers who was there when the tunnel was built at Aughundell Crater?

  6. #6
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Oh, ok, so this is the specific time. My mistake.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  7. #7

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    I don't have any of those screenies any more apparently. I thought I kept them somewhere, but I guess not. I also lost a great one of me dying just as I feel off a cliff, so it looked like I was falling off backward. I wonder what happened to them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    I have a jillion and a half screenies somewhere. Was there at most of the big events. Only missed out on Nazderon, Grizzlerot, and a couple of the Satyr machines (I did participate in them, just wasn't there right at the end).

    When I get a chance, I will see if I can upload some images and some text to go with them.
    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

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  9. #9

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Ahh woops! Well then, there are many things that have happened, events and what not.

    I just remember the people most =) Our world building efforts have always been a collaboration of happy fun folk to work with and usually went in shifts... seriously! There were those who worked during the day, then those who worked the evening, and those night owls that worked at night!

    To many faces to remember. =)

  10. #10

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Are here only infos asked about the satyr event or other events too (like novo machine)?

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  11. #11

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    I'm pretty sure she wants just info on the one event.
    "Who remembers who was there when the tunnel was built at Aughundell Crater?"

  12. #12

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Can't seem to edit or remove my own post =( How embarrasing!

    Hmmm, I assume this is the cater south east of Aug as well. =( Bah, old and fragile minded when it comes to this. I shall stay out =) I just remember carting supplies and the good talks. I think it might be a shame to lable a few heroes of old in that case, since the effort was really a group. Perhaps there were leaders and organizers who stood out in the crowd. Like, I knew Tala did for "World Project" type stuff, which I'm sure this was apart of it.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Quote Originally Posted by GalemThawn View Post
    I'm pretty sure she wants just info on the one event.
    "Who remembers who was there when the tunnel was built at Aughundell Crater?"
    0_0 It's a SHE? Ooooops.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    I can only think of one that comes to mind "PJ" - personalJustice...his exploits on Chaos are still quite legendary. And as fas as I know a special emblem was made JUST for him. "Slayer of Demons" i think it was...Only person to solo SOG.
    When I met PJ, he was always willing to go out of his way for this noob hatchie! Helped me tremendously!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    I remember applying the iron fitting to the Kirasanct tunnel on the Life server. Unfortunately I don't remember the names of the folks who were involved. There was a group of 10 or so adventurerers who guarded the entrance. My interaction was with the many mules who brought resouces to be applied. There were teams mining and making as well. All told at least 50 people were contributing in some aspect just for the fitting on that evening. It would be very hard to point to any one player or handfull of them who built the tunnels. I would estimate that up to 200 folks took part in the constructions.

  16. #16
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    which servers count? the EU servers too?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Of course... Aughundell tunnel though.
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  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    Ahh~! Even if I'm new to this community, I love hearing stories like this. *curls up to listen*

  19. #19

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    I wish I could remember all of the names of those I used to work with, building the tunnel (running resources with Myd, and actually rolling a bi-ped so I could place a timber on the tunnel itself), and I wish Nimbus and Crater were here to tell the story better than I can.

    You see, while I would stand guard or run resources for an hour or two when I could, Nimbus and Crater were *always* working on the tunnels. I shudder to think of just how many hours they put into it. They were the ones who showed me how to climb up behind the waterfall and drop down to the side of the tunnel, and where to run to so that we could safely apply our materials out of reach of critters intent on harming us.

    Those were the good days, when community spirit and participation was high, and when the servers raced each other to see who could complete a given event first (even though all servers had to be done before the devs would move the event forward).

    So to Nimbus, Crater, and all the rest who helped build Istaria, and to all of those who protected them while they did: Salute! /em takes a swig of his favorite beverage

    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
    - Albert Einstein

  20. #20

    Default Re: Honoring Heroes Past

    The digging out of he lava tunnel was pretty grand. Quite a few of the EU people that had been active since the very beginning were still around. What was impressive was that we did it within 24 hours. I started a post about how I was gonna have my alt run and place a few loads loads, encouraging others to do the same (we had been looking at the spot for weeks), and ere long half the shard was in on it. There was this mad cleric that kept all the mutts away single handedly; don't remember the name, but methinks he was a Knight of NI!, a swarm of older dragons flew back and forth, and even hatchies fresh out of the egg (as well as newborns) was digging all night on the beginner islands for the low tier stuff. I remember David Bowman commenting on the IRC afterwards that he was impressed by the Unity communal spirit...

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