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Thread: Enraged Wisp

  1. #41

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    Because we've seen this before, Menk, as have you, and we don't want to see the rest of it.

    Let me ask this. What does adding an enraged wisp to wisp isle possibly add to Horizons? Absolutely nothing. Does it add a crafter-adventurer dynamic? Nope. Does it add a feeling of excitement and fun for those who get affected by it? Nope. The only thing it "adds" is a pain in the arse for those low enough to be in danger of it, and a feeling of enforced adventuring. Horizons is a crafting game. There's no point denying it. The adventuring side - while I personally enjoy it - is extremely primitive in comparison to the crafting. Thus, opportunity for people to craft without having to bother with monsters - at least up to T5 - should be guarded zealously.

    Yes, it is just a lone L34 wisp, but today a wisp, tomorrow a whole battallion. If you really wanted to add something, you should add a single, powerful, LONG respawn-time mob in the field that is actually worth killing for an adventurer. IOW, a named mob with a large set of loot. That way you ensure that there's a good chance someone will come along and kill it, when needed, and that they won't have to be back every 5 minutes to kill it again.
    You're looking at now. Everything that happens now is happening now.

    Incessantly prodding Gezsera while getting rid of hibernation hangover.

  2. #42

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    Is it really so hard to just join the marketplace chat and ask if anyone might be able to help?

    This isn't a wisp that has a short spawn timer either.. It doesn't automatically respawn the moment it is killed. It stays dead for quite a while.

    I'm not saying your opinions aren't valid.. they are. The developers do listen. We read each and every thread, and while we may not respond immediately, or to every single one, we do see them.

    This is a change that only went in just recently. If we changed something the very moment one person complained, without fully considering everything and taking everything into account, then a lot of mistakes would happen. Again, not that we are ignoring players.... we are just careful to make sure that we as developers don't overreact and make a change that messes things up even more. We're watching, and if it is deemed necessary later, then changes will be made. BUT, they will be carefully thought out and planned out before implemented. This is what we do with everything. Give it some time.


  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Cambridgeshire, UK

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    I am always on market. The wisp seems to have a very long aggro range, and with the usual lack of response on market every time I've asked, it's not really much of an option (the one time someone actually responded, I'd been dead 10 minutes).

    My guild has been helpful - someone comes out every 20 minutes or so if they are able to, to kill the wisp so that I can continue building hedges.

    I know it seems to be my lone voice at the moment - but what I'd like to know, still, is WHY? Wisp Island has been unguarded for so long, and seems to work, why change it now? At the moment, the only difference it seems to have made (again, from my personal point of view) is that I am having to ask a member of my guild who probably has something more important that needs doing, to take time out and kill something for no gain to her. It's not as if I'm even KILLING wisps out there (most of the time) - so why is the silly thing wanting to mug me from across the field?

    As Tramsan says, it really does make me feel that you're pushing the "you need to adventure" button again, which is the reason why I'm reacting so strongly to one little change. And I don't believe I'm the only one who is responding so, just perhaps more vocal than most..
    Bobda Bilda (Chaos) - - what takes up most of my spare time now..

  4. #44

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    Yes, Menkure, it is. "Would someone please come kill this level 34 mob that is bothering me, guarding this field, and that I have no idea when it respawns?" If you're lucky you might find someone who will come do it, but more probably people are just going to look strangely at you. (If you, on the other hand, said that Mister Ompa Lompa, an L100 named mob who is known to drop lots of goodies, just respawned after a 3-day hiatus then I can assure you that you will have much better luck. I'd be there in a flash, myself.)

    I am personally not bothered in the least by this wisp. I'm one of those who can look sternly at it and have it die. Does this change add anything to my experience? No, not really. It does give me a "tracking node", sure, but then again it also has this really annoying sound and will kill my road buff. I will swat it as soon as I drain it. Would I come to help someone else kill it, though? Probably not. I don't know what its respawn timer is. For all I know it could be back in 5 minutes, and then what would I have accomplished?

    I'm just wondering what careful and considered reason you fellas had for adding this, because I can see none, except those grounded in a misunderstanding of your target demographic.

    (Ps, Menk, I'd advise you to stay away from the "one person complaining" spiel - it can be perceived as rather insulting.)
    You're looking at now. Everything that happens now is happening now.

    Incessantly prodding Gezsera while getting rid of hibernation hangover.

  5. #45

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    (Ps, Menk, I'd advise you to stay away from the "one person complaining" spiel - it can be perceived as rather insulting.)

    What I said in my last paragraph was not aimed at anyone, and was hypothetical.. pointing out that if we changed something the moment one person said something, then things would be a complete mess. This was purely hypothetical, and is in its very roots logical to say.

    I'm sorry if you took offense to it. Again, being purely hypothetical, no offense was intended.


  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cambridgeshire, UK

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    heck. I was really the first one complaining and have taken no real offense.

    Just as tramsan says, though, I would like to know the reasoning behind this
    Bobda Bilda (Chaos) - - what takes up most of my spare time now..

  7. #47

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    Quote Originally Posted by Menkure View Post
    I'm sorry if you took offense to it. Again, being purely hypothetical, no offense was intended.
    I know you didn't, and none taken. I'm just saying that you (as a dev) should probably stay away from phrases like that.
    You're looking at now. Everything that happens now is happening now.

    Incessantly prodding Gezsera while getting rid of hibernation hangover.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    First of all, just to clarify, Menkure is not a developer. (And I know Menkure won't take offense at that, because he knows he isn't.) He is an intern for the art team, and a forum moderator, and a volunteer.

    Second, it's one wisp, not a whole army of them.

    Third, remember to express YOUR opinion, not that of others. Having listened to people in game (and yes, we really do listen), we've heard just as many people expressing their opinions that it's cool to have a little bit of a challenge, a reason to bring a "guard" out with them when crafting, as we have people who don't like it.

    Fourth, let's not make a mountian out of a mole hill.

    You can please all of the people some of the time. And you can please some of the people all of time. But you can't please all of the people all of the time.

    Let's not turn this thread into something that requires a moderator to step in and close it.

  9. #49
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    I'm still curious.

    We're watching, and if it is deemed necessary later, then changes will be made. BUT, they will be carefully thought out and planned out before implemented.

    What's the carefull thought behind the wisp? And I'm seriously curious. Looking for some danger gathering dim? Go to the jungle near sslanis and meet the nasty undead or mingle with the cedar treants, there are nasty enraged too.

    I'm really seriously wondering.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  10. #50

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    I could also ask if you want to gather dims safely why not head a few min father north and gather all the dims you wish right under a essence channeler? Guardian free.

  11. #51
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    maybe it's because of our lower population, but i have never had a problem getting or being a guardian for crafters.

    when i was doing cobalt in kira, onyx, at least, would regularly come babysit me against isotope and his crew.
    in return, i gladly play guardian to anyone who asks for my help.

    no payment or reward expected or accepted.

    no one should be too busy to refuse a plea for assistance.

    just my 2cp.......
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  12. #52

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    ohh- let`s take care that this does not turn into something we all do not want:
    x vs y.

    Let`s try it this way:

    Dev`s thought the whisp being kind of enrichment,
    crafters say it is, nicely said, annoyance.
    Let`s wait and see what happens.

    I`m sure VI knows, that the crafters are more than precious clientele.

    BTW: My husband Flameus is a very patient player and passionate helian crafter(83/100).
    After being killed 4 x while gathering, he logged out.
    He could not craft nor adv. due to the new dp- sytem.

    It´s not easy for some of us to cope with the new system, but we try.
    Please no more guarded fields
    (and whipe this whisp away together with the black squares- when there is time^^)

  13. #53
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    Quote Originally Posted by Deth View Post
    I could also ask if you want to gather dims safely why not head a few min father north and gather all the dims you wish right under a essence channeler? Guardian free.

    You could ask that question if a guarded field was changed in a non guarded field.

    This is the other way around.

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  14. #54
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    what I think a lot of people are missing is....quite simple really. The devs have to look at the whole not a few. Most people can suffer through adventuring long enough to be able to beat up a level 34 mob.

    The whole of the game does not post on the forums ...if they do they arent very vocal.

    I personally wouldnt change a thing over 1-3 complaints were I in charge ( good thing I'm not I guess)

    Does it add anything? nope, well yeah...challenge which many people ( not some of those worried about a lvl 34 wisp) thin kthe game needs more of, myself included. Granted I may be in the minority. But pragmatism is the key to keeping the vast majoirty happy.

    Menkure made a great point, with a lot of people calling for a war ( any event really....) one has to assume some of those are crafters no?

    I enjoy both aspects of the game personally.

    To worry over some added challenge on the crafting field is ludicrous. *For the most part* the death system only hurts the adventuring side fo the game. Many of the adventure players I know havent complained about it, much if at all. for crafters to worry about a small setback like a wisp...well...i think you see where this is going.

    Long story short, look beyond your own issue when it effects the whole game. I'm not saying dont voice concerns, but to expect a change...not so realisitc.

    Though folks just want an answer, those seem to be in short supply lately, I dont argue that. However, from my perspective it just isnt a big deal to have to work a little harder to do what ya love.
    Ignem Infernum - Abi in malum rem.
    Ixatchitxl the Defiler - Fafnir who? I was here first!
    Think! Its not illegal...yet.
    Adventuring: aka Genocide, Graverobbing, and Temple Desecration.

  15. #55

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    I don't so much mind that there's now an enraded wisp running loose on the island. But is anyone else out there getting any weird graphics from the area now?

    I keep running into these black patches that look like I just stepped onto a dance floor complete with a disco ball. I keep waiting for John Travolta to jump out in his classic white suit and start dancing.

    My graphics have been going wonky for a few months now but it only happens in Horizons.

  16. #56

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    The black patches is an issue that we're looking into. You are not the first to report it, Trieah. I'm personally just not sure why it's happening...but that's why we have those great "tech guys".

  17. #57

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    I would like to add my 2 cents on this issue. . . .

    For a lower level crafter (or even a higher level crafter for that matter) to be told to go a longer distance away that may take 1-3 additional ports, depending on where the field is and where his/her plot is, is a guarantee that the player will eventually throw up their hands and walk away.


    Because of the REAL TIME spent sitting at a computer keyboard watching one's toon trudge with a fully loaded disk -- ever so slowly -- to a portal, wait 3-10 minutes for the jump and them have to jump numerous times before they reach their destination. You do not know how many times I have sat at my computer with tears of frustration in my eyes over the wasted time when I have a very few precious hours to even be present in my favorite world. And that is when I am playing as a level 100/100/100 dragon! I am even more frustrated playing as my lvl 13 warrior/lvl 40 confectioner. The one truely relaxing place in the world to work quietly and effectively on lower tier stuff was wisp island. I would encourage hatchies to go there instead of New Tris because they could get back to their plot or trainer with a full disk in only 2 jumps rather than the 3 or 4 that it takes from New Tris (New Tris will not let you jump to Bristugo, ya know and I have not seen Tazoon on my list of choices either).

    I persoanally have not enjoyed the frustration of crafting -- my friends can tell you that I loathe crafting -- yet it is what I have been doing 80% of the time since Lairshaping was introduced. It took me 18 months to finish my lair. I hate that, no matter how high my level vs the tier I am harvesting and working, I can count on 30 minutes of play time being spent on each load with half of that time spent in trudging and porting.

    Please, do not remove the only convenient, rich location for low tier essence with a channeler from our choices. I am playing babies currently and I really do not want to slog away getting all of them up past lvl 32 in their adventure class. I have put in my time in the grinder. I am not happy getting more grind as a reward for my loyalty. (FYI -- I have been a loyal, daily player since Dec 24, 2003. This is my ONLY game. I will play no other if I leave. I have no desire to leave, but I AM weary of the continual grind for the very little reward. Wisp Isle was a safe haven. Now even that is gone.)

    From one who is frustrated and very, very tired . . .

    Icabald Percival Dragon (100/100/100 Helian)
    Ancient of Days of the Elder Spirits
    Nelgrag Longfoot (13 warrior/40 Confectioner)
    Confused Confectioner of the Elder Spirits

  18. #58

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    Originally Posted by tramsan View Post
    Because we've seen this before, Menk, as have you, and we don't want to see the rest of it.
    Exactly what I was thinking.... How much of the population did this cost us last time? 1/4? 1/2? Whatever: it were a LOT of players that went, the last time that a HZ-dev-team decided that 'forced adventure' equaled to '= fun for all'.
    (Hope this answers something for you Silverblaze: this is nót about 2 or 3 players believe me)

    Of course guarded fields (some though... devs, do go sit at Parsinia cedarforest, Sslanis basin, even atop the mountain at Saritova for a few hours each, and count the crafters you actualy see crafting there while they cóuld go to an unguarded place for the same... you wouldn't miss those four amputated fingers on the hand you were counting them with, I dare say...) anyhow: so of course some guarded fields are fine, players that enjoy adventuring so much that they even like it while crafting should have their fun too... but then there should also be enough usable unguarded places for (all) the others to go to. To find what théy feel as being fun. Because it's all about those three small letters.... and the fun of the one is no more or less worth then the fun of the other, I hope that is at least óne thing we all can agree on.

    In the case of wisps, I think it is touch-and-go, as to enough valid other choices... pale wisps for instance are at Mambow point, but the workplace there is a pain to get to: far away, no path... no portal anywhere near either... that does make it hmm, a pale comparison to wisp isle. AI is a pain too; why did the wisps not stay near the workplace there? That wás a valid choice... for too short a time.

    Of course the developers of a game have the right to make choices; I hope they do count the consequences in correctly though. Especially with something that was tried before; and showed to have dire consequences.

    (@ Arietna saying: try the other shoe... just imagining: one day an adventurer wants to fight that big bad golem, and while he heaves his greatsword to make the first strike... suddenly he gets a window popping up in front of him, blocking his view, saying... 'first go make 20 pouches and deliver them there-an-there, thén you may fight this golem'.... and the next golem and the next beetle: yep, those blasted craft-forcing windows again and again... how fún eh ) (There are days when I really wish I would see thát happen in some game for a change; come on devs, bring this on too then... you are seekers of balance, no? )

    I just hope Hz and it's makers will be careful to foster equaly to different kinds of players with different kinds of fun. Hz has shown that this cán be done, and I wouldn't enjoy it to see that change.

  19. #59

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    Ages ago I would be attacked by the enraged wisp while harvesting outside Kion. Fortunately there are guards nearby one of whom told me how to become a monk. These days I'm dodging Tibur in the travertine fields. Some element of adventure is to be expected in Istaria. In my opinion the developers get a tad carried away. The shadow spiders being a good example. They were to easy. So the developers made them more agile, more aggressive, and more social. This took them to the other end of the spectrum and forced many crafters to move to other fields. One member of my guild quit over it as an indication of the direction the game was going.
    This new wisp does sound a bit much. I would like to think it wouldn't have a huge aggro range but expect it to be aggressive like enraged always are. As a last recourse let us build a guard station so folks can run for help.

  20. #60

    Default Re: Enraged Wisp

    My issue isn't so much that the enraged is back, but the method by which it was reintroduced: a stealth change during a patch that gave no warning to any lower-adventure level crafters who took the area for granted.

    Even a small blurb... something ambiguous, like "The death of Alea has stirred anger and malcontent within the hearts of some creatures most closely attuned to Nature... "

    Walking out to wisp island expecting to peacefully harvest, without a weapon to defend yourself, and getting a nice fat DP for it after months of being used to the safe environment - I can understand why some folks might be upset. I'd deem theirs a righteous anger, actually.

    I mean... I noticed it, but to me (L100 CHSW) it was surprise, followed by a hearty chuckle, an Energy Strike and a couple of Enery Bolts, then a manaical laugh and vindictive sucking of tainted pale essence. However, to someone with a L60 enchanter alt, but only L5 adventurer, the aggro radius of that thing is a quick and decisive death sentence.

    Now, if you continue to beat your head bloody on the enraged, instead of recovering your disk (which in itself can net you another DP or two, depending on placement & pathing) and moving to an alternate site - that's foolish. However, just getting blind-sided in this fashion ... to be frank it's something I'd expect from SOE, not from VI.

    Ya know everything else aside - forgetting the debating over the hows and whys - the stealthy introduction of something that isn't a fun "easter egg" but is potentially lethal, isn't lore-related, and doesn't warrant such an introduction for plot reasons simply is not a good PR move. Right now, HZ doesn't need bad PR; it needs its players out there evangelizing the game to bring in new blood, and bring back old players...

    You folks over at VI have done alot of good things, and I know you do keep that in mind. "Keeping it in mind" vs. actually living it in your development decisions are two different things though - and I plead with you to ensure that you're doing everything possible to attain the latter.

    To those disenfranchized by the enraged... take a deep breath, count to 10, and if you must work solo and can't take that bugger out, consider some of the other areas where essence is easily obtained and completely unguarded; they're out there and most have already been posted in this thread. Yes, your safe haven was taken away and that really sucks, but we all know it's not the end of the world either.

    See yas all in-game.
    "There are but three loves in a Dwarf's life, young lad: battle to make one thirsty, ale to quench the thirst, and friends to bring more ale! Make no mistake about it... good friends are by far the most important." - Steele

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