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Thread: Confectioners

  1. #1

    Default Confectioners

    I have most likely put this in the wrong forum, but hey…that’s why the moderators get the big bucks. J

    Playing a (sub – game) on the Order shard I have been Stalking/Hunting Hatchlings, the "kill" to this game is to shower said hatchling with glorious amounts of hoard.. Gotcha! Mimir’s meal for the day..

    So now to the point, as another (sub – game) I would love to gather those items for the confectionaries that they cannot get. What are they? Who needs them? And if you have a problem accepting them for free get yourself another dragon stuff collector.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Confectioners

    The two items that bipeds can't get are:
    star anise located on the peak of the mountain in the northern part of Trandalar, and
    mandrake on the grassy area of Drakul.
    Exploring is a necessary skill, and its not like death is fatal. At least, not for the gifted.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Confectioners

    Hmm, that's good to know I'll need to make a note of those two.

    Who knows, maybe Mimir will have a competitor for this sub-game?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Confectioners

    Me? I have been collecting already for the 4 confectioners in my circle of friends But I am happy to join in a little competition


  5. #5

    Default Re: Confectioners

    I would imagine it is also very difficult for bipeds to gather Bitterroot, seeing as it is only to be found within the depths of the Spiritous Swamp.

    "I feel like a fugitive from the Law of Averages."

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