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Thread: Dragon suggestions

  1. #21

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    I can already imagine all dragons linking there lairs together. A whole underground system just for us. Oh I am quite sure if we get the possibility we would be crazy enough to see it as the next major "community" project. Lol


  2. #22

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Salis View Post
    I can already imagine all dragons linking their lairs together....
    Heh; it'd be like the Berlin underground.


    "I feel like a fugitive from the Law of Averages."

  3. #23

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Tcei View Post
    I agree fully with lowering the required amount of resources for lair parts. Or even better make the amount needed of the final object be exactly as the contstruction says. For example if I need only 7 flow stones I should only have to gather reasorces and craft 7 flow stones, not 5-6times that many, which is how it is when you first start out. (and I imagine the same when you reach a new teir, im only dls 15 so im not for sure on that part). I wish I could find that paper where I figured what I needed for all parts of just one room of my lair (three way hall) when I first started. As I recall it came out to be something close to 20k-ish for just bronze bars, versus only 8-9k if I only had to put in exactly what the construction page said.

    this is very painful starting out and not having a storage chamber of your own built yet or not knowing/being able to find an open one near by. Even worse if you live in one ofthe more secluded areas.
    I have a biped and two dragons on Chaos and try to have my biped fund any work on my lair to no avail. I agree that lairs need their requirements drastically reduced, if only for non-silo chambers. Lairs have almost no market because the resource costs and the resulting monetary costs are absolutely prohibitive to a lair contruction market. Lairs NEED to have their construction requirements reduced.
    Ryushu Suisen, Tathar Nuar, and PhoenixStar, Guildmaster of the Construction Crew
    Check out our wares!

  4. #24
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    Does this qualify as what you specify?
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  5. #25

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by C`gan View Post
    Does this qualify as what you specify?
    It would be if that wasn't over 2 months old. I do like the reduction in tricut raw gems.
    100 Adventure/Crafter following the path of Helian

    Expert Lairshaper
    Grand hall complete.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions


    Well, having played a dragon for a while, and in the interests of not spamming up the forums with dragon suggestion threads, I think I'll add my own suggestions here.

    Now um to begin with, I have a bit of a rant, the reason for it being that it explains my viewpoint. After the complaining I get to the suggestions so just bear with me! (Or scroll down...)
    *ahem* It seems to me that Horizons has fallen down many of the traditional MMO potholes, and they do arise again and again in discussion threads like this one, mostly related to battling and the like.

    Part 1: Size DOES matter
    One such thing that always bothered my about this game is how creatures less than half the size of a dragon can not only kill said dragons, but also be STRONGER than the dragons. And no I'm not just talking about bipeds or even other players here, I mean the monsters themselves! I don't know about the rest of you, but it always kills the realism for me when I find myself outmatched by a gruok. I mean... it's a PIG. I'm a DRAGON. It's obvious the direction the food chain is supposed to go in here! (And woe to those poor souls who get beaten by the chickens...)

    I wouldn't mind being killed by a creature if it somehow looked the part of being stronger than me. I dunno.. if it snorted purple flames or fired laser beams from its eyes I suppose I'd think twice about messing with it, and certainly would not feel cheated when it hits me for 2/3 of my hp with one shot. But... that's not the case. Instead... somehow I come across a bionic wolf that LOOKS like an ordinary forest creature, but is really a super-powered cyborg from the future with enough strength to crush boulders with its eyebrows.

    So really, my thoughts are that dragons are either underpowered, or there's something funny going on in devland.

    To further underline the suggested underpowered statement of course is the age old multiclassing biped vs dragon issue. I mean, it's bad enough that the monsters outclass us, let alone other players who get a free avenue of expansion that we don't. Now I do not mean that dragons SHOULD have classes. In fact, it's how different they are in the first place that really makes me enjoy playing as one! My thoughts are in the opposite direction of that, rather to give dragons a chance to continue to expand as well, and live up to the whole idea of being a dragon; that is to say the immense power and size dragons supposedly have!

    Suggestions are coming, I just wanna get this all off my chest in one go.

    Part 2: Rite of Getting Your Buddies to do All the Work
    Ok next whine: Rite of Passage (In my case, the Lunus RoP, though there are many similarities between the two). What the hell? I mean ok, if we want to talk epic, you can't get much more epic than this. Slaying massive bosses, creating really cool-looking statues and journeying through all sorts of crazy places certainly is quite the adventure. However, is running like a headless chicken through swamps infested with enemies 10x your strength, and taking on bosses you can't possibly hope to kill without like 15 friends really constituent of a Rite of Passage? And don't forget the deliciously long walks through the endless Istarian wilderness to locate the next brain-dead-ex-vessel of the mind lasher!

    I originally assumed that it was designed for a group of 8 or more budding young hatchlings of around season 50 to do together, and thus I was ok with the need for adult assistance in their place. But no season 50 hatchlings can take like 10 level 70 mages (ie the ones near and around kaa)! Nor can they fight their way through the blight to Draak, one instead has to run like a pixie to get there in one piece. Now ok, part of this is about being epic and difficult to handle and making hatchlings realize how pathetically weak they yet are, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere!

    I mean... it kind of demeans the whole idea of the thing. The definition of a Rite of Passage is like a PERSONAL journey that one undertakes to become stronger, or wiser... to ascend to a new level of being! Instead it's more like an epic journey under the proverbial covers to cower from the 35000k hp bed bugs while other dragons complete your rite for you.

    I dread to think of what the ARoP will entail... knowing my luck it'll be a giant bionic chicken with eye lasers and purple fire breath. But I digress.

    Part 3: I want my money back!
    Hoard. No stop cringing, it's ok. You're not using hoard to listen to me, honest! The whole hoard concept is awesome (hah didn't see that coming I bet!). Watching that little picture get more and more detailed as you go, and gaining strength whilst hoarding shinies is a reward in itself! BUT! (Ok I'm sure you saw THAT one coming...) Hoard costs for moves? Not so hot. I mean ok, if the moves were REALLY awesome (and gold rage is **** close), then I'd put up with it despite the fact that actually finding items to hoard is really hard unless you have rich draconic parents. But nothing compares to the sweet, sweet sound of miss-miss-miss caused by your gold rage for the 5th time in a row. *inhales deeply* Ah yes, the wonderful scent of hair being torn out in the morning!

    Really, for the hoard cost that gold rage causes, it should either hit a LOT more often than it does, or the hoard item drop rate from monsters should be considerably higher so that dragons can actually afford it. Gold rage is only really worth its cost when it connects all 3 times, and that is a rare occurrence unless you are picking on that chicken that ganked you 20 levels ago... but then again if you're fighting creatures that weak why are you wasting hoard? I've heard nightmare stories about gold shield and the like, which despite sounding cool make me wonder if maybe the devs had a sadistic streak when they made this game. I've seen grown dragons reduced to tears after unleashing a deadly array of swooshing noises and haircuts... poor things. Oh yeah, and if I recall... someone mentioned hoard decay. Boy am I glad my parents in game took their time getting around to making ME!

    Still, out of all my complaints this one is the least important. It's easy to get hoard when you DO have rich draconic parents, after all... *waves over a saris butler*

    Finally, we get to the part where I make something useful out of all of this time of yours I've spent. Suggestions. While I have been unable to resist adding a small piece of suggestive advice to the body of the above complaint, here I'll really go into what I'd like to see and how it would work.

    Part 1 Suggestions
    Make 'em bigger, doc! Seriously... those wolves need some steroids or maybe just to eat a Ruxus or two. If I see a rabid dire wolf I don't want to see benji meets a drowned rat, I want to see a drooling, 6 foot high menace with some blimmin' laser beams! (Ok not serious on the laser beam part, but if you add that you get bonus points)

    And as for dragons... I really believe that dragons actually need some boosting. They ARE dragons after all, you expect them to be really powerful and do lots of damage, and the adults to have around about as much hp as the entombed will has (that would be NICE). However, it needs to be designed in such a way that dragons have to EARN their strength, and that they don't get so overpowered that they can take the entire eastern deadlands solo and blindfolded. There's nothing wrong with creating a race that takes 5 bipeds to kill so long as it's much harder to level up, involves crazy things like the RoP, and requires complicated tasks to get there. What I'm saying is that dragons should be able to vastly outgrow the other species in terms of sheer size and power (as in hp and damage), but to do so they must start off humble (and perhaps even weaker than the other species, I don't see why hatchlings can't be pitifully weak until like season 30), and earn their stripes! ...which brings me to the next thing:

    Part 2 Suggestions
    The Rite of Passage.

    Quite frankly, the Rite of Passage fails to live up to its name if anything else. One expects it to be a personal journey to adulthood, but instead it more often than not is about getting an existing season 100 dragon (or two) to walk you through it, often doing 2/3 of the work. The crystallised golem is about the only part you can do solo without being nearly ancient in levels (About level 80), and I firmly believe that level 50 is MORE than enough hard work to qualify for your wings. One part that I really enjoyed was the journey to the pool of teeth. Why? Because not only could I do that solo, it FELT like a journey... walking through mists, exploring a foreign area, and pausing at a scared pool.

    If anything, I'd prefer more of that to fighting some overpowered ghost hatchling all the time. Sure, keep SOME bosses, especially like the entombed will (that whole Draak thing IS cool, though again impossible to solo), but change the quests so you have to do them alone or with others around your level. Whatver that may entail, it is assuredly more meaningful than letting an ancient dragon tackle your foes on your behalf. And it will settle a LOT of disputes about hatchlings ascending at season 30 thanks to their family and doing no work themselves.

    Have areas for example, that only hatchlings equipped with a special item can tread. That mist effect that you see like on Balit's isle and the place with the pool of teeth could be poison gas (so elder dragons can't help out without taking constant damage), and you have to find a special flower deep within some swamp somewhere. Maybe have a RoP TOWN, where only hatchlings doing their rites can actually get to, and have it full of RoP related quests. Give quests that require hatchlings to craft certain things, and have the crafting actually take a decent amount of time (running around collecting ingredients or getting drops from certain creatures). AND FOR ALYSSA'S SAKE stop with the running quests! I swear, 2/3 of the RoP is running and portalling and who knows what else.

    Remember that sometimes a hatchling will be forced to do the rite solo (because everyone levels up at different speeds), so it's necessary to set up things in such a way that it's doable on your own. That would make it a true Rite of Passage, and not just an epic time-waster as this one tends to feel like after you do the Draak quest. There are some brilliant minds behind Virtrium now, so hopefully this kind of thing will eventually be implemented. Anyway, last part.

    Part 3 Suggestions
    By now, I've really wasted all my good rants, so this is just like an aside kind of thing. Hoard is just annoying at times, when you find yourself beset by powerful enemies, and losing valuable hoard for the good old miss-miss-miss. I really think the chance to hit needs to be raised, if nothing else. Certainly better drop rates would go a long way to improving my stance on the thing too. As far as everything is concerned though, it matters little to me as I DO have some very generous friends, but others who aren't as lucky really feel the pain.

    So to anyone who's read this far, thanks for reading and congrats on making it all the way through. Just think, in the time it took you to read this you could have run all the way to Draak, been slain by rabid chickens a few times, or even wasted 40k hoard! Whatever your preference, I hope at least this read afforded you some chuckles and maybe gave you stuff to think about and to make your own decisions on.

    Peace. (And bionic eye lasers)

  7. #27

    Default Dragon Adv Classes

    Just some ideals for Dragon adv classes.

    Heilan Way and Lunatic Way ya know what I mean I will call this HW and LW here on in. fyi this schools could be called anything I'm just makeing them up to give a name/referce to them.

    The fraction leaders would train level 100/100 adv/crft dragons that have done there Arop and meet level 50+ hoard req. You will do a quest before being able to join ether school you can learn both. Both will go from level 1-100.


    9 primal skill gain a level
    10 magic evation gain a level
    8 ice skill gain a level
    7 agumentation gain a level.

    5 str 5 dex 5 power 10 focus gained a level.

    Ice Breath quest at level 60 and 100 for levels 2/3 ice breath.

    Ice breath 2 do's nothing more then unlink the shared timer between normal dragon breath.

    Ice breath 3 lowers the cool down to be the same as AoE fire breath.

    Lighting breath quest will do the same thing on LW school.

    To be able to do each breath quest you will have to already have ice/lighting breath 1. This will stop dragons from gaining the other fractions breath weapon.


    9 t&c skill points a level
    10 evation skill points a level
    8 nature skill points a level
    7 agumentation skill points a level

    5 str 5 power 5 focus 10 dex gain a level.

    Same Breath quest as HW only for Lighting doing the same thing for Lighting Breath.

    The Augmentation/ice/and nature skill line of spells will need to add in davd/HW/LW uses and none uses.

    Here is what I am thinking for each skill line.

    Augmentation spells will work in full for both HW/LW but you can only use the same aug's spells that say a warrior or a mage can when in davd school.

    Ice spells full spell line useable in HW but any other dragon school only icebolt/iceatt/rest/ward spells just like peds

    Nature LW full spell line but any other only Lighting bolt/rest/ward/ revitalize.

    HW/LW schools will lose Gold rage/Silver rage/Gold shield ablitys. Will always still be avalible to you as a Dragon Adv.

    HW will also lose all other t&c skills like ravage/bite/tailwipe and so on.

    LW will also lose all other primal skills like Galewind/Refreshing Breaze/the debuff ablitys and so on.

    both schools will beable to gain master nature/ice class ablitys for there repective schools.

    Then you just have to add classe ablitys like multi strikes/cast that kind of stuff to round them out.

    And quest at every 10 levels for nature/ice to raise skill levels but not base skill just like the t&c/primal quest.

    Primal skill line damg spells and debuffing spells useable to HW/ Healing spells and Buffing spells usable to LW

    Out side of the already stated dragon adv ablitys the otheres should be master able and use able at level 50 and lower levels.

    This are just some ruff ideals.
    Last edited by Balthizar; May 4th, 2008 at 12:36 PM.
    Nothing But Love! That's what makes Dragons Fly!

  8. #28

    Default Re: Dragon Adv Classes

    I certainly wouldn't mind a bit more diversity in the dragon class-tree.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Dragon Adv Classes

    there are many threads on this topic with a lot of great info.

    its a duplicated post, that might get miraged to the many threads. I know when i went on my Rop WAAAAAAAAAAy back in the day, I started one with the same question

    But right now the devs are going to finish the promises that where left hanging in the past. (THANK YOU DEVS)
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  10. #30

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    I agree with much of what was said here, although some things not so much.

    For one, it is very easy to get hoard once you are able to slay Giant Ice Beetles. Seriously, hunting for ten minutes can easily get you 50,000 in shinies. However this poses an issue for lower level hatchlings who have minimum hoard requirements, or adults who need hoard to fund attacks such as GR and SS on their journey to become ancient. Shield of Gold and Primal Rebirth will empty your hoard reserves quicker than you can blink.

    I think the size of dragons is appropriate, although it does make me sad to know Ancients are reduced in size due to player complaint. A mod exists to return the original Ancient size, but the splendour and awe of a massive dragon of old simply is not the same if you know the half-giant who just ported in sees you as little bigger than an adult.

    Power of dragons... my goodness a lot of work needs to be done here. They are underpowered even when comparing to a single-classed level 100 biped, and once we reach 100 adv what is left (besides crafting)? It is sad to compare a fully equipped ancient and find the gnome standing next to it is more powerful because they have multiclassing ability. Perhaps a new class structure for dragons isn't needed, as this would require a big overhaul, but upping the cap on certain abilities or skills would help to close this gap. I'm not saying a dragon should be able to instantly kill Fafnir, but when a biped can slaughter an entire field of elite blights and an ancient can hardly finish off a mob of more than four there is something wrong. Epic weapons for dragons are also a laugh when compared to the variety and power bipeds can equip.

    Rite of passage does need to be overhauled. I love your ideas about making it more personal and geared towards a group of hatchlings questing for the same goal instead of two adults or ancients holding their hand much of the way. I needed tons of assistance with Talon, Entombed Will, and Shadow Dragon and it took away from the experiance.

    Despite all this I can see a problem that may arise... as with many issues, all it takes is a few players to complain that 'Oh noes! Dragons are too powerful! UNFAIR!' to throw a wrench in the machine and undo everything.

  11. #31

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Radier
    Power of dragons... my goodness a lot of work needs to be done here. They are underpowered even when comparing to a single-classed level 100 biped, and once we reach 100 adv what is left (besides crafting)? It is sad to compare a fully equipped ancient and find the gnome standing next to it is more powerful because they have multiclassing ability.
    I'm not saying a dragon should be able to instantly kill Fafnir, but when a biped can slaughter an entire field of elite blights and an ancient can hardly finish off a mob of more than four there is something wrong.
    I have both dragon and biped. I think the key to whether or not they are balanced is in their specialties.

    A dragon's Gold Rage recycles very quickly and can do massive amounts of damage. A biped cannot match the damage output against a single mob that a dragon does.

    A biped is going to be better at certain mob types, although I've seen many dragons "farm" fields of mobs successfully.

    I do think that dragons could use a stat boost from crafting, perhaps stre/power increase from DCRA and dext/focus from DLSH (or variations thereof).

    Rite of passage does need to be overhauled. I love your ideas about making it more personal and geared towards a group of hatchlings questing for the same goal instead of two adults or ancients holding their hand much of the way. I needed tons of assistance with Talon, Entombed Will, and Shadow Dragon and it took away from the experiance.
    I agree here. I also think AROP, while time consuming, is not a huge test of skill.
    Last edited by Creme; May 5th, 2008 at 06:34 PM. Reason: bad grammer

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    The Fortress of Solitude

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    This isnt a flame, my remarks are blunt, but keep i mind I've no malice in my words.

    It all comes down to skill and gear.

    There have been many rating 170 bipeds I show up on Ignem frequently, I've mauled a few in the arena also. Likely shouldn't be a common occurence though.

    Pulling lots of badguys: resists help lots. Though I can't say I use them much and can likely do better than many a two-legged individual.

    This one is gonna sound bad, and I am sorry. : Unless the single classed biped is VERY good or the Dragon is very bad (good = skilled ; bad = inexperienced...usually) the dragon will nearly always win. note: some schools are better suited for certain tasks.

    The AROP was a cake walk for me, needed little help. The RoP was skewed a bit the other way.

    Ancients should indeed be massive. However, the khutit form exists fopr a reason. Use it when in towns/in the way. The thing that lets dragons walk in buildings full sized (bounding box? dunno what its called) got added so no one had to use khutit. if a player complaint made that change it only seems fitting a biped would complain a dragon takes up the whole screen when he/she doesn't use khutit.

    Can't have it both ways: big dragon, needs khutit. Small dragon: khutit less useful.

    I agree with Creme, dragon craft schools could work like the craft schools for bipeds to enhance statistics...much like fitter,weaver, etc. Would be cool

    Skills past 70 could help out also to even things up where they are still uneven.

    Oh yeah, not everything should occupy the chest scale slot><
    Ignem Infernum - Abi in malum rem.
    Ixatchitxl the Defiler - Fafnir who? I was here first!
    Think! Its not illegal...yet.
    Adventuring: aka Genocide, Graverobbing, and Temple Desecration.

  13. #33

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Silverblaze View Post
    This isnt a flame, my remarks are blunt, but keep i mind I've no malice in my words.

    It all comes down to skill and gear.

    There have been many rating 170 bipeds I show up on Ignem frequently, I've mauled a few in the arena also. Likely shouldn't be a common occurence though.

    Pulling lots of badguys: resists help lots. Though I can't say I use them much and can likely do better than many a two-legged individual.

    This one is gonna sound bad, and I am sorry. : Unless the single classed biped is VERY good or the Dragon is very bad (good = skilled ; bad = inexperienced...usually) the dragon will nearly always win. note: some schools are better suited for certain tasks.

    The AROP was a cake walk for me, needed little help. The RoP was skewed a bit the other way.

    Ancients should indeed be massive. However, the khutit form exists fopr a reason. Use it when in towns/in the way. The thing that lets dragons walk in buildings full sized (bounding box? dunno what its called) got added so no one had to use khutit. if a player complaint made that change it only seems fitting a biped would complain a dragon takes up the whole screen when he/she doesn't use khutit.

    Can't have it both ways: big dragon, needs khutit. Small dragon: khutit less useful.
    Regarding the dragon vs. single-classed biped: yes I know this doesn't happen often and there are some truly awful dragons out there, but I have seen instances where it happens especially if epic spells or high-tier multistrikes are used. Gold rage is also limited by hoard, which means if a dragon has no hoard = no GR. I don't think a similar limit exists with bipeds, but I could be wrong.

    As far as Creme's comment about a biped never being able to outmatch a dragon with a single mob? I've seen it happen. A lot, especially when it comes to epic monsters. If you need an example see first post. I know it isn't a prime example because it deals with an epic boss, but no dragon anywhere can match that kind of output unless it is a hatchie walloping Shadow Dragon with a phylactery.

    Good point with ARoP - if it was half as hard as RoP it would be much more enjoyable.

    Another good point with Khutit form. I try to use it often, unless I am in town for a few seconds in which I opt not to as the new model/animation load and execution takes more time than porting out of town.
    Last edited by Radier; May 5th, 2008 at 07:00 PM. Reason: Added link

  14. #34

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Radier
    As far as Creme's comment about a biped never being able to outmatch a dragon with a single mob? I've seen it happen.
    Every dragon past a certain level can use Gold Rage & Silver Strike, as long as they are taking care to maintain a reasonable level of hoard.

    Not every biped has the ability to do that kind of damage.

    A dragon Gold Raging every 45 seconds will far exceed the damage on a mask before the timer runs out and the 20 minutes it takes to recycle.

    Dragons and bipeds are not the same, both have benefits, but I don't agree with the underpowered remark.

    If I'm hunting vexators or most other satyr island mobs, dragons kill them almost ridiculously easily (given a cautious approach).

    95% of the bipeds out there cannot 1 hit kill a level 80-100 mob. A dragon can.

    Re: Chest scale slot.

    Hear hear! or Here here, whichever one it's supposed to be, I concur 100%.

    p.s. The lunus/helian crystals. An option as to which crystal slot it can go in would be very nice, i.e., don't make them limited to claw.

  15. #35

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    Correction, gold rage = 15 seconds, SS = 30 second recycles.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    last night I saw way more dragons than I did bipeds and that just seems wrong :P
    Yeah, why would you EVER consider normal to see many dragons in the only game in the world with playable dragons after all?

    of course quests for both dragons and bipeds would be nice. But there is only so much the 3 at vitrium can do.
    Well, Virtrium are more than able to read a post and put the suggestions in an appropriate priority, even if they can do just so much at a given time.

    I agree, finishing off the dragon quest lines would be nice. However, I really wish there were similar quest lines for bipeds of various races/classes. And a little variety to the quests instead of "kill 50 of xxx" would be nice too
    They lack of time but they are very committed at adding more and more quests in the future.
    I am sure we can get both dragon and biped quests for everyone, just have to let them the time to make them.

    Dragons more than likely dont need another class, perhaps just more spells ( variety)...
    Yes, with the loss of the multi-tier stacking of some spells I can't find something to fill in the hotbars. I'd love to have some "against blight" targetted stuff.

    Dragons more than likely dont need another class, perhaps just more spells ( variety)...perhaps getting our skills at a rate of 10 per lvl not 8 would be wise as well since classes are not likely to be added, or at least not soon.
    We get points in other ways though, the only "competition" we really have is on the same things bipeds can make, and I honestly don't find to be totally gimped in these things either. I mean, we are worse but I also see just DCRA to level instead of a dozen of craft classes.

    1. More symmetrical scale attainment . . . . 1 Chest, 10 head, 20 two hindlegs, 30 two forelegs, 40 two wings, 50 back, then 60 tail. Fewer slots, and longer to atain them, sets the combat power of the dragon back.
    Don't recall having it so hard past level 30-40...

    4. Finish the primal spells with their own video and sound effects.

    5. Hoard powered spell(s) to match their melee counterparts.
    Agree with that.

    7. Enhance the adult dragon side. Yeah selfish as my RP prevents going Ancient (and I refuse to do so as adult dragons should be playable in their own right).
    I played Adult for so many years, it was more or less "Ok" (a bit on the gimp side) expecially with proper hoard. Ofc can't compare with rating 170 bipeds but it was enough to do the job.

    Now, if your RP denies you to become Ancient, take it like a man and accept the weight of the decisions, it's not like there's something else but you preventing you from the last 33% of your growth.

    14. For Chiconis, replace outlying biped machines with dragon ones.
    Don't think Helians have much trouble at accepting biped machines.

    I will loudly second this one, though I'd term it a 'standing buy order,' or somesuch.

    Might not be horribly difficult to implement, either; add a checkbox to the crafting window, use the window to design what you want, hit Create and out comes a Novian-like object that resembles your desired product. You post the object to a connie along w/what you're willing to pay, and it creates a negative balance on the connie.
    How do you design something you have no recipe nor minimum stats to craft it with?
    How do you insure that multiple people won't do the same thing? By making the item "first take, first serve?". Then watch the bots scanning the auction all day long (and slowing the game down), like in WoW.

    Or we could do like Amon says about the quests, don't expect to have everything on a silver platter and actually have to be social in a community?

    While we're on this tangent, could I lobby once again for a simple in-game email system? Just enough to pass little text messages to folks not online atm would be nice; adding a little mechanism to allow one to attach objects as well would be fantastic.
    It'd be long to code (too much for Vi resources as of now) but would be a nice feature indeed.

    I originally assumed that it was designed for a group of 8 or more budding young hatchlings of around season 50 to do together, and thus I was ok with the need for adult assistance in their place. But no season 50 hatchlings can take like 10 level 70 mages (ie the ones near and around kaa)! Nor can they fight their way through the blight to Draak, one instead has to run like a pixie to get there in one piece. Now ok, part of this is about being epic and difficult to handle and making hatchlings realize how pathetically weak they yet are, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere!
    Did RoP twice and the Kaa part was soloable with some clue and sacrifices. Ended up doing it with another hatchie that was exactly about to jump down when I arrived there. Level 36, not 50.

    I mean... it kind of demeans the whole idea of the thing. The definition of a Rite of Passage is like a PERSONAL journey that one undertakes to become stronger, or wiser... to ascend to a new level of being!
    Then you suddenly realize the Rite is an highly spiritual trial. Even as Lunus you start smashing stuff right and left to prove your body but in the last part you realize you are not a lone wolf but one in a community. The Adult dragon is the dragon who beyond physical attributes, gained awareness of a community, established relations and will use them as lever to overcome his individual weakness against the Trial.

    costs for moves? Not so hot. I mean ok, if the moves were REALLY awesome (and gold rage is **** close), then I'd put up with it despite the fact that actually finding items to hoard is really hard unless you have rich draconic parents. But nothing compares to the sweet, sweet sound of miss-miss-miss caused by your gold rage for the 5th time in a row. *inhales deeply* Ah yes, the wonderful scent of hair being torn out in the morning!
    They extra buffed the hoard drop ratio, I just came back to the game and it's sooooooo much easier than when I played on Unity.
    As for the misses, it's called "get proper stats and a proper set", nothing a game can do for you.

    Regarding the dragon vs. single-classed biped: yes I know this doesn't happen often and there are some truly awful dragons out there, but I have seen instances where it happens especially if epic spells or high-tier multistrikes are used.
    1) Dig
    2) Craft crush / whatever resistant scales
    3) Wear them
    4) ...
    5) Loot and profit.

    Gold rage is also limited by hoard, which means if a dragon has no hoard = no GR
    Hey what about we are different and have some good and bad things bipeds don't have?
    As long as the game provides for enough "fuel" for GR, it's fine.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  17. #37

    Default Re: Dragon suggestions

    1. dragons kill much faster than bipeds

    2.helian dragons want more spells or stronger spells? Put gold burst in(helian form of gold rage if i remmeber right? duno if its still on blight or not)

    3.I takes peds a lot longer to get to the str of a dragon hence the slow down of scale slots and dragons get +5 armor a lvl and the extra armor on anyscale made(used to be just stats on scales without the extra armor*str scale just had str*)

    4.want more quests all i can say is to sumbit ideas for them, maybe even write some and send to VI if they want to acceptem

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