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Thread: Songbirds Istarian Style

  1. #1

    Default Songbirds Istarian Style

    In Marketplace this evening, we have started just having fun with songs and turning them into Istarian-styled songs. I have been told by Elder Sephiranoth (Yes, you're are Elder to me since I started playing well after you have!) that this was a contest that ran well before my time (seems like all the good contests were before my time :P I so would have entered the confectioner contest had I been around!) But I digress. It would be interesting to have players rework RL songs and make them Istarian-styled. So, let's have some fun shall we?


  2. #2
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Quote Originally Posted by Karya View Post
    In Marketplace this evening, we have started just having fun with songs and turning them into Istarian-styled songs. I have been told by Elder Sephiranoth (Yes, you're are Elder to me since I started playing well after you have!) that this was a contest that ran well before my time (seems like all the good contests were before my time :P I so would have entered the confectioner contest had I been around!) But I digress. It would be interesting to have players rework RL songs and make them Istarian-styled. So, let's have some fun shall we?

    Heh... and since I bear some small guilt in this matter it seems... I will set some small and poor example. Of song, for that was one contending, and of limerick, since that was another.

    AND I BE NONE OF ELDER. No wisdom is mone to bear...

    After The Boxer, by the lords Simon and Garfunkel...

    The Fighter

    I am Kwinn the fighter, sometimes called the debonair
    And I wander through the Deadlands
    With a swinging sword and a Gel V spell cast on my hair...
    I am the best
    That old Jayne and that Tribunal, they ain't fit to hold my vest
    lie, lie, lie, la-lie-lie, its all lies...
    Now I'm running round on the Satyr Isles and I'm running in my shorts
    'Cos I hotkey switched my armour
    And forgot I've got a new school and it doesn't fit.
    Heals are low, now my hotkey bar is frozen
    And my spells I cannot cast
    These Vexators want to feast upon my... rear
    lie-la-lie, lie l-lie, lie, lie la-lie, it's all lies...
    I am far too cute and handsome, see, to ever need a job
    Though I've had some offers,
    But they all involve such large amounts of blood and gore
    They all want rares, and the prices down at Nadia's
    Tend to make their pockets scared
    Oh, lie, la-lie, lie...
    Now there's rocks round here are younger
    Then the years that I have seen
    But my walking cane of mithril, it gives a nasty bruise
    So do not cross me.
    The young these days,
    They never listen to me, to my battle tales of old
    I could show them stuff like how to really pose.
    Lie, la-lie, lie-la-lie-la-lie-la-lie, its all lies...
    Now I'm laying out my mage's robes, I really have some style,
    I won't brag... but the stitching on the collar, well it is all mine.
    Needlepoint, 100 rank.
    So my name is Kwinn the Killer, look impressed or I will pout
    And if you need something killing, leave a message with my people
    And maybe we can do lunch, if you promise you will pay
    I ain't cheap, I'm Kwinn the Mighty,
    Ev'rybody knows my name
    lie, lie, la-lie-lie...

    And Istarian Raspberry, after the lord Freddie of Mercurius.

    Is this the real life?
    Is this just a fantasy?
    Caught in the Deadlands
    No escape from reality
    Open your eyes
    Look up to the skies and see...
    I'm a Confectioner, I need some sympathy
    Because the air is green, thunder rolls
    Blight is nigh, Heals are low,
    Anyway the wind blows, I can smell Fyakki, Fy-a-kki...

    Helcat, I need a rez,
    That 'ol Mhedon stomped my head, made the earth quake, now I'm dead
    Death Points, now I've fifty one...
    Ambrosia is silver I can't pay
    Helcat, o-o-o-oh, didn't mean to make you die
    I forgot to say that Mhedon had a brother
    And a wife, and a son. Time for me to recall...

    Dragon, your youth is gone
    The Adult Rite is thine
    Wings are waiting at the Storm
    Take ye to the Spiral, you must face the Shade
    And the Cold one and the one that walks the sands
    Dragon, o-o-o-oh ( seek to ride the wind roads)
    You probably will die
    Make sure you have a few healer friends along

    I see the sky twist and it's bearing down upon me
    Rek-oo-lar, Val-key-oth, Umyarr golem tango
    Thunder and the Lightning, Fool and Fair are dancing free
    Eastern Deadlands, 'Bominators
    Satyr islands, Blue Vexators
    So you can grow they must go, yes they must go

    But I'm Sephiranoth and Nobody loves me
    ( He's Sephiranoth and none understands it)
    Don't let it talk or our ears, they will bleed!
    I did Fall, Five must Feast, it was long ago...
    Bismillah! No - we will not let you speak - I am Fool!
    Bismillah! We will not let you speak - You are Wise!
    Bismillah! We will not let you speak - She is no more!
    Will not let you go - No-one and None ( ever)
    Never let you go - I am Bound
    Never let me go - ooo
    No, no, no, no, no, no, no -
    Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
    Serilian has a Binding put aside for me
    for me
    for me

    So you say the World Master is gonna attack
    So you call for some friends and then die from the lag
    Gifted - can't do that to the Gifted
    Just call for a rez, as 'ol Arnie said, you'll be back

    Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
    Death don't really matter
    Anyone can see
    I am of the Gifted - death don't really matter to me

    Biped, dragon, you choose...

    In the land of the Blight and the green
    There walk the adventurer queens
    There's Sonea and Mystif
    And Carinde, lady chief
    And the Kwinn wears a skilt in his dreams!

    Sephiranoth, a drake that was least
    Spoke in market " The Five make no Feast"
    A Gnome-fectioner near
    Said " Sephie, never fear,
    They will rise to thy need, just add yeast!"

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise
    Last edited by peladon; May 22nd, 2008 at 12:40 AM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Quote Originally Posted by peladon View Post
    AND I BE NONE OF ELDER. No wisdom is mone to bear...
    Sephiranoth... That's not going to make them stop calling you Elder. You are fully deserving of the title.

    I like those words, by the way! Cleverly written. How do you do it?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    This Elder always makes me speechless
    *bows instead of saying something^^*

  5. #5
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Quote Originally Posted by LOVWYRM View Post
    This Elder always makes me speechless
    *bows instead of saying something^^*
    Elder and wise all. I meant none such to be so when I set the poor words I offered before this place.

    Rather, and only since I had been some small nagging burr in the converse of market that elder Karya spoke of, I had thought only to offer some poor example .

    There are words and many and there be bards among us of merit. Let them wake and speak, for there is more to our land than craft of war, or lair or made weapon or tool! There is the making of joy, fresh delight, of new company... and what better manner than song or that jest which is the poesy of limerick?

    And as to elder... Pfah!

    It be an old word, do ye see... for there be Ael, and this be wisdom. And there be Theyr, which be giver or gift. And thus, Ael-Theyr, giver of wisdom or teacher.

    And over time this came to Aelther, to elther... and as the old claimed all wisdom , elder. And thus more, it be elder, and a mark of respect and recognition that the one to whom it be offered stands in knowing of things the speaker does not.

    But least and less I am, and Law is Law. Nobody and Nithing... and thus they spoke and thus it was Bound.

    I am none of elder. But I am of this place, and of this company, if it yet will tolerate my poor presence... and there be many here that have wit and talent and voice beyond any of mine.

    If challenge need be called, to set honour and trial of joy... then as elder Karya has spoken, let that challenge be called! And will the Gifted fail any call to challenge?

    Were any will or let of mine made whole... let the Istari sing!

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  6. #6
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Elder and wise.

    Mine avatar... most persistent that one is. And of a time... unwise .

    And long and long have we debated what comes, for it may be that not all will receive it as it be offered. And when idiot and Fool debate... well and all, mountains have worn to sand ere such is done .

    But of a time a one does as a one does, and wit and wisdom are no part of the deed . And I am draku, and thus the flame that will come I _should_ survive... heh, should...

    Thus and so. What comes is more word of mine avatar than ever I seek to speak.. but words that might stand in any world that one hath walked... So take them as the jest they be, grounded in sad sooth thought it may be... or take them as bitter pill. But if it be bitter, then cast thine ire at the Fool alone for letting them be spoken...

    After the lord Billy de Joel
    Just the way we are
    For every god and world maker and world lord that ever was.

    Don't go changing, to try to please us
    We won't be grateful, that's for sure
    You nerfed my fav'rite combination
    And now I can't fight any more!

    I only know one, one way to do it
    It's how I got my rate this far
    Now you expect me to be creative
    And that's just going way to far!

    We like our changes with nothing different
    Give us much more, but just the same.
    And when you're finished, well then we all can
    Start to shout out our loud complain!

    We don't want challenge, that's for new woken
    We work too hard just being stars
    We're here to tell them just how it is done
    And hear them say how smart we are!

    We know the answers, if you would ask us
    A different one for every day
    And if you listen, then we will blame you
    For all the words you made us say!

    If you do nothing, then we'll wax bitter
    If we see change we'll shed a tear
    We don't need reason, ego's much better
    It's all that made us what we are!

  7. #7
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    heehe awesome as usual, great pel! (hey at least i didn't call you wise! )

    hey if you ever come to blight and need a grrl friend there, look me up!

    (j/k sonea..... )
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  8. #8
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    heehe awesome as usual, great pel! (hey at least i didn't call you wise! )

    hey if you ever come to blight and need a grrl friend there, look me up!

    (j/k sonea..... )

    Elder and wise.

    Honour to thee, and my thanks for thy gift or joy at poor words spoken .

    None of great I stand... for that which is great be the spirit of the Gifted, and aye, more so, the spirit of those not Gifted that walk about us and still stand their lives in face of Aegis spite without key to death's door.

    And while of time and time I have flown Blight's winds... there is but one wind that blows about my spirit, and one light. And that light burns wherever my wings and heart beat. And for that.. not one word of regret . Not one, not ever, not for Clan fear nor yet Serillian's spite.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  9. #9

    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    This made me laugh, Sephiranoth. Good job once again, still every bit as well written as the others!

    Now I need to track down this song so I can actually hear how well the words go along with it. XD But I'm sure they fit fantastically.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    That is... remarkably accurate. Just as a very minor player at the fringes of development, I have seen the truth of your words for myself.

    Kudos on the adaptation.
    Exploring is a necessary skill, and its not like death is fatal. At least, not for the gifted.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Sephiranoth, you are still at it with your story telling I see. It's good to know that some things; or beings, haven't changed. I'm browsing the forums, reliving the good memories of time well spent in Istaria. How has everything been?
    Carinde "Demigoddess" Ryder
    Citizen of Order, Axe & Anvil Guild

  12. #12
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Quote Originally Posted by Carinde View Post
    Sephiranoth, you are still at it with your story telling I see. It's good to know that some things; or beings, haven't changed. I'm browsing the forums, reliving the good memories of time well spent in Istaria. How has everything been?
    Elder and wise... there is yet a hole in the land. And well ye know the shape that hole doth bear .

    But whether or no a Fool might hope that hole be filled by the one that bears its shape, to see thy words and find thee aong us even in this place be joy and delight thrice over.

    Frons, that I have no doubt ye will remember well, doth wake again, aye and others of old. There are those of the Lost, of Unity that was, among our company.

    But then it was once said, aye and more than once, that a picture doth speak moren than any thousand words. And what then more might but one breath, but one flicked candle flame shed in light that any word of mine may not? Might a Fool tease thee to waking, elder? .

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  13. #13

    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    'Tis good to see you again Carinde! How has your stay been among the lands of the hobbits and dwarves and elves? Might you be coming home soon?
    Exploring is a necessary skill, and its not like death is fatal. At least, not for the gifted.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Well hello Oakleif. I actually haven't been to that land as of yet. For a long time, I basically had no other land to call home than Istaria. I still don't, truth be told. However; as much as I miss everyone, I am not quite certain about my fate in this world. If I could only describe in words how much I would love to see everyone again. I do admit that I am tempted. Very tempted. I wonder if I still have my rainbow shorts? Hmm. The thrill of another naked Son of Gigaroth hunt.

    Sephiranoth, just as there is a hole in Istaria; there is hole in this gifted little heart of mine. I truly miss you all.
    Carinde "Demigoddess" Ryder
    Citizen of Order, Axe & Anvil Guild

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Well, come back and meet the new, next generation!
    Dragon Scroll; BLIGHT~Anam, Ahleah; CHAOS~Veruliyam, Ceruliyan, Jaguarundi, Spinel, Ssussurrouss, Chon; ORDER~Aucapoma, Susurrus

  16. #16
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Quote Originally Posted by peladon View Post

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

    but, the big question is - does seph make it to other realms???
    found this while watch some 'whose line is it anyway?' on youtube.....

    Whose Line is it Anyway? - Baby Drew's First Word
    00:37 From: SephirothsTaniGirl
    Views: 3,879

    and just who is this tani girl???
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  17. #17
    Member peladon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    but, the big question is - does seph make it to other realms???
    found this while watch some 'whose line is it anyway?' on youtube.....

    Whose Line is it Anyway? - Baby Drew's First Word
    00:37 From: SephirothsTaniGirl
    Views: 3,879

    and just who is this tani girl???
    Elder and wise...

    Ah, me. That which I am hath walked other lands.. aye and mayhap will again. Though the Company of the Razor had a call to rally that might tell ye much of the place this land bears in that heart.

    But Sephiroth is a name that echoes from a dream most Final in name, though not nature given the many births it hath had. And of times past it was said and spoken that the name I bear must indeed have come from that dream... that Final dream. And all the answer I may give is that given then.. that it was not so and that Sephiranoth had none of link to the Sephiroth. That is was but the name that mine avatar had woken the Fool to bear .

    And as to thy Lady Tani.. of that one I know naught and less.. and that no doubt my loss and this Sephiroth's gain. But let none, and I least of all, count any loss of light or warmth to a flame that dances in twain with Lightning's light and fire...

    Honour to thee, Velveeta wise one, from one that bears none of that same honour and knows not wisdom.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise

  18. #18

    Default Re: Songbirds Istarian Style

    Quote Originally Posted by peladon View Post
    Elder and wise...

    Ah, me. That which I am hath walked other lands.. aye and mayhap will again. Though the Company of the Razor had a call to rally that might tell ye much of the place this land bears in that heart.

    But Sephiroth is a name that echoes from a dream most Final in name, though not nature given the many births it hath had. And of times past it was said and spoken that the name I bear must indeed have come from that dream... that Final dream. And all the answer I may give is that given then.. that it was not so and that Sephiranoth had none of link to the Sephiroth. That is was but the name that mine avatar had woken the Fool to bear .

    And as to thy Lady Tani.. of that one I know naught and less.. and that no doubt my loss and this Sephiroth's gain. But let none, and I least of all, count any loss of light or warmth to a flame that dances in twain with Lightning's light and fire...

    Honour to thee, Velveeta wise one, from one that bears none of that same honour and knows not wisdom.

    Sephiranoth, called by some ShadowSeeker
    Nobody and Nothing ever, save The Five do Feast
    A Fool that walks among the Wise
    *grins* Ah, I love reading your posts, Sephiranoth. Have I ever told you that?

    I didn't even catch that it was "Sephiroth" instead of "Sephiranoth" right away, until you pointed it out. But now that I see that particular difference the coincidence of the name found in that realm becomes much less so.

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