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Thread: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

  1. #21

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Smaug View Post

    Why then do I see plots in various communties well over 1600m^2 (like 44x46 and larger) owned by someone and listed as "condemned"? Does that mean even though its over the plot size stated its up for resizing?

    That means if the person who owns the condemned plot sells it, noone will be able to purchase the plot because it is marked as condemned. This mechanic was created to ensure that noone buys too smal plots and that devs can resize over the time the plots if they are free on all 3 shards.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  2. #22

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    That means if the person who owns the condemned plot sells it, noone will be able to purchase the plot because it is marked as condemned. This mechanic was created to ensure that noone buys too smal plots and that devs can resize over the time the plots if they are free on all 3 shards.
    I understand what they mean with the condemned tag (at least I think I do lol) but whats throwing me is theres many many larger plots condemned, ones from 3000, 3600, 5300 all the way up to 10000 showing the condemned tag. Why are they condemned? Surely a 10000 plot isn't going to get resized is it?


  3. #23

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    that does seem strange... but if the devs want to redesign an entire area and the plot is unowned on all 3 shards, perhaps it could be? i love the way they redid genevia from the original gridlock layout, i wonder if they'll be doing that sort of thing with other areas now

  4. #24

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Like awdz said, they want then sure to edit whole communties, but have to wait till all plots are unowned that they can merge/resize/delete/move plots/roads and such.

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  5. #25

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Sounds cool, but I'm not willing to tear down my plot for movement/rersizing whatever because there's no guarantee I'll get the same spot back and rebuilding 20% of it sucks even if it is only a few things.

    I've been bouncing around for a few days though. I'm ready to see more players in the communities I live in istead of a bunch of dead plots and lairs!

  6. #26
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    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Smaug View Post
    I understand what they mean with the condemned tag (at least I think I do lol) but whats throwing me is theres many many larger plots condemned, ones from 3000, 3600, 5300 all the way up to 10000 showing the condemned tag. Why are they condemned? Surely a 10000 plot isn't going to get resized is it?

    ALL plots/lairs were frozen to avoid buying/selling for two weeks in order to move ahead with reclamation. A condemned status simply means it's not available to purchase right now. Whether they resize it, delete it, or simply just throw up a "for sale" sign on it on Tuesday night.. will be something the devs have to decide.

  7. #27

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Condemned can mean:
    1) the plot itself is up for resize
    2) the plot itself is up for deletion
    3) the community the plot is in is eligible for resizing which may result in that plot being changed or moved
    4) The developers aren't quite sure exactly what will happen to this plot yet so we will place it as condemned and if nothing changes it will go up for auction with the rest of them.

  8. #28

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Well with the 5th being tomarrow and not seeing any new blight patches in regards to plot resizing... a few questions if you can bear with them.

    1. Is there a set date yet as to when auctions will start? I ask because there is much speculation and this is a very excitable time. Many would like to get a true answer instead of all the guessing.

    2 Are all properties to be auctioned going to be on the bidding block at the same time? In other words will all the auctions start together or will there be auctions for town A, B & C one week... Towns D, E & F the next week?

    Having a frame reference will allow those thinking of bidding on multiple sights (trying to win just 1 ) time to consider thier bidding plan. This is important because many have not looked at the fact that if the plot they bid on in Town A is theier #1 choice.. but Town G plots are decided first & they win thier bid in Town G... they no longer have any other bids open.
    Blacknite - Chaos

  9. #29

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Summerbreeze View Post
    Well with the 5th being tomarrow and not seeing any new blight patches in regards to plot resizing... a few questions if you can bear with them.

    1. Is there a set date yet as to when auctions will start? I ask because there is much speculation and this is a very excitable time. Many would like to get a true answer instead of all the guessing.
    No, there is no set date. You're right in that you'll get a better idea of dates when you see deltas start going to Blight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Summerbreeze View Post
    2 Are all properties to be auctioned going to be on the bidding block at the same time? In other words will all the auctions start together or will there be auctions for town A, B & C one week... Towns D, E & F the next week?
    We have not made an announcement yet on the "how to's". You'll just have to wait for that, I'm afraid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Summerbreeze View Post
    Having a frame reference will allow those thinking of bidding on multiple sights (trying to win just 1 ) time to consider thier bidding plan. This is important because many have not looked at the fact that if the plot they bid on in Town A is theier #1 choice.. but Town G plots are decided first & they win thier bid in Town G... they no longer have any other bids open.
    You'll have time, that much I can say. This is going to have to be looked at closely on Blight to ensure that all the communities look right after changes. We're checking and double checking internally, but it's a LOT of work for just a few people. The more who come to Blight when this is there for testing, the smoother things will go when it all goes live.

  10. #30

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Thank you for the quick reply and I will be stopping in Blight as I see things changed.

    One more question.. well thought really. Could it easily be changed so that plots bought/owned on Blight do not count towards plot ownership total. My thought, it would be easier to help test the auctioning process, buying/selling if we could do so without having to give up our "real" plots on other servers.

    Just a thought...
    Blacknite - Chaos

  11. #31

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    and what about those of us that live on Blight? Our plots/lairs on Blight count towards our total plot allocation and are just as 'real' to us as yours is to you

  12. #32

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Velea View Post
    No, there is no set date. You're right in that you'll get a better idea of dates when you see deltas start going to Blight.
    Does this mean that no plots will be able to be bought/sold from the community until then? Even plots that far exceed the 40x40 threshold? I've got my eye on a nice 100x100 plot on Blight, but I can't buy it because all plots are locked

  13. #33

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    All plots are blocked, yes. They have to remain that way so that we can know with confidence that if we have something unowned right now, if we move it slightly, resize it, or whatever, it isn't going to "mess someone up."

    As for the answer to making Blight plots "not count"... This has been hashed and rehashed, and the answer is always the same. No, blight plots can not be made to "not count" toward the total. For one, as has been pointed out, there are legitimate players who make Blight their home. For another, though it is a test server, the server is a live server that anyone can play on, and thus we keep the differences between it and the live shards to as few as possible.

  14. #34
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Velea View Post
    As for the answer to making Blight plots "not count"... This has been hashed and rehashed, and the answer is always the same. No, blight plots can not be made to "not count" toward the total. For one, as has been pointed out, there are legitimate players who make Blight their home. For another, though it is a test server, the server is a live server that anyone can play on, and thus we keep the differences between it and the live shards to as few as possible.

    Blight plots will not be made to "not count" toward the total.

    There's nothing in the world outside your (Virtrium's) control which would justify "can not".

    It is solely your choice that prevents it from happening.

    Blight is not a true "test server", because you can't set up proper test scenarios, simply because you treat it like a "normal" shard with respect to the players.

    True test servers elsewhere make no such accommodations, and can actually test all kinds of situations properly.
    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is not complete. -- 3. Start something new.

  15. #35

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Velea
    All plots are blocked, yes. They have to remain that way so that we can know with confidence that if we have something unowned right now, if we move it slightly, resize it, or whatever, it isn't going to "mess someone up."
    Could you please advise on the plots 1600m2 and under that show "FOR SALE"?

    There are numerous plots in this size range on Chaos (and Blight) that show for sale and CAN be purchased currently.

    If you are tagging plots and only checking those that are tagged condemned then please review the plots that fall in the re-sizeable category that are currently FOR SALE.

    Somehow these plots didn't get tagged as condemned post-reclaims and are able to be purchased.

    As a quick check, see Falathein, although there are a number of other communities where this can be observed.

    p.s. I'd rather see the lands completely and thoroughly accessed and adjusted then have the auctions go through due to pressure or to meet some date mentioned a few weeks ago. I think most of us can wait another couple of weeks, or however long it takes to have the developers have the time needed to complete this endeavor to their satisfaction.

    I've heard some very happy feedback in more than 1 guild community due to the resizing efforts and overall, it will benefit those looking to upgrade to have more choices in the ranges (of plot size) they are looking for.

  16. #36

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    speak for yourself creme, as being plot-less i find it hard to wait longer.

    also this energy spended to make 25x25 plots into 50x30 plots is a waste of time.

    you just turn them from very-useless to just-useless: anyway still useless

  17. #37

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    i agree with creme. i also think the devs are doing excellent work and appreciate their efforts to bring both more functionality and a nicer look to the land.

  18. #38
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    Lovely Arkansas... Against my will!

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    As much as it sounds like brown nosing, I have to agree.. this is a huge project and it takes a whole bunch of patience, coordination and creativity. I don't know if you've looked around.. but there are very few (if any) institutionalized textures or areas where trees are planted symmetrically.. it all takes some thought and some artistry to do it right... then it takes time to code it and paint it correctly on the surface map, moving entities doesn't take that long on one, but three different servers (waiting for compiling, testing, etc) it's not a small task.
    Last edited by Mensar; August 6th, 2008 at 12:03 PM. Reason: Woops.. typing in the dark.. bad typos! bad!

  19. #39

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Thangorodrim Atanatari View Post
    speak for yourself creme, as being plot-less i find it hard to wait longer.

    also this energy spended to make 25x25 plots into 50x30 plots is a waste of time.

    you just turn them from very-useless to just-useless: anyway still useless
    A 30x50 plot is ALOT better then a 25x25!!! Most of us are very happy to see the changes happen and are willing to wait a bit for things to get done! If you wanted a tiny plot ot even a decent size one, you could have bought one during the week plots were open for razing. (many in genevia were got size and purchased) The Devs are working hard to do this for us, complaining is not productive at this point!
    Blacknite - Chaos

  20. #40

    Default Re: New Plot Reclamation Policy Discussion Thread

    if you are happy with a 30x50 plot then those where free before all this.. even bigger.. 45x45! and even without a reclamation! on Chaos!

    Even without resizing we could have had a nice reclamation. there would be enough large plots free of 75x75 and bigger.

    you say you want to wait for 'everything' and that 'everything' is a big job. but are you really going to make use of this 'everything'?

    im not really complaining. im telling them the real interest of the majority of their players might be somwhere else then they obviously suspect. and i am trying to notify them of a diffrent perspective, so they think well about if somthing is worth investing time in.

    guild-towns resizing ok... i agree on that costing some dev time. but why does the rest of the world have to wait for it?
    it looks also as no long-term player would want a guild-sub-plot because they can get a 75x75 somwhere else so why settle down for somthing like 60x30?

    if the purpose is that guildtowns become guild-centers of activity i would advise the devs to make serveral large plots in every guildtown.

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