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Thread: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    I seriously doubt that everyone expected the world to be sucked into a black hole on Sept 10th; it was pretty clear that the tale of the big bad black hole was all media hype and doomsaying from the start, but the Hadron Collider debate shuoldnt be dropped so easily simply because we all didnt become infinitely small and infinitely dense. The point is that not even the guys who built this **** thing have a clue what theyre doing, and are simply determined to probe the fabric of space-time whether it likes to be probed or not.

    The Black Hole that was supposed to destroy the word at 8:30 GMT didnt happen, probably because that the idea of man being able to create one in the first place is th stupidest thing since the toffee spear was invented. The first hurdle to fall is all this nonsense about 'small' black holes. Has anyone ever taken a yard stick and gone and measured one of these things? Given that they alter the very fabric of space around them, measuring their 'size' defies the laws of physics as we know them. And then there is the simple fact of how theyre created; if you linked all the power plants, wind farms and solar collectors on the PLANET and plugged them into this collider you still wouldnt get a black hole. Heres why; it takes a body with a mass around 100 times that of our sun to create a black hole upon implosion. The number hasnt been invented yet that can calculate that amount of energy.

    However, this thing is still incredibly dangerous. The entire point of the thing it to accelerate particles to an appreciable fraction of lightspeed and then smash them into each other, breaking them apart in a cascade chain reaction. Cracking atoms releases radiation. Although its doubtful that the quantity released is going to be dangerous, take into account that theyre creating particles that have never been seen before. It is logical to assume thet theyre also releasing kinds of radiation that have never been seen before either.

    To anyone who has studied physics these effects are incredibly similar to another little invention of mankind, aka, the Atom Bomb.

    There is another thing too. The LHC is specifically designed to fill in the missing links that we have in elementry particle physics, and was designed to re-create (on a smaller scale) the cosmic collisions of energies that happen in deep space, subspace, the insides of stars and even in alternate dimentions; i.e things that were never meant to happen on earth.

    I'm no genius when it comes to the sub-atomic wonders of the universe but perhaps maybe this is not so wise?
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  2. #2
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    The other part of this that never made sense to me is how people thought that a black hole of any size would be created.

    The LHC uses a stream of atoms. That stream has far too little mass for a black hole to form. On top of that, said stream is being pushed along magnetically for collision. At collision, you have a bunch of very small particles with very little mass hitting one another. While the energy of the system may be massive to move them along (kinetic), at collision that energy goes somewhere. However, it has yet to be shown that kinetic energy ever gets translated directly to gravitational force (mass * acceleration). Gravity is what a black hole has, not just magnetism. In fact, in the LHC, should a problem occur, the magnetism for pushing the particles could be shut down and the particles' inertia could be thus slowed and stopped safely.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    Here's the other thing. They only turned it on and tested it on 9/10. They weren't supposed to be colliding anything for another 6-8 weeks ((according to the wikipedia article)) but that may have been moved up to as early as next week. ((

    So no black holes until next week everyone! Hopefully after Tuesday as I've got an Apocalyptica concert to go to.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    how ironic if a black hole were to form during the apocalyptica concert

    so if they get a tiny black hole started, does it move at the same speed as the earth or become a fixed point in space?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    Whatever, 2012 there is anyway a meteriote crashing on earth if we are unlucky. =P

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  6. #6
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    don't worry, the atlantis peeps and the aliens who built the pyramids will save us.......

    (i hope, in 2000 years when our desendents excavate the collider, they do not believe that aliens helped us build it...... the whole 'man was too primitive to do it' argument always makes me totally crazy.....)
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    Don't you just love the many ways our world could end? *facepalm*

    I will say the collider is not exactly splitting atoms like an atomic bomb does, though. One of the (very many) theories is that the collided atoms will indeed break apart but only to form new, differently charged kinds and thus supposedly tell us how everything got moving.

    I, for one, will stand by my own theory. It's a very hard one to disprove: The universe happened. -The end. ^.^

  8. #8
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    After reading some science books one of my worst nightmare as a kid was being sucked up by a black hole.... The memories you brought back... >.>

    (Yeah I know I'm a weirdo >.> )

  9. #9
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    wow, zex - after seeing the movie 'black hole', i always secretly thought it would be awesome to get sucked into a black hole - one way to live forever, in a way....
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    wow, zex - after seeing the movie 'black hole', i always secretly thought it would be awesome to get sucked into a black hole - one way to live forever, in a way....
    Technically i think, you would be so dead if you got sucked into a black hole because the mass there will be very much compressed. But I don't know much about it, I learned a bit about black holes in school but that was years ago. I think my teacher explained it to us like that, "The titanic would be compressed to the size of a PC tower."

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  11. #11
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post
    wow, zex - after seeing the movie 'black hole', i always secretly thought it would be awesome to get sucked into a black hole - one way to live forever, in a way....
    Never seen that movie

    If you're referring to time being "elastic" in a black hole you forget that you get squished once reaching the singularity... no way to avoid that D:

    (I hope I translated the correct words >.>)

  12. #12
    Member Zexoin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    Quote Originally Posted by Takora Drakan View Post
    Technically i think, you would be so dead if you got sucked into a black hole because the mass there will be very much compressed. But I don't know much about it, I learned a bit about black holes in school but that was years ago. I think my teacher explained it to us like that, "The titanic would be compressed to the size of a PC tower."
    Hmmm if I remember correctly if something gets into a blackhole, it isn't compressed but the gravity forces rips you into bits :B Not quiet sure about that, I've not read anything about that since I was 15 >.>

  13. #13
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    yes you would be dead, but your mass material would be stretched esstentially forever.........

    hey i got some weird ideas of my own - its the same concept that has me setting aside money to become a diamond when i die -

    and why i have some many posts in so many different forums and websites....the ancient egyptians believed that as long as your name, at least, was written or noted somewhere, even if you think no one will ever find it to read, you will live forever.......

    heehee sorry for the derail!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    I myself don't know a whole lot about the collider... just that some people are freaking out and saying how it'll create a black hole. This kinda made my laugh. For one thing, we really haven't proved that black holes truly exist yet (same as antimatter. Are we going to discover them both at the same time? ) but also because there is NO WAY the mass required would be generated. Not unless they managed to accelerate the atoms (protons? I forget) up to essentially light speed. About when E=MC^2 kicks in and turns its energy into mass or whatever.

    And I'm not really worried about the world ending anytime soon. I've already got a pretty good idea of how it's going to happen and it doesn't involve black holes.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    Quote Originally Posted by velveeta View Post

    hey i got some weird ideas of my own - its the same concept that has me setting aside money to become a diamond when i die -
    Oh freaky! I can become a diamond when I die? neat

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  16. #16

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    I think a slightly more credible worry is that it will create strangelets. Though I agree with the scientists who argue that if that were capable of happening, it would have happened already, since we have extremely high energy particles hitting our atmosphere all the time without apparent 'destruction of the earth' effects..

  17. #17
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    Nowhere near Slayvite's Lair i can tell you that. He has Ranch sauce instead of shampoo.

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    *Yawns and fall off chair snoring*

  18. #18

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    Perfect place to learn about the many multitudes of ways we are all going to die...

  19. #19

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    I gave up caring on when an how but i do know this. Im glad ive met you all so when i die i say goodbye
    ^.^ *Speed Demon of order..*

  20. #20

    Default Re: Hadron Collider and Black Holes

    Nawk! You posted, so I guess that means you made it through Ike okay. Yay! (I was worried)

    Sorry for the hijack back to your regularly scheduled program.

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