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Thread: contains total lies

  1. #1

    Default contains total lies

    Apparently my brother pissed someone off.
    On someone posted an article full of lies and slander against him, calling him a Je sus-hating pedophile. In addition, the page keeps popping up obscene ads in the corner.

    I wish I knew how to take legal action against whoever did that, or could just rip out their intestines and feed it to crows while they watch.

    I know links on the internet are to be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism, but I never realized just how wrong some of what gets posted is.

  2. #2

    Default Re: contains total lies

    Yuck, I feel sorry for your brother. Some people really need to get a life and a IQ too!

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: contains total lies

    sounds like a cyberbully to me.....

    a cautionary tale about the dangers of cyberbullies:

    parents, please make sure you monitor your children access to the internet and especially forums and communities!
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  4. #4

    Default Re: contains total lies

    I'd stay as far away as possible from anybody that uses the word "lulz". It's a popular word among people in Anonymous, 4Chan (and variations of).

    A forum I was a member at was hacked by Anonymous (or 4Chan, or 7Chan, or one of them). Fortunately, we had several forum backups, and the people that ran the boards were computer experts. But prior to the hack, several of us (including board owners) had recieved various types of threats, and one of our younger members was sexually harassed by one of the trolls.

    I've got very little patience for people like that, as well as bullies of the cyber and in-person variety. I took a lot of that when I was in middle school, and paid several back with bruises and busted lips later on. These days, if I see anything like that happening, I'm quick to try to end it before someone does what I did.

    I would tell your brother to forget about it and take the high road. Why? Cause while I went on to college and got a (halfway decent) job in my career field, and can support myself, the bullies I dealt with in school still live with their parents and can barely get a job in anything better than a fast food joint. Most are lucky they graduated, cause many of them spend their time baked. It'll pay off eventually, and thick skin is good to have these days.

  5. #5

    Default Re: contains total lies

    Sorry to hear what's happening to your brother Awdz, you could try speaking with a lawyer to see if its possible to have the site take it down. Just dont be surprised if someone there makes an article on you for it . On the plus side, most people with at least 2 brain cells to rub together know better than to believe even the slightest bit of what shows up on encyclopediadramatica. It, like many of the various chan image boards, is the favorite hangout of many of the internets lowest life forms.

  6. #6

    Default Re: contains total lies

    errrrrmm.... you realize that Encyclopedia Dramatica is a joke site, right? (I'd think the name would be clue enough...) It's like The Uncyclopedia, or The Cobert Report. It isn't suppose to be serious, and no one would take it that way.

    If someone wrote something about your brother there, then the first thing you should do is check out which one of his friends is trying not to laugh every time they see him.
    Last edited by gopher65; October 5th, 2008 at 11:30 PM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: contains total lies

    Quote Originally Posted by ScaleIron View Post
    A forum I was a member at was hacked by Anonymous (or 4Chan, or 7Chan, or one of them). Fortunately, we had several forum backups, and the people that ran the boards were computer experts. But prior to the hack, several of us (including board owners) had recieved various types of threats, and one of our younger members was sexually harassed by one of the trolls.
    This wasn't by chance the Oprah forums, or the O'Reilly forums, was it? I don't hold with the things that those groups of adolescent idiots (like the douches at 4Chan) do, but if you join an extremist website like that of Bill O'Reilly you're taking your chances. Always make sure to use false information (even though that is technically illegal) just in case.

  8. #8

    Default Re: contains total lies

    errrrrmm.... you realize that Encyclopedia Dramatica is a joke site, right? (I'd think the name would be clue enough...) It's like The Uncyclopedia, or The Cobert Report. It isn't suppose to be serious, and no one would take it that way.
    obviously i'm clueless... i did not see a disclaimer on it of any kind. if i were doing a search, how would i know it was a fake? but many thanks for clarifying that for me, and for all the kind responses folks have given. :-)

  9. #9

    Default Re: contains total lies

    Quote Originally Posted by awdz View Post
    obviously i'm clueless... i did not see a disclaimer on it of any kind. if i were doing a search, how would i know it was a fake? but many thanks for clarifying that for me, and for all the kind responses folks have given. :-)
    That and disclaimers are linked to at the bottom of every page.
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  10. #10

    Default Re: contains total lies

    This wasn't by chance the Oprah forums, or the O'Reilly forums, was it? I don't hold with the things that those groups of adolescent idiots (like the douches at 4Chan) do, but if you join an extremist website like that of Bill O'Reilly you're taking your chances. Always make sure to use false information (even though that is technically illegal) just in case.
    Actually, no. It was more a support forum. There was nothing fanatical about it, we're all pretty mild and laid back people. None of us were the kind to stand on street corners with signs shouting insanely about something, we weren't extremist in anything. Just a bunch of people from around the world who had something in common, so we kept in touch to support one another through the forum.

  11. #11

    Default Re: contains total lies

    Quote Originally Posted by ScaleIron View Post
    Actually, no. It was more a support forum. There was nothing fanatical about it, we're all pretty mild and laid back people. None of us were the kind to stand on street corners with signs shouting insanely about something, we weren't extremist in anything. Just a bunch of people from around the world who had something in common, so we kept in touch to support one another through the forum.
    Yeah, that's one of the biggest reasons why I dislike those groups. If they *only* attacked fanatics (on any side of any debate), then I'd probably just smirk. It wouldn't be a good action on their part (since such actions usually draw media attention to the fanatics), but at least it would be amusing.

    But their unwarranted attacks on random people are annoying and ... well... not funny. At all. They don't seem to understand the fact that most people (rightly or wrongly) see a difference between "bully the bully" and "bully random people". It's all the same to them.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: contains total lies

    Quote Originally Posted by gopher65 View Post
    They don't seem to understand the fact that most people (rightly or wrongly) see a difference between "bully the bully" and "bully random people". It's all the same to them.
    This kind of griefing is very common. Its nearly a fact of life that wherever someone presents an opinion, morons will abide. There are no such things as discussion sites, because half the time any argument, comment or post that is even halfway controversial turns into a massive unintelligable cluster-f**k filled with abuse. If you need any proof of this, simply look at the comments on Youtube...

    Major problems arise when idiots take vendettas beyond the forums and start slandering/hacking other sites they operate on. Not so long ago one of my friends got their DA profile hacked by a Secondlife griefer group called patriotic nigras for the simple fact that they had posted drawings of dragons on their page. These lowlife scum deleted all her work and filled her page with images of genocide and mutilated corpses. As difficult as it is to imagine that anyone can take pleasure from this, it happened, and one can only speculate as to the mentality of these sort of people. The first thought that comes to mind is "when did natural selection stop working?"

    Unfortunatly the anonymity of the internet allows people to get away with it, but also allows people who are the targets of it to just shrug it off. Its sad that certain pond life feel the need to single out people by name for this kind of abuse. Your brother has my deepest sympathies Awdz
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  13. #13
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    Default Re: contains total lies

    ED is a griefer / shock site, and is most likely run by some of the same idiots who post on the *chan "forums". We use that site (among others) to orient new Guardians in our Second Life venue. It details a lot of their attitudes and methods and helps us quickly identify and deal with them. So, surprisingly, it serves a purpose (though not the one intended ).

    As for your brother appearing there, I would take it with a pillar of salt, unless they posted RL information which is not published on the net anywhere else.
    More than likely, he participated in the *chan forums somewhere, and got fingered for something.

    If they do cross the line with the RL info or harassment angle, you can talk to your local law enforcement cybercrime department, and let them take care of it.
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  14. #14

    Default Re: contains total lies

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharcellus View Post
    If they do cross the line with the RL info or harassment angle, you can talk to your local law enforcement cybercrime department, and let them take care of it.
    In addition, if he can prove that he has been harmed in RL by this, (harassment, job loss, and such) lawsuits for lible and defamation of character can be filed. People *think* the annonymity of the internet might shield them, but they can be traced without too much effort unless they have taken precautions.
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  15. #15
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    Default Re: contains total lies

    The way web-host ISPs and DNS registrars are all-to-happy to dump you or hand your domain name over to whomever waves some legal papers at them, it probably won't be too long.

    There's always a paper trail...

    ..just a matter of following the money.
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  16. #16
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    Default Re: contains total lies

    Encyclopediadramatica seems to be open source like Wikipedia, without the latter's legal credentials and base respectability. If you just blanked the page concerning your brother there is not a lot the ED staff could do about it legally, but then of course you could be setting yourself up as their next target.

    See if you can get the IP of the poster so that you can consider legal action, but given that ED is linked to 4-Chan and other griefer/hacker groups, chances are that the cowards will be using a proxy server to cover their tracks. Why ED is still on the net i can not understand. It is nothing more than a breeding ground for contempt, intollerance and ignorance. It can't even claim to be satirical because half the content is slanderous to various groups and people.
    Melanath- level 100 ADV/ 60 DCRA -
    Shas Mackard- Saris Berserker/Outfitter et al

    For Lunus, for Dralk! Death before Dishonour!

  17. #17

    Default Re: contains total lies

    "when did natural selection stop working?"
    About the time humanity started to operate around it. Hence the Darwin Awards. :P

    ... And I'm only half kidding. >.>

  18. #18
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    Default Re: contains total lies

    Quote Originally Posted by Melanth View Post
    Encyclopediadramatica seems to be open source like Wikipedia, without the latter's legal credentials and base respectability. If you just blanked the page concerning your brother there is not a lot the ED staff could do about it legally, but then of course you could be setting yourself up as their next target.
    Blanking a page would only be temporary, since the page can easily be reverted to a previous version by anyone (wikis are also revision control systems, which store all previous versions).

    See if you can get the IP of the poster so that you can consider legal action, but given that ED is linked to 4-Chan and other griefer/hacker groups, chances are that the cowards will be using a proxy server to cover their tracks. Why ED is still on the net i can not understand. It is nothing more than a breeding ground for contempt, intollerance and ignorance. It can't even claim to be satirical because half the content is slanderous to various groups and people.
    Well, as we have seen with the guy that hacked Sarah Palin's email account (who used VTunnel as his anon proxy), that isn't always a guarantee of total anonymity.

    Besides, you can't proxy your web hosting ISP and domain name payments (well, unless you are using a stolen credit card or something, which would make it REALLY serious), and we don't have to go after the actual poster, just the site and owners themselves, because they do have the ultimate responsibility for publishing the libelous information. Complicity is thus easy to prove, and them leaving an article in violation of the law up makes them complicit. Even still, they don't care; to them, it is all a big joke.
    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

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  19. #19
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    Default Re: contains total lies

    If you want an article taken down from ED, I've found one of the best ways is to contact their webhost about it. =) I've seen other people get articles about them taken down from there.

    Personally, I find ED to be hillarious most of the time. It's one of those 'eh, it's the internet, no need to get worked up about it' things, and they have articles on a few of my friends, even.

    Usually getting an ED article that stays on ED means you did something incredibly (or at least moderately) lulzy, so now I have to wonder what your brother did to provoke it.

    But yes, contact their web server host with the name of the article and why you want to take it down (defamation of character/slander/whatever) and they should get rid of it. (Hell, I think that's how Ebon Lupus got HIS ED article down, and that was a particularly big/lulzy one)

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