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Thread: Which Dev...

  1. #1

    Smile Which Dev...

    Edit: I deleted all the items on my plot and it went away. I only had walls and some decorations built though.. So I don't know if that had something to do with it or not. *looks very very confused*
    __________________________________________________ ________________________________

    Ok ok so at like 3 am est which dev thought it would be fun to pop a guild shrine (just the bind stone) five feet away from my hatchling in Cedar's Cove on Chaos???

    1. You made me jump like 10 feet irl.
    2. You made my plot plans disappear after like 4 hours spent on them right when I started to build. I did take a screen shot though so I can replace it!
    3. Fix it because its in the middle of no where.

    Well, unless you considered the hatchling Beloved somewhere. In which case you hit the mark within a few feet of accuracy. If you don't want to fix it thats fine to since I'll just charge an access fee for it and claim its on my plot!! =P (of course I'm joking but if you look close my tail scales may still be under it.. my DNA is on it!!!) rofl.

    If a dev didn't place it then chaos is seriously messing up since it popped in the middle of a field on its own and I had nothing to do with guild house planning on my plot.

    Sometimes I don't know what to think.. if I should laugh that my dragon got beamed by a falling shrine or if I should cry for my lost plans. I think I'll go with laugh because I'm not sure how often world items fall from the sky on top of you.

    Shrine (cedar's cove chaos) - Verified on another comp as existing in a field behind a plot.
    selected entity #19977472, pos (14976.87, 15552.09, 590.70)
    relZ 0.50 rot (0,0, 180)

    ...I'm still laughing in real life!
    Last edited by Raisty; October 22nd, 2008 at 07:35 AM. Reason: well it went away ...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Under the blue sky, reading.

    Default Re: Which Dev...

    It went away? *chuckle* That's.. rather amusing! Your dragon must be the Chosen One, what with a shrine falling on hiim and all.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Which Dev...

    When you said you "deleted all the items on your plot", does that mean you deleted un-committed structures from the "planning" tab, the incomplete structures from the "construction tab", or the completed structures from the "general" tab?

    I doubt there was a WM up at that hour doing any sort of world building, especially directly on Chaos. World building is usually done on a private development shard and the result pushed out to Blight, then the live shards in the normal patching process.

    Assuming that a WM didn't make the shrine appear and that the shrine was seen on two independent computers (you weren't using the client that lets you run two instances of itself, or were otherwise sharing the world cache between the two clients, were you?), that makes for an interesting mystery, since the shrine may have actually existed on the server and wasn't a local client glitch.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Which Dev...

    Yeah I thought it was odd as well.

    But I thought it might be a glitch I had Beloved (the one doing the building ) on one computer (my faster one) and I thought that it might be a local glitch. So after trying but failing to get a guildie to come by I loaded up another character I had in the area on my other computer (second computer completely 100% separate from my first).

    I saw the shrine in the same place on my second computer as well. It was at that time I got a /loc id on the guild shrine that wasn't on my plot and posted about it. Since I didn't want to feel like an idiot posting about it if it was a bug that only affected one computer.

    As to what I deleted when it went away well let me state the entire process as it might be helpful to others:

    I planned out my entire plot everything was in the planning window but not built. Then I started to build my plot. Starting with the outside walls. After I hit "build" on a few pieces of wall and a few decorations that were sitting between the wall and the plot edge the game stuttered for a second.

    I thought that my computer was going to crash or the game was going to hang. But when the "stutter" occurred my planning window was cleared and all that now showed up on my planning window were the structures I had just built. (they were in blue as they should be for a built structure). Now the "imaginary" buildings that you put down when you plan a plot where still on the plot visible to me. But I couldn't interact with them. Then I notice a guild shrine bind stone sitting next to me. I think its odd but I'm more concerned with my plans being lost lol. I run over to the plot marker in front and re opened the plot planning window and nope still couldn't see them listed on the planning page or interact with them.

    I run up a hill and take a screen shot of the ghost structures on my plot (that I can't interact with but can see) from above in hopes I can lay it out similar to that again without an issue. Then I relog.

    When I log back in those planned ghost structures are now gone and my plot matches the planning window again. The only things on my plot / planning window are the walls and decorations I built previous to the stutter and appearance of a guild shrine bind stone. The shrine bind stone is also sitting about 5 meters (going with planning distance) off of my plot into the field behind it. It is also levitating a bit off the ground since I would guess it is actually expecting to have a floor under it.

    So now at this point I realize the stutter and the planning window messing up reminds me of the zone repops we used to get in everquest 1. Where the mobs / npcs in a zone would be taken down and then respawned. There would be a second of lag while everything was repopulated. So I'm starting to think a dev placed this thing. So I want to see if it is a bug on my end or if it can be seen by others. It was late and I had no guildies on to come and see the stone that smacked my hatchling. So I logged on an alt with a second computer (she was not in game when all the crazyness occured and they do not in anyway share world cache files). The last time I had her in Cedar's Cove it was completely normal.

    My alt (Loveless) was able to see the shrine as well. This was the point where I did a /loc on the shrine and started to post here. Since it was not a "local" error but was seen by a different character on a different computer that was not in game when the issue occured.

    So after all this (probably about 30 min) I suck it up and realize that since I only have like 5 pieces of wall actually built (plus some decorations) I should just destroy them and re plan the whole thing out again. So I delete the "built" structures. The structures that are at 0% complete and can take resources.

    I start planning my walls (which block the back part of my plot) and other structures. After maybe another 30 min I run around to the back side of my plot and the shrine isn't there anymore. So I don't know when it went away or how.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Which Dev...

    One thing I have noticed is that having the 'Add Structure' subwindow open causes horrible lag similiar to opening the knowledgebook. Once you have finished planning out your plot and are about to start the "Build" process, I recommend closing the add structure window first. Then the client comes out of its drunken stupor and behaves much better.

  6. #6

  7. #7

    Default Re: Which Dev...

    Quote Originally Posted by Raisty View Post
    (of course I'm joking but if you look close my tail scales may still be under it.. my DNA is on it!!!)
    Actually, it's still a highly contested matter as to whether scales actually contain DNA or not. >_>

    That's a purty bindstone you've got there, by the way. You shouldn't have complained; let it stay and see what havoc it wreaks when you recall! Or, better yet, recall now that they took it away?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Which Dev...

    Actualy it doesnt seem to effect anything, as I am bound to a guild shrine that no longer exsist. I just endup on an empty plot instead of wedged between the rafters of a building. Then again ,this shrine didnt fall from the sky either...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Which Dev...

    I was to afraid to bind to it so I don't know if it worked or not. =P I didn't want to have some crazy problem show up. Well more crazy then the shrine. lol

  10. #10

    Default Re: Which Dev...

    When you "bind" to an object, your client is telling the server "Please set my recall coordinates to my current location", not "Please set my recall location to the selected shrine". Thus, when the shrine you're bound at disappears, you still recall to the same place.

    Recalling to a place that doesn't have a shrine won't break anything either. It can happen when your character is copied to Blight, and does happen when you die at the arena and recall.

    As for the original oddity that started this entire thread, did anyone activate or delete a guildhouse in that community or a nearby one around the time that the shrine popped up or disappeared?

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