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Thread: It's been a long time coming...

  1. #1

    Default It's been a long time coming...

    I have not been in game for a while, but I was holding strong to the idea it was temporary... I had hoped a stable fix for Vista would have been found by now.

    I held out hope as long as possible - too long by my bank accounts standards. I am unemployed and it just does not make sense to continue to pay for something I can not play.

    (Yes, I know some of you can play on Vista and I am happy for those of you who can run it on your Vista machines.)

    I kept paying to see the game flourish, and to keep my beloved Izzon Crest (thank you Oobachumba, whereever you are) in my name and to keep the bindpoint and connie alive and useful.

    Many people contributed to Izzon Crest during many of its remodeling sessions and it was always appreciated. One person stood out amongst all, my friend Kryu - the new owner of Izzon Crest.

    I have started a thread on the Chaos forum to find an owner for the Bristugo plot. Please use that thread to discuss taking it over if you are interested. I know a couple of people contacted me in game, but I have no recollection of names at this point.

    I am saddened. Deeply.

    Horizons was my first MMO, and I have made some very dear friends because of it. I am thankful I have maintained contact with them even when I could not run my Saris butt all over Istaria.

    I don't know that I will be back. But one never knows for sure about those things, do we?

    I am going to short out my laptop crying if I don't stop soon.

    Thank you all for much enjoyment over many years.

    Please, feel free to email me anytime...

    Lex Divinia

    [email protected]
    Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional

  2. #2

    Default Re: It's been a long time coming...

    Hi Lex. Plot Builder here. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry to see you go. I totally understand your situation and don't blame you. I hope things get better for you though and wish you well.

    I know Kryu has helped you alot and definitely deserves the plot. I hope she enjoys it as much as you.

    Thank you for the bind and connie in bristugo. I hope the next owner will keep them alive.

    Bye Lex, we will miss you
    Plot Builder, Faux Rauthar, Kinto Nabora
    Mithril Council on Chaos

  3. #3

    Default Re: It's been a long time coming...

    I suppose this answers my question, before it's asked. I came back to see if there was hope, as I too have Vista and couldn't find a way to get it to run. I hoped they'd have put effort into this, and can't see why they wouldn't have supported it short of incompetence. It is sad so many people want to play, but can't.

    AKA Malloc of Dawn, ancient
    Here's to the Overlord, rest in peace.
    Keith Arlin Parkinson October 22, 1958 - October 26, 2005

  4. #4
    Member Sigi's Avatar
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    Mar 2006
    Chaos (Unity (Ice))

    Default Re: It's been a long time coming...

    This is sad
    I wish you safe travels and who knows, maybe it will lead you back, one day ..

    Hurray! Mor
    rison is back at his house near Bristugo!
    And the wisps on wis
    p isle are moving again!
    If you can't see 'em, you know you've got proper invisible runes.

  5. #5
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: It's been a long time coming...

    LexDivinia, I'm confident you'll be back. Unfortunately from what I've heard, the more Micorsoft patches Vista, the more problems they seem to create and the less actual fixing they seem to be doing. It's like the whole OS was thrown off on some wiered overGUId tangent and the Microsoft devs are lost.

    Nonetheless, as we have some very competent computer programmer players here trying to solve the vista problems (and I'm certain there are several), their efforts may lead to a solid Istarian vista patch for all who require it. Then, we'll get to see your smiling face (and squeaky black leather dress) again.

    I can't wait to have you back here. B^)
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  6. #6

    Default Re: It's been a long time coming...

    Thank you Plot and Sigi...

    Frost, it is my understanding that they ARE working on it, and there is a lot of effort being put into it. I am quite sure Rick and the rest of VI are very much aware of how many people want to play, but can't. The only case of incompetence connected with Istaria was/is EI. Ignorance of that magnitude has long term effects on any business.

    Unfortunately, the circumstances in MY life have forced me to make a decision. I started playing Horizons Feb 2004, and it was my goal and an honor to always be a part of Istaria, but it is just not going to be able to happen.
    I am not blaming Virtrium.
    I am not blaming Vista (well, kinda).
    I haven't worked since February of this year, and I still paid to keep my plots and all things I worked so hard for in the game. But it came to a point where I can't do that anymore. I am not leaving because "VI can't make it work." I am leaving because being a sentimental mush bag is draining my pocketbook.

    I love Istaria.

    I love Izzon Crest. And maybe Kryu will keep a spare room open in one of the (many) homes there for me to sleep in if I do manage to travel back that way.
    Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional

  7. #7

    Default Re: It's been a long time coming...

    Thank you! And the squeaky black leather dress thanks you too.


    I wonder how well Microsoft will do with the NEXT OS already in the works?
    Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional

  8. #8

    Default Re: It's been a long time coming...

    aww lex, best wishes that you can afford to be a sentimental mush bag much sooner rather than later, and are able to actually get in game when that time comes.
    *serves lexdivinia some delicious klava with a towel and a curtsy, for sustenance until lex can get more in istaria*

  9. #9

    Default Re: It's been a long time coming...

    Aww thats too bad, hope you can come back soon We'll keep the sunscope on for ya!
    "Close your mind to stress and pain, fight till you're no longer sane. Let not one **** cur pass by, How many of them can we make die!!"
    "March of Cambreadth" by Heather Alexander
    Drakarr Lunus dragon, Chaos 100 ADV 100 DCRA 80 LSH

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